Georgetown Game Thread... | Page 19 |

Georgetown Game Thread...

Folks, I dont believe this team has peaked, even though I may have awhile ago.
I think you mean Enema. Imodium has quite the opposite effect.

Ha, but he was replying to a post with a lot of poop listed, so no enema necessary, although they can be useful now and then.
Pick good coaches over talent. What I have done this year and I am 11-3 ATS

Maybe you can share sdome of your analysis with me as well? Im only making very small bets now to try to get back in the game.
If Hop has the same philosophy as JB then no, zero chance we should make him HC.

I'm sorry. All zone all day with zero offensive creativity while selectively recruiting is not a recipe for sustained success anymore.
I hear you but frankly given the atrocious guard play this team has nothing is going to fix the offense. The guard play is so bad that we would need to have 2 Carmelo Anthony's on this team to be able to score.
I was hoping someone else saw him, it was hilarious.

I'm glad you did/I did! That made my day... I was a minute or 2 behind you due to espn3's stream, so I was waiting to see what you were talking about. So I see Lydon make a three, and it made me like you more already, than that guy behind him was PRICELESS, and I may not have noticed wthout your heads up, so I'm giving you a sincere thanks! For once, the game thread actually enhanced my experience instead of just distracting me from the action.
Can someone cheer me up? The weekend is young

If you arent adverse to alcohol or other substances, I recommend them as a quick route. If you are, youll have to wait for another reply!!
If you arent adverse to alcohol or other substances, I recommend them as a quick route. If you are, youll have to wait for another reply!!

After posting that, i literally got up and poured a glenn livet. It will pass.
At least Gillon is going to the hoop. Frank is incapable of running the team, IMO.
I don't think frank is incapable. I think he's just messed up in the head right now. He's the same kid who was recognized as being a great passer, and who vastly improved his shot over the summer. Those two elements just aren't working up to spec at the moment, and it's mostly mental.
I don't think frank is incapable. I think he's just messed up in the head right now. He's the same kid who was recognized as being a great passer, and who vastly improved his shot over the summer. Those two elements just aren't working up to spec at the moment, and it's mostly mental.

I wish that was the case. I really do. But I just don't see it. The only reason he starts at PG next year is that we don't have anyone better. I had higher expectations for him, but at some point you have to realize he is what he is.
I'm glad you did/I did! That made my day... I was a minute or 2 behind you due to espn3's stream, so I was waiting to see what you were talking about. So I see Lydon make a three, and it made me like you more already, than that guy behind him was PRICELESS, and I may not have noticed wthout your heads up, so I'm giving you a sincere thanks! For once, the game thread actually enhanced my experience instead of just distracting me from the action.
Glad I could help, brother! We all need something to cheer us up at this point.

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