Girlfriend went to Wisconsin... What do I do | Page 2 |

Girlfriend went to Wisconsin... What do I do

Interestingly, I'm in the same boat as the OP.

Thanks for all the well-intentioned suggestions, guys! :D
Well, if she went to Wisconsin, I assume she's at least a buck-fifty, so yeah, dump her.

Ha ha ha -- it's funny because it's TRUE!

The fact that you have to ask is the question here. I think rf2044 needs to chime in on this one.

I married an Ohio State grad, and I assure you that it is going to be World War III in our household next weekend, if both teams advance. I've decided to make the sacrifice to head up to Boston to watch the game in person, thereby avoiding family strife. ; )
I don't understand what the problem is. You must clarify. Tell me. I'm a therapist (and UW graduate).

These knuckleheads won't help you. :)
Tell her that you named your testicles Louie and Bouie. That should be enough to drive her away.
Be sure you wrap your tool, dude. She gets around. (makes record rotation sound and motion). Hell, Lumberg banged her.
Well if she is a Wisconsin girl, you should probably just lock her back in the barn with a big bag of oats while the game is going on.
After reading the first post, I thought you were going to say "j/k" sometime after that. Apparently you are serious. (n)
This. Seriously, if she's gonna be a b*tch while you two are rooting for different teams, she ain't "the one". Cut your losses. Suggest making a little friendly wager with her on the game...if that goes well it'll add to the game experience for both of you, if it goes over like a fart in church - well, see above.

speaking of bets... a friend of a friend did a 1 on 1 bracket challenge last year...

she wins, he takes her to dinner.
he wins, she had to wash his truck in a bikini - pregnant.

she won. but i thought that was a classic bet. makes me want to start trying for kids in 4 or 5 months.
Tell her you'll French kiss an OrangeGirl if she wears the Badger colors for this game.
Tell her you were an Orange fan a long time before she came along and it's going to stay that way. I prefer the blunt approach.
Tell her you were an Orange fan a long time before she came along and it's going to stay that way. I prefer the blunt approach.
Yep, that was pretty much the first "ground rule" I gave my girlfriend when we started dating.
Give her the slow "balling" (aka Wisconsin) to her and then give her the fast pace transition "balling" (aka Syracuse). Tell her that Wisconsin is going to lose in all ways because the top "seed" will always find its way to slam into the hole (I mean basket) with transition balling over slow "balling"!!

Have fun!!!
And remember, if your relationship can get past this game, and things progress to marriage, let her know that September - April are pretty much a no-go
Yep, that was pretty much the first "ground rule" I gave my girlfriend when we started dating.
Same, but later on, my wife said that she didn't realize I was this fanatical.
I need some advice!

Jared, first off, I hope you are not even contemplating bringing her to the Pourhouse on Thursday! But back to your original question---since this seems to be an "issue", as Bees and a few others mentioned you most definitely must dump her! If she had any long-term potential, this wouldn't even be an issue right now so you might as well cut bait while you're young---plenty of other fish in the sea! I had the same exact situation in the '98 Tourney with my wife-to-be, as she is an Iona grad. But she was very cool about it, and we both rooted for our respective schools that day, but moved on afterwards and now been married for 13 yrs. (and since you're a still a relative youngster, you might not recall that particular tourney thriller---down 1, Marius Janulis hit a 3 with 1 second left, off an absolutely tremendous pass from underneath the hoop by Todd Burgan). And as great as it was for us that day, it had to be absolutely devastating for Iona fans.

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