"I'm drinking a lot of Budweisers after the game." | Page 7 | Syracusefan.com

"I'm drinking a lot of Budweisers after the game."

And that's another thing-- Time and place for mixed drinks. Sporting events is not one of them, Inside the venue that is. Tailgating do whatever you like but I still think beer is the go to.

You want to bring liquor to your tailgate, set up all the bottles and let people make their favorite concoction...knock yourself out.

It's not for me, but whatever. I do enjoy some shots during longer ones.

But at a neighborhood bar before a baseball game, when there's a fire sign...'capacity 75'...and there's at least 300 people in there...don't be the jackass ordering a scotch and soda.

Get your beer order in, pay cash (or open a tab, but don't put your order on a card and wait)...and get the F out the way.
Shock Top also, right? Or are they not in the 'High End Division'?
Shock Top is also in the HE group but is considered an entry level craft (like Blue Moon) for it's usually difficult for a novice beer drinker to go from a Bud Light to a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale without liking something in between first.
BTW, they're Tall Boys.

And when you get buy backs in the Bronx on Opening Day...yes, you've won, and you feel invincible.
Kaiser you just talked me into making a YS opening day
What a great thread! There is more passion when people talk about what kind of beer they enjoy than any other consumer product out there. You can go into any bar in any state and ask the customers what kind of cereal they eat, what kind of toothpaste they use or what do they like better, hamburgers or steak, you may get a response from one or two individuals. When you ask them what kind of beer they like, everyone chimes in and emphatically talks about beer and what their grandparents drank in the day. It is truly amazing and something I will never forget. Please keep in mind that everyone has favorite brews and when you work in the industry, you respect that to the max. You will never see a beerman talk down another beer but they may say one is too hoppy, light or bitter but they always respect what someone else has brewed.

Regarding Anheuser-Busch InBev...company is the global leader in beer and in the top 5 for consumer products in the world. In the US, AB has 12 breweries with one in Baldwinsville, NY and site where most of AB's innovation brews are made, along with Goose Island 312. Company has a High End Division that currently has eight craft breweries and more to follow which include: Goose Island (Chicago - Bourbon County Stout rated 100% by Beer Advocate), Blue Point (Long Island, NY - Toasted Lager is very good), Elysian (Seattle - AWESOME brews), 10 Barrel (OR - Super Hoppy IPA's), Four Peaks (AZ), Golden Road (CA), Breckenridge Brewing (CO - Vanilla Stout is excellent) and Virtue Cider (MI). All craft breweries are still run by the original brewers and have their own HE sales force selling their brews. AB mainly provides capital to increase their brewing capacity and obtain better ingredients with most of these beers being sold regionally. As far as imports are concerned, the main beers are Stella Artois, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Corona or Grupo Modelo brands (not in US), Spaten, Franziskaner, Beck's, Boddington, Tennets, Skol, Brahma and hundreds from many other countries that are not sold in the US.

Please enjoy whatever brew you drink and cheers to the Orange and Dinoball!

BTW - If ever in Chicago, look me up and we can take a Goose Island brewery tour which is always a stumbling blast!

Out this way, Ballast Point just sold for a billion dollars to one of the evil empires, haven't noticed too much of a difference yet but I'm sure the bringing your own food into the tasting room is going to get shut down fairly quickly. Wasn't aware that Elysian got bought but certainly makes sense as I've been noticing their stuff far more often than even a year ago.

You want to bring liquor to your tailgate, set up all the bottles and let people make their favorite concoction...knock yourself out.

It's not for me, but whatever. I do enjoy some shots during longer ones.

But at a neighborhood bar before a baseball game, when there's a fire sign...'capacity 75'...and there's at least 300 people in there...don't be the jackass ordering a scotch and soda.

Get your beer order in, pay cash (or open a tab, but don't put your order on a card and wait)...and get the F out the way.

If you listen to it, you must have loved Bill Burr's podcast on Thursday.
I'm a fan of Bill Burr but generally don't listen to podcasts. I assume it's just going over all the he's gotten away with somehow over the last 20 years by being a golden boy.
Even as a Pats fan I like Peyton. He manages his image VERY carefully, but I don't begrudge him that. If he's lucky he'll spend more time as a pitchman than a QB, so I get it.

The weird thing to me was how craven he was shilling product on Super Bowl Sunday. When they showed him drinking Gatorade pre-game during the SB MVP celebration I thought it was just a real moment. Nope, it was planned. It was odd when he ran to Papa John to give him a smooch right as the final gun was sounding. And that he twice mentioned drinking Budweiser post-game, even correcting himself the second time from "beer" to "Budweiser" was strange.

I like the guy but it was so odd that he felt compelled to shill so much in what might be his last game. You'd think he'd want one organic celebration but I guess not.
I love witch hunts. Especially from events that occurred 20 years ago. Burn him!

People loved the witch hunt during deflate gate. I think the point was simply to refute the idea that Peyton is the perfect gentlemen tat everyone thinks he is. Also it isn't a witch hunt as much as it is a history lesson on the time Peyton lowered his pants and pressed his balls and taint on a woman's face. lets not forget the passage in his 2007 book where he blamed he whole thing on letting women into the men's locker room.
People loved the witch hunt during deflate gate. I think the point was simply to refute the idea that Peyton is the perfect gentlemen tat everyone thinks he is. Also it isn't a witch hunt as much as it is a history lesson on the time Peyton lowered his pants and pressed his balls and taint on a woman's face. lets not forget the passage in his 2007 book where he blamed he whole thing on letting women into the men's locker room.
Ah, so basically this very important "history lesson" is revenge for deflategate from Brady fanboys? And are you honestly saying "everyone" thinks Peyton is perfect just because he can throw a ball well and has a likeable public persona? Everyone is a lot of people.

People "loved the witch hunt during deflategate" because (1) the whole thing was so absurd, and (2) people are sick and tired of Brady, Belichick and the Patriots. This situation is entirely different.

I couldn't care less about the Manning's but I always find fake outrage quite humorous.
Ah, so basically this very important "history lesson" is revenge for deflategate from Brady fanboys? And are you honestly saying "everyone" thinks Peyton is perfect just because he can throw a ball well and has a likeable public persona? Everyone is a lot of people.

People "loved the witch hunt during deflategate" because (1) the whole thing was so absurd, and (2) people are sick and tired of Brady, Belichick and the Patriots. This situation is entirely different.

I couldn't care less about the Manning's but I always find fake outrage quite humorous.

Not a revenge thing at all. Just a thought that if the witchunt was ok a year ago you cant decry it today. And the fact that you justify it for deflategate because people are sick and tired of Brady and the Patriots is no different than my assumption that most people think Peyton is a perfect gentleman. The only reason deflategate was brought up was on the notion that someone hated wit hunts. Thought deflategate was an appropriate and timely comparison.

but keep not caring about the Mannings so passionately.
As all Chargers fans know from the Eli/Rivers draft, that family is bananas - and just plain awful people. Well, Eli seemed kind of harmless - just controlled by the other two. :) Peyton's always been a douche - but he did do one of my favorite SNL clips ever, and makes some good commercials.
It amazes me that when young athletes try to exert some control over where the will work after college, people get upset.
Not a revenge thing at all. Just a thought that if the witchunt was ok a year ago you cant decry it today. And the fact that you justify it for deflategate because people are sick and tired of Brady and the Patriots is no different than my assumption that most people think Peyton is a perfect gentleman. The only reason deflategate was brought up was on the notion that someone hated wit hunts. Thought deflategate was an appropriate and timely comparison.

but keep not caring about the Mannings so passionately.
Why do you think the witch hunt was ok a year ago? And don't confuse justifying something with explaining the reasoning behind it.

The reason deflategate was brought up was because a bitter Brady fanboy is giddy that a 20 year old story about his rival has re-surfaced.
It amazes me that when young athletes try to exert some control over where the will work after college, people get upset.

Well, one, this is kind of how your industry has set itself up. If you want to go play for a different league - have at it. Nobody stops you. People relocate because of jobs all the time. If you go to college in Tennessee for industrial nano-nonsense particle time traveling robot development, and that industry is only going on in California, with a few other jobs here or there, nobody is going to care when you whine cause you didn't get a job in CNY. Anyway, that's off-topic. Nobody forces you to play football. If you want to sit out a year though and head back into the draft, it's your prerogative. You do have that option too.

My point wasn't so much that aspect of it anyway. It was mainly just all the stories coming out of San Diego were that behind the scenes those two nutballs were handling it for Eli and were just generally pretty awful. Again, Eli seemed sort of just there for the ride.
I always thought that if you're top 20 on the planet in your profession you have a lot of pull to work for who you want. And who knows what Eli was doing behind the scenes, seeming to be doing something doesn't mean jack. Peyton "seemingly" wouldn't be putting his balls on some ladys head either. I read the report, it's pretty screwed up of Peyton and Archie. But for clarity, people need to know that was written by her lawyers for the lawsuit.
I made it in. Saw what happened to Mike and dumped my bottle out (into my cup). Rookie mistake, just don't wave it around.
These pics are the gift that keeps on giving...


Thank God Capt. Blye bought my line of BS and let me stay. Ya see I had all of you in mind with this so you all could see to keep things down and low with your pouring...
Live and learn bro. Learn that other than Capt. Blye the staff at that place are first class D bags.
Why do you think the witch hunt was ok a year ago? And don't confuse justifying something with explaining the reasoning behind it.

The reason deflategate was brought up was because a bitter Brady fanboy is giddy that a 20 year old story about his rival has re-surfaced.

I don't think it was ok then And I don't actually think it is ok now. You could reference an earlier post by me that stated that I hoped Manning wouldn't get killed on the HGH thing. But I will point out that this has a whole lot more factual evidence behind it. Regardless my point was simple I thought it was ironic that someone was speaking out against the witchunt when there were crickets on this board when it came to the witchunt last year. For better or worse it was not somethings you or most others stood up against.
These pics are the gift that keeps on giving...View attachment 55525View attachment 55526
View attachment 55527
Thank God Capt. Blye bought my line of BS and let me stay. Ya see I had all of you in mind with this so you all could see to keep things down and low with your pouring...
Live and learn bro. Learn that other than Capt. Blye the staff at that place are first class D bags.
You have to transfer first to one of the 5 hour energy type bottles and you are good to go. It gets thru everytime they find one on you. Just ask my kid. He just shakes his head.

Someday I will have to give a class on a Saturday on how to use " Their rules to your advantage". There will of course be a small fee.
It amazes me that when young athletes try to exert some control over where the will work after college, people get upset.

But in order to have a successful league you need parity amongst teams or else the entire product becomes diluted. Every player can't go to New York or LA. Besides, the NFL season is only 5 months long, players can live wherever they want the rest of the year.

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