Ima Virginia Hoops Fan ... Ask me Anything | Page 9 |

Ima Virginia Hoops Fan ... Ask me Anything

1) We are not as good a defensive team as last season. A team that is sharp can beat us on slow recoveries from the hard hedge at the top of the key. I'm surprised that teams don't hit that a lot more.

2) UVA has largely been slow to start, with much more success in the last 10 minutes of the first half and into the second half. We have't lost a lot, but we can get down and if we have to rely on 3's to get back into it it's a problem. The crazy Wake comeback was an aberration. We give up 3's by design, so if you are hot there, we're in trouble.

3) Richardson. We know about Gbinjie and will have Brogdon on him, great players matched up. It's going to be about he other guys. If Richardson goes off, we could be in trouble.

Not much difference between the pack-line and 2-3. Both are designed to force long contested jumpers.

I think Lydon could be a difference maker for sure today. He's just scratching the surface, but skilled.

I think Gbinije/Cooney need to out play Brogdon/Perrantes if we are going to win.
do you ever get the bluegrass group seldom scene to play locally?
Do you know this girl?


Don't worry, you may be more liked than me right now, because I see the world differently than some and when not sober(or in a bad mood) tend to share more than some. ;) I might meet the definition of a troll at times, and am guessing to some extent, many do!

I've got much work to do to be able to match board legends like Igor though. I'm guessing you aren't familiar with him, so my next question to you is do you have any board legends who may not always be liked, and whose step is measured to a different beat?(trying to remember that quote by Thoreau or Emerson, whom I'm guessing may get paid more heed down your way nowadays than closer to their own homes, sadly). Be glad you weren't on here when we first joined the ACC and a lot of ignorance reared it's ugly head as the South was reamed worse than the Confederate flag and it's real meaning last year. I personally feel more affinity toward it than probably some Southerners who don't understand it's true meaning. I dont want to steer the thread to too serious of discussion, not that I care about being hated, but because I do actually want folks to have some haven from the depressing drivel the MSM programs our minds repeatedly with, to cause us to think negatively.

Which leads me to another question after you asnswer about your board having an Igor. Do you enjoy Bo Jangles? (the song and the chain). It's taken a reaming on here, but I made a point to get some during a very short trip to NC, and was impressed.

Do you dig what some folks on here were hoping for, to have the ACC tournament in NYC? :) Yeah, some of us want to have our cake and eat it too! Seriously though, it might be cool if folks heard a sampling of some replies to their ideas from original ACC members. You can be an ambassador of goodwill.

I also invite other UVA fans (I know there are more here), to weigh in on any of this. I dont think the OP will be offended. At times I do truly care about folks, and want y'all to feel included. I also would personally appreciate more answers to any of the questions, and am guessing the rest of the board members may as well. Have a beverage of your choice, relax, and join in people!

If anyone cares, I think I feel more of an affinity for folks from the South and from Hawaii than I do with most Americans in general. I'd rather not explain though, because at times I don't enjoy offending others.

If I really wanted to be out there, I would ask you to put in terms these folks could understand why the South disliked the North(rightfully so) for so long, but being sober doesnt lend to some of my more brave questions. I like having folks exposed to new perspectives, as Ive found it to help me grow as a person, even though I still resist it often enough myself. I would like to be an ambassador of goodwill to you though and show you some of us respect you and the culture of the old ACC(as much as I hated the 2 team conference for ages).

1) Of course we've got a handful of board posters who are weird and wrong most of the time and drive everybody crazy.

2) We all were okay with SU joining the ACC. As a matter of fact, it was supposed to happen earlier, but Virginia's Governor Warner got involved and basically forced the Virginia Tech entry instead. That pissed a lot of people off. It's about television markets, so it makes sense and I think has borne out. Good for basketball and lacrosse too.

3) Can't speak for anyone but Virginia, but we think the ACC tournament in Brooklyn would be awesome. Where do you want to go, NYC or Greensboro? Not a close call.

4) Not a fan of Bojangles the song or the chicken joint. Lee's Chicken is better, or even KFC.

5) Eh the North/South thing is just hangover from the Civil War that just carried over. It really isn't like that anymore. Maybe in the more rural areas.
Scientists say the falling in love is oxytocin or some other chemical, lasts for about 2 years, if I recall correctly. Tougher question is why do fools stay in love, in my humble opinion. Are we addicted to the Orange/Hoos?

Interesting factoid, that. 2 years? So THAT explains a lot! If any of you guys are married you know what I mean!
WahoosHoops said:
Joe Cocker. Aweaome.

Come on man, I like his cover, but you have to differ to The Beatles.
do you ever get the bluegrass group seldom scene to play locally?

They used to play down here pretty frequently are are popular. Having heard anything about them for quite a while though
Not much difference between the pack-line and 2-3. Both are designed to force long contested jumpers.

I think Lydon could be a difference maker for sure today. He's just scratching the surface, but skilled.

I think Gbinije/Cooney need to out play Brogdon/Perrantes if we are going to win.

The pack line has some 2-3 effect, but it's different. The pack line is man based, so usually we're in good rebounding position. It's not really geared to force turnovers, and other than the post trap we don't trap at all. Your traps on the outside are a concern for us
Don't worry, you may be more liked than me right now, because I see the world differently than some and when not sober(or in a bad mood) tend to share more than some. ;) I might meet the definition of a troll at times, and am guessing to some extent, many do!

I've got much work to do to be able to match board legends like Igor though. I'm guessing you aren't familiar with him, so my next question to you is do you have any board legends who may not always be liked, and whose step is measured to a different beat?(trying to remember that quote by Thoreau or Emerson, whom I'm guessing may get paid more heed down your way nowadays than closer to their own homes, sadly). Be glad you weren't on here when we first joined the ACC and a lot of ignorance reared it's ugly head as the South was reamed worse than the Confederate flag and it's real meaning last year. I personally feel more affinity toward it than probably some Southerners who don't understand it's true meaning. I dont want to steer the thread to too serious of discussion, not that I care about being hated, but because I do actually want folks to have some haven from the depressing drivel the MSM programs our minds repeatedly with, to cause us to think negatively.

Which leads me to another question after you asnswer about your board having an Igor. Do you enjoy Bo Jangles? (the song and the chain). It's taken a reaming on here, but I made a point to get some during a very short trip to NC, and was impressed.

Do you dig what some folks on here were hoping for, to have the ACC tournament in NYC? :) Yeah, some of us want to have our cake and eat it too! Seriously though, it might be cool if folks heard a sampling of some replies to their ideas from original ACC members. You can be an ambassador of goodwill.

I also invite other UVA fans (I know there are more here), to weigh in on any of this. I dont think the OP will be offended. At times I do truly care about folks, and want y'all to feel included. I also would personally appreciate more answers to any of the questions, and am guessing the rest of the board members may as well. Have a beverage of your choice, relax, and join in people!

If anyone cares, I think I feel more of an affinity for folks from the South and from Hawaii than I do with most Americans in general. I'd rather not explain though, because at times I don't enjoy offending others.

If I really wanted to be out there, I would ask you to put in terms these folks could understand why the South disliked the North(rightfully so) for so long, but being sober doesnt lend to some of my more brave questions. I like having folks exposed to new perspectives, as Ive found it to help me grow as a person, even though I still resist it often enough myself. I would like to be an ambassador of goodwill to you though and show you some of us respect you and the culture of the old ACC(as much as I hated the 2 team conference for ages).

The south disliked the north, imo, because of the numerous tariffs/taxes placed on them to, "help/primarily pay for", supplement the northern manufacturing and building of big industry. The south was the source of food for the entire nation at that time, using large plantations to produce not only for the families in the south, but also to feed those in the north and to bring trade from other countries to the fledgling United States. Southerners used many hands on the farms to produce crops, tend and mend, fight off the native American Indians. The south was poor, not stupid, as many people now seem to think. Manufacturing and industry was a fast growing machine, and outside of a few locations, very limited in the south. Trade limits/taxes imposed higher prices on the goods used to sew, plant/produce, mend & repair rather than buy new, etc etc... Those increases placed an already stifled family under even more demanding, damning hardship. Many people & families who had fought hard to finally escape the burdens and toils of their indenturedness, lost their homes/farms to the banks and became indentured once again.

Many people today feel the cause of the Civil War was the north "being anti-slavery" and the south being "pro-slavery"... The true cause of the War was the undue hardships placed on the American farmer by the BANKS and then the regulatory tariffs which drove prices beyond the abilities of the southern people to pay for their needed goods and seemed to benefit the north only in the creation of more and more manufacturing plants; thereby taking not only the money from the farmer but also the ability for the farmer to compete and earn a living wage. Manufacturing made for faster production and faster production replaced the need for hand made goods.

The hatred grew even more after the Civil War when the south was left burned, broken, forgotten and then allowed to be pillaged by the northern movement through "carpetbagging", or the influx of Northern military generals and politicians who had ample money and bank/government support into the south and the farms that were destroyed from the war. The war also gave the northern manufacturers a huge surge in the growth of the nation by allowing them to control the rebuild of the nation.
What's the confidence leve of UVA fans today?

We think we'll win, but nobody is buying into an 8 or 9 point line. If we play like we have in the past several games, we'll be fine. Our assist to field goal ratio has been ridiculously good the last couple of games. But you know, are the shots going to drop? Our weakness has been deep shooting teams that get hot, and you've got that capability. Low scoring game I think
Re Civil War, in general you're right in that the big difference was the agricultural orientation of the south vs the industrial nature of the north. The differing needs within their economies had been festering for a long time prior to industrialization though. At the constitutional convention that struggle occupied ab0ut 3 months and nearly shut the thing down. The tariffs started during the articles of confederation days, and one reason the constitutional convention was called was to address that as the nation was basically breaking down.
Look at the Capital One Director's Cup rankings of athletic programs, check yours and ours, and get back to me and we can continue

I just felt the need to respond to this.. I looked it up and Syracuse Men's has 44 points (5th place overall) to UVA's 0 points.

UVA women's has 8 more points than Syracuse women's, but our girls are playing for a spot in the final 4 tonight and our lacrosse team has a better chance of scoring points this spring.

Edit: Looked at last year's rankings, that's impressive.
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I just felt the need to respond to this.. I looked it up and Syracuse Men's has 44 points (5th place overall) to UVA's 0 points.

UVA women's has 8 more points than Syracuse women's, but our girls are playing for a spot in the final 4 tonight and our lacrosse team has a better chance of scoring points this spring.

Edit: Looked at last year's rankings, that's impressive.

LOL that's what I meant, the full year's results. We won a handful of Natty's. Now if we could figure out how to play football ...

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