Its going to be a pretty interesting season |

Its going to be a pretty interesting season


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Watching last night I came to the conclusion that this team could be anywhere from slightly better than last years squad to a very dangerous tourney team that could make a run. When you have the shooters that we apparently have if they are all hitting you look unbeatable but when they are all missing which happens you wind up with some pretty ugly losses unless you have something to counter with. It doesn't seem like this will be one of our stellar defensive clubs being thin at center and lacking a legit shot blocker. I think we will be better getting steals and run outs this season but I think the ability of Coleman and Roberson to score inside is vital to the seasons overall success. The shooters are also going to have to be willing to take the ball to the basket when things aren't falling for them. Cooney seemed to figure that out last night which is a great sign IMO. I think I am going to have to prepare myself for a few games were almost nothing falls from the outside and because of our defense and the way we will play I expect that we will give up plenty of points as well. The bright side is that ND was very successful last season with little depth and size on the front line and lots of shooting and ball handling. So it can work very well and we certainly have the pieces in place.

I'm cautiously optimistic after last night:

Malachi and Frank looked better than I expected right out of the gate. Malachi did more on the glass and pushing the ball than I expected and Frank simply looked like he belonged out there.

Coleman looked very good for guy who has really never done it consistently on the court and sat out for 2 years. I think in 10-12 games we will have a better idea of what he can offer. The great news was that he ran up and down, played a bunch of minutes and showed no pain or limping.

Mike looked ready to go.

Cooney didn't need to force shots so he didn't.

TylerR did exactly what you'd expect putting up 8 and 10 in about 25 minutes. I'm fine with him making a living offensively by running the floor and being a garbage man. I guy who can get you 9-12 points a game without running anything for them is invaluable.

TylerL looked like he will be a valuable versatile bench player that with be able to do a bit of everything. Obviously he needs to add strength but he competes and has a lot of upside.

Kaleb seems to be cast in the spark plug off the bench role. He didn't hesitate although he made mistakes and best of all he had his hands in the air and looked to be putting a lot of effort in on the defensive side of the ball.

Chino looked lost to me unfortunately. I don't care about his offense but he simply has to rebound better and move those feet on defense.
I thought the freshman looked poised and not forcing things in their first game. Plus they seemed to fit right in. Maybe our expectations aren't sky high for them, but I was very pleased with their contributions.
Watching last night I came to the conclusion that this team could be anywhere from slightly better than last years squad to a very dangerous tourney team that could make a run. When you have the shooters that we apparently have if they are all hitting you look unbeatable but when they are all missing which happens you wind up with some pretty ugly losses unless you have something to counter with. It doesn't seem like this will be one of our stellar defensive clubs being thin at center and lacking a legit shot blocker. I think we will be better getting steals and run outs this season but I think the ability of Coleman and Roberson to score inside is vital to the seasons overall success. The shooters are also going to have to be willing to take the ball to the basket when things aren't falling for them. Cooney seemed to figure that out last night which is a great sign IMO. I think I am going to have to prepare myself for a few games were almost nothing falls from the outside and because of our defense and the way we will play I expect that we will give up plenty of points as well. The bright side is that ND was very successful last season with little depth and size on the front line and lots of shooting and ball handling. So it can work very well and we certainly have the pieces in place.

I'm cautiously optimistic after last night:

Malachi and Frank looked better than I expected right out of the gate. Malachi did more on the glass and pushing the ball than I expected and Frank simply looked like he belonged out there.

Coleman looked very good for guy who has really never done it consistently on the court and sat out for 2 years. I think in 10-12 games we will have a better idea of what he can offer. The great news was that he ran up and down, played a bunch of minutes and showed no pain or limping.

Mike looked ready to go.

Cooney didn't need to force shots so he didn't.

TylerR did exactly what you'd expect putting up 8 and 10 in about 25 minutes. I'm fine with him making a living offensively by running the floor and being a garbage man. I guy who can get you 9-12 points a game without running anything for them is invaluable.

TylerL looked like he will be a valuable versatile bench player that with be able to do a bit of everything. Obviously he needs to add strength but he competes and has a lot of upside.

Kaleb seems to be cast in the spark plug off the bench role. He didn't hesitate although he made mistakes and best of all he had his hands in the air and looked to be putting a lot of effort in on the defensive side of the ball.

Chino looked lost to me unfortunately. I don't care about his offense but he simply has to rebound better and move those feet on defense.

I'm just going to say that I agree with you.

But I'm not going to say that I chastised myself from taking anything from the game last night. I'm just going to leave that part out.
I still like Frank better early on then Joseph for the kickout three. May I say though, its because Frank looks really good at it, and is ready to release a little faster. The height he got on his one three under some pressure, very encouraging.

And also would like to eat some crow because Joseph shot 2-5 and knocked down 2 straight he didn't look herky jerky or rush his spot ups. His feet were pretty spaced apart but, much more poise.
Good post. Chino still and always has looked to me like he is sliding around/ice skating out there. He has barely any lift and poor lateral movment, imo.
Good post. Chino still and always has looked to me like he is sliding around/ice skating out there. He has barely any lift and poor lateral movment, imo.
Sadly, agreed.
I came away from last night feeling like whenever DC is out during games that are at all close we'll probably need Lydon or Roberson playing the 5. ugh

(unless Chino shows me something more in the coming weeks)
Good post. Chino still and always has looked to me like he is sliding around/ice skating out there. He has barely any lift and poor lateral movment, imo.

Yeah, he is the one player that I have no hope for. Anything he brings to the table will be a bonus for me. He doesn't seem to have a strength, he's not a banger, not much athleticism from the looks of it, little offensive game...I'm going to keep hoping to be surprised.
Sadly, agreed.
I came away from last night feeling like whenever DC is out during games that are at all close we'll probably need Lydon or Roberson playing the 5. ugh

(unless Chino shows me something more in the coming weeks)

DC is the most important player we have, he is going to have to play 35 min a game, we just don't have viable options behind him.

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