Just got back from Cap One... | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Just got back from Cap One...

Taylor is probably our second best defender, and that’s awful.
One thing I noticed in this game when I was watching the media game ticker on my iPad, when we took Taylor out in the 2nd half for Q, the score was 41-48 and the next time out almost 3 minutes later the score unbelievably was 41-55. We didn’t score a point and they went on an additional 7 point run. I then looked at the game stats at that point and Q had 6 turnovers - yikes! Not good. We had 19 turnovers - 12 between Judah and Q. Uggh
Really want to see Brown develop this part of his game and a mid-range shot so that when he's got someone who's way to slow, he can pull them out from the basket, dribble past them and draw help and set up someone else. Easier said than done, I guess, but he seems to have the athleticism to do it.
Every guy that’s come through here who didnt have a midrange shot, and we hope develops a mid range shot, left without having a midrange shot. I’m not banking on it.
Quadir is easily the pg next yr. Played like garbage tonight, but he was our best player on many occasions this sesson. And Maliq cannot guard anyone bigger than him in the post
Absolutely wild people think this. He is a forward that can bring the ball up the court and make some plays either for himself in the paint or others. You need forwards capable of that. Without question not a starting PG. I’ve not understood it all year.
Good take.

It'll be addition by subtraction. Hope we clean house.

Looking forward to next year.
Burns didn't pick up fouls because Brown doesn't look to shoot or dribble and he's too fat and slow to rotate to help on anyone else. He should've probably picked up 1 or 2 offensive fouls for throwing his shoulder into Brown though.
Burns got to rest on the defensive game the entire game. Brown puts very little pressure on him to defend.
size in the paint can cut both ways. a smaller quicker dude should be able to pull mr bigstuff out of the paint and open up the middle or punish him with short jumpers . unfortunately even when we clear out inside we have 2 forwards who can't finish at the rim .
(and even if you don't like him you had to be a little impressed with the big dudes game )
I don’t think Judah would have gotten T'ed if he didn’t drop so many F bombs to the ref when explaining what happened. He lost his cool and the profanity flowed and he was shouting at the ref.
and if the stripe takes that he gets written up and doesn't move on. People act like they don't get evaluated - especially this time of year, the games are big for the stripes.
Dont understand the love Copeland gets on this board. Hes a me first showboat “hey look at me” type of player. Hes ALWAYS looking to make the flashy play instead of the smart play. Thinks hes magic johnson, plays like tragic johnson. Not a winning team first player, which is what this team is severely lacking.
Quadir is easily the pg next yr. Played like garbage tonight, but he was our best player on many occasions this sesson. And Maliq cannot guard anyone bigger than him in the post
IF Q is easily the pt guard next year, we are in serious trouble. Much too wild with the ball. No outside shot. Didn't see the comments above but I agree with them.
Dont understand the love Copeland gets on this board. Hes a me first showboat “hey look at me” type of player. Hes ALWAYS looking to make the flashy play instead of the smart play. Thinks hes magic johnson, plays like tragic johnson. Not a winning team first player, which is what this team is severely lacking.

He was chirping at Horne, no idea why.
The amount of contact Burns gets away with is insane.. Brown reaches a ton for sure, but he gets called for them 3-4 times every game. Burns bangs and fouls and jumps on backs not a call.

Judah got a couple calls, but the fouls that didnt call last night were some serious contact, Taylor had a couple as well.

I dont agree that Brown didnt make burns work.. He has to chase him up and down the lane with or without the ball.

Our biggest issue is no post pts, no simple dump down plays, unless we get a mistake on a pick n roll we dont get easy baskets down low from the offense. you need those 4-5 baskets a game and Brown can pass which would open up more lanes as well.
Absolutely wild people think this. He is a forward that can bring the ball up the court and make some plays either for himself in the paint or others. You need forwards capable of that. Without question not a starting PG. I’ve not understood it all year.
If I could combine Cope and Bell into a single 6'7" SF, we would be golden.
It sure would be fun if SU built a tough, physical team and forced refs to call fouls on us the way so many other teams do against us.

College officiating stinks. It'd be nice if we attempted to take advantage of that via roster construction. When's the last time we had 2 actual big men play together for meaningful minutes? TRob and Mookie Watkins?
It sure would be fun if SU built a tough, physical team and forced refs to call fouls on us the way so many other teams do against us.

College officiating stinks. It'd be nice if we attempted to take advantage of that via roster construction. When's the last time we had 2 actual big men play together for meaningful minutes? TRob and Mookie Watkins?
Jackson and Onuaku? Unfortunately playing two post guys at the same time really isn’t the game today.
It sure would be fun if SU built a tough, physical team and forced refs to call fouls on us the way so many other teams do against us.

College officiating stinks. It'd be nice if we attempted to take advantage of that via roster construction. When's the last time we had 2 actual big men play together for meaningful minutes? TRob and Mookie Watkins?
Arinze and slick rick
Oh, for sure, I get that. Just mean that we're always, always, kvetching about foul discrepancies. But for the most part we never play the kind of game that tends to yield foul discrepancies in our favor.

We took somewhere between 15-20 shots in the paint, and shot six free throws. I overall agree but those numbers in last night's case just don't add up.
I've been holding this most of the season but this seems a good spot to chime in. On a top 4 ACC caliber team Maliq Brown and Quadir Copeland are what they were intended to be this season...backups. I truly really like both players and of the 2, Maliq could be a good power forward if he were surrounded by a post up center, a slashing small forward, a 3 point shooter and a penetrating point guard. Maliq deserves zero criticism for how he's played this season. Quadir is a very nice 6th man. But for all the credit he has deservedly received for his enthusiasm his lack of control in his game and his emotions have been overlooked by many. Many of those who overlook Q's emotions are also the first to jump on Judah for his. Both need to mature in that area.
That said I hope most of the guys return. If we replace Hima with a portal center that can play 25+ minutes we will make a huge step forward. Last night we sorely lacked offensive rebounding (or any tbh) and shooting. I believe Freeman and Moore add those skillsets. If Judah comes back to lead this team sign me up. If not, a portal PG that can shoot will be needed.

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