Mets 2017 - Calling all Mets fans |

Mets 2017 - Calling all Mets fans


All American
Aug 25, 2011
I haven't seen a Mets thread for this year so my apologies if I've missed it.

The Mets seems to be just taking care of business this off season without too much controversy.

Here's what I am liking about this season and what I'm pretty worried about:
- The dark knight is rounding into form
- DeGrom is back
- Thor seem poised to take it to another level
- Lugo and Gsellman in year 2
- Cespedes poised for an MVP like year
- Cabrera and Walker are back
- Duda seems to be back
- Wright is already out... I know this one is a bit controversial but I think Wright is toast and the Mets needed to move on so I think they are better off that this happened now as opposed to May/June
- Familia... but can we trust him?

- Matz hurt again
- Wheeler seems to be a shell of the player we thought he was going to be
- Injuries Injuries Injuries - Lagares, Matz, Duda, Wright
- Old age: Cabrera, Duda, Grandyman
- Jay Bruce vs Conforto... I think the lack of a committed spot is going to hurt Conforto's development. Best case Bruce starts out hot and Mets flip him for relief pitching
- Familia's suspension... seems like MLB is going to try and maximize the negative impact of the suspension on the Mets by waiting till the last second to announce it
- Reed is not a closer
- Bullpen overall... I don't trust any of these guys.
- All or nothing baseball... I'm still not sure if the Mets can generate enough runs to keep their arms healthy with their homerun or nothing style of play
- terry collins... amazing player manager terrible game manager. He needs to start getting the Mets to play more aggressive ball.

My prediction is Mets win at least 90 but I think the Nets win 98.
I was going to start a met thread, I am pumped. It all comes down to the health of the rotation, if they can stay healthy I think this is a 95 win team, and we win the division. I really think Bruce is going to have a good year, its his walk year, he has a lot to play for.
One down and as SWC would say 161 to go.

My scattered thoughts:
- Tajeiron made the Mets look like little leaguers as he always does. I'm still not sure why the Braves went to the pen to start the 7th when Tajeiron was cruising
- Love cabrera at stop and Reyes at 3rd... they both made plays to rob hits that their predecessors could only dream about
- 6 runs off of no homers? I'll take it.
- Mets still need to get more hits tho... not every team will give the Mets as many free bases as the Braves did today with walks and errors.
- Cespedes just missed two homers... still a bit too all or nothing for my liking
- That was the Duda I was hoping for
- Can't say anything about Thor but that he lived up to his nickname... cy young all the way
- pissed that the Nats managed to come back... yep I'm already scoreboard watching, but i think its going to be that kind of race between the two teams
- Thor was really working to hold runners today... love it
- Flores stole a base... no really. And if he hadn't stolen a base he wouldn't have scored on that hit
- Mets still need to be more aggressive on the base paths... they are going to have to work hard to manufacture runs
- Robles was bringing the heat today

First impression... solid solid club without any real weaknesses
One down and as SWC would say 161 to go.

My scattered thoughts:
- Tajeiron made the Mets look like little leaguers as he always does. I'm still not sure why the Braves went to the pen to start the 7th when Tajeiron was cruising
- Love cabrera at stop and Reyes at 3rd... they both made plays to rob hits that their predecessors could only dream about
- 6 runs off of no homers? I'll take it.
- Mets still need to get more hits tho... not every team will give the Mets as many free bases as the Braves did today with walks and errors.
- Cespedes just missed two homers... still a bit too all or nothing for my liking
- That was the Duda I was hoping for
- Can't say anything about Thor but that he lived up to his nickname... cy young all the way
- pissed that the Nats managed to come back... yep I'm already scoreboard watching, but i think its going to be that kind of race between the two teams
- Thor was really working to hold runners today... love it
- Flores stole a base... no really. And if he hadn't stolen a base he wouldn't have scored on that hit
- Mets still need to be more aggressive on the base paths... they are going to have to work hard to manufacture runs
- Robles was bringing the heat today

First impression... solid solid club without any real weaknesses

That was my biggest takeaway. More of that, please. Hated the reliance on the home run.

I'm not a replay fan, but that sure saved the day. Not sure how the umpire missed Wilmer's slide, but if that call stood they might still be playing. (By the way, big thumbs-down to Reyes for not getting to third on the throw home. If this offense is anything like last year's, we need smarter baseball from everyone, especially a vet.)

Good job by Syndergaard pitching with discomfort. Got strikeouts when he needed to, especially after Freeman's one-out triple.

I liked the stolen bases. Baby steps, need a lot more of that.

Still don't like having to watch Cespedes loaf around in left, wish the club had gone in another direction. (Speaking of which, in what weird world does the more athletic and younger big-money guy refuse to keep playing center, leaving the 36-year-old vet to take one for the team and do his best out there? I think Granderson ought to get more praise for that and Cespedes more criticism.)

Fun Opening Day at the park, nice weather. Saw three fights on the promenade, a little surprising for a day game.
I'm not a replay fan, but that sure saved the day. Not sure how the umpire missed Wilmer's slide, but if that call stood they might still be playing. (By the way, big thumbs-down to Reyes for not getting to third on the throw home. If this offense is anything like last year's, we need smarter baseball from everyone, especially a vet.)
Not sure who the ESPN team was for the game but one of the guys actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about instead of being there of laugh lines... but anyways he was hammering the Mets for all of the baserunning opportunities they weren't taking. On the Flores play he called out Flores for looking over his shoulder instead of trusting his 3rd base coach and knowing where the outfielders were... his point was that if Flores just ran there was no way that play at the plate would have been even close. Also called out there Mets for not being alert.

I think the Mets had the to sign Cespedes for the psyche of the team and the fanbase. Just his presence in the lineup takes the pressure off of everyone else. With regards to his position I feel like most talent evaluators say he's a gold glove left fielder and average center so it sounds like they are playing to his strengths? I do agree on Grandyman... I would have been bummed if they had traded him this past offseason.
Not sure who the ESPN team was for the game but one of the guys actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about instead of being there of laugh lines... but anyways he was hammering the Mets for all of the baserunning opportunities they weren't taking. On the Flores play he called out Flores for looking over his shoulder instead of trusting his 3rd base coach and knowing where the outfielders were... his point was that if Flores just ran there was no way that play at the plate would have been even close. Also called out there Mets for not being alert.

I think the Mets had the to sign Cespedes for the psyche of the team and the fanbase. Just his presence in the lineup takes the pressure off of everyone else. With regards to his position I feel like most talent evaluators say he's a gold glove left fielder and average center so it sounds like they are playing to his strengths? I do agree on Grandyman... I would have been bummed if they had traded him this past offseason.

I'm really glad I don't have to watch it on espn, Gary,Keith, and Ron you can't go wrong. We had no choice but to sign Cespedes, the offense has been awful without him.
I have a feeling the offense is going to be a big problem this season, its home run or bust for this team.
Wow tonight was a bucket of cold water to the face. The offense returned to the form of most of last year. Reyes looks completely lost, darnaud predictably shat the bed in a big at bat, I can't believe ty fcuking Kelly was the man up in the bottom of the 10th with 2 on, I'll give Duda credit for game one but he was pretty bad tonight. On the pitching side Montero still looks like hot garbage.

I know you can't win them all but the mets can't afford to drop games games against the braves and marlins because the nats won't. Mets starters have yet to allow a run and have zero wins to show... looks a lot like a repeat of last year.
I have a feeling the offense is going to be a big problem this season, its home run or bust for this team.
What else is new... Need to get conforto out there. Darnaud is going to kill them. Reyes has looked horrible.
What else is new... Need to get conforto out there. Darnaud is going to kill them. Reyes has looked horrible.

Darno is beyond awful, I don't know why Sandy didn't try to upgrade at catcher, the guys is brutal, Matt Wieters was sitting out there, and of course the Nationals got him.
Darno is beyond awful, I don't know why Sandy didn't try to upgrade at catcher, the guys is brutal, Matt Wieters was sitting out there, and of course the Nationals got him.
Payoll. I don't think the Wilpons were willing to pay out another big contract with Bruce on the books.
Mets fans look for Noah to be distracted this year. This also happens to be a family member of mine. Which scares me. My god when I saw my cousin Alex who was a freaking good athlete at BU. She is only 23 how old is Syndergaard?
I now feel old.

Mets fans look for Noah to be distracted this year. This also happens to be a family member of mine. Which scares me. My god when I saw my cousin Alex who was a freaking good athlete at BU. She is only 23 how old is Syndergaard?
I now feel old.


I just got a text back from her I told her to make Twitter and instragram private. She said she didn't think she needed to and told me I could get Mets tickets but she knew I wasn't interested. Her moms side(my aunt) are Sox fans and her dads side are Phillies fans.
I just got a text back from her I told her to make Twitter and instragram private. She said she didn't think she needed to and told me I could get Mets tickets but she knew I wasn't interested. Her moms side(my aunt) are Sox fans and her dads side are Phillies fans.
Can you ask her how his Thor's blister is doing? I think a few Mets fans want to know :)
Mets fans look for Noah to be distracted this year. This also happens to be a family member of mine. Which scares me. My god when I saw my cousin Alex who was a freaking good athlete at BU. She is only 23 how old is Syndergaard?
I now feel old.


Thor is the least of my worries.
So my cousin did lock her twitter and Instagram up today. My aunt is freaking up in arms but Alex's father my uncle is a former college athlete at Wisconsin and had a cup of coffee with the Flyers he is loving the attention.

I highly doubt Alex has any idea of Syndegaard's blister but its pretty cool a family member is dating a potential Superstar athlete. She WAS a Phillies fan which I find funny she is a dating a Met.
So my cousin did lock her twitter and Instagram up today. My aunt is freaking up in arms but Alex's father my uncle is a former college athlete at Wisconsin and had a cup of coffee with the Flyers he is loving the attention.

I highly doubt Alex has any idea of Syndegaard's blister but its pretty cool a family member is dating a potential Superstar athlete. She WAS a Phillies fan which I find funny she is a dating a Met.
no need.

shes in a bikini on Page 3 of todays NY Post...
no need.

shes in a bikini on Page 3 of todays NY Post...
Yeah that is why aunt is pissed. I didn't know she was in the Post till after 9 this morning. There was a discussion with her cousin about her rights but I told her she was with a public figure thus good luck suing them.

Syndergaard could be my cousin-in law. The old Coop family wasn't too happy though.
Yeah that is why aunt is pissed. I didn't know she was in the Post till after 9 this morning. There was a discussion with her cousin about her rights but I told her she was with a public figure thus good luck suing them.

Syndergaard could be my cousin-in law. The old Coop family wasn't too happy though.

Pretty cool that your cousin is dating Syndergaard. A student I teach English to is supposedly dating Wilmer Flores. I can't confirm it because I have never seen pictures of them together but i don't see a reason she would lie.
Harvey looked pretty good tonight, that is a plus going forward.

The starting pitching has looked great so far. The big questions are 1) Can they all stay relatively healthy? 2) Can the offense keep up? Either of those things can sink the season, but especially number 1. They played out of their minds with a depleted staff the end of last season. I'm not sure they'll be so lucky this time around.
Way too early thoughts on wheeler. Fastball looks great but he doesn't trust his secondary pitches.

Bigger concern is Reyes. Dude looks totally lost right now. Let's hope I'm eating my words in 9 innings.
What a stinker. I can forgive the pitching... first time out for wheeler and smoker. But what is the excuse of the position players? They are so inconsistent... 1 run every other game is not going to cut it.

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