NC St Trip Report |

NC St Trip Report


Tailgate Guru
Aug 15, 2011
Just some rambling thoughts:

I got to the parking spot off West Chase Rd at 10:30am. I was one of the first folks there (maybe 40 cars beat me to it). It is pretty convenient for getting to from I-440 Blue Ridge Rd. Parking was $10. It was in the shade in a modern office park. Didn't see porta-potties. You could tailgate there but heavy boozing was frowned on. A Presbyterian Church was running the lots. The lots sold out about 75 mins before kickoff. A good deal if you are healthy enough to walk close to a mile to the stadium and wanted a more serene setting to tailgate.

I attended JackBauer's tailgate at the Vet Medicine (CVM) "free" lot. This game the "free lot" was permit only so it complicated our tailgate. It was easy to find as it was in the shadow of a huge water tower. A nice spot and glad he got their early to claim it. Thx.

The tailgate was well organized and JackBauer did a nice job getting it off to a strong start. I found as expected most of the wives have accepted their husbands' strange habit of meeting their Internet friends in various lots along the eastern seaboard. The men all "out kicked their coverage" with their ladies. CuseJuicy manned the grill for much of the tailgate. As usual way too much food, beer and fun. I guesstimate about 35 folks when I was there.

C Bomb spot on about NC St fans. They were very standoffish throughout the day. I would walk by and say hello...silence from them...they looked right through me as I walked by. Not one fan said welcome to the ACC or welcome to NCSt the whole day. Quite the difference from our interaction with Clemson. On the plus side no "mouthed off" either the whole day to contrast to UConn and Rutgirls trash.

I walked over to Backyard Bistro about 1:30pm with tomcat (Think of a slightly more upscale Tully's). It is located across the street from the stadium. The owners are from Canastota so SU was welcomed and the alumni group was there. It wasn't a mob scene but pretty busy. I heard is was much more packed with Cuse fans for the hoop game. For a future tailgate I just recommend we pre-buy reserved parking passes here and tailgate in their lot. They were charging $20 which is a good price considering you are 5 mins from the stadium gates.

The stadium was decent...reminded me of a High School stadium on Steroids. No fancy elevated ramps and such. Just a large subterranean lower bowl and exposed metal girders holding up the upper deck. The Press/VIP Box Tower was huge. Video Board was first rate. NCSt fans were respectful mostly but oddly quiet. Clemson fans stated NCSt stadium being loud was not supported from what I saw. The food was priced cheaper than the Dome. Tomcat had a Chick-fil-a Chicken Sandwich and later a BBQ sammie. Why SU Dome doesn't offer Dinosaur BBQ is a mystery to me. NCSt fans couldn't believe it when we told them the general public could buy beer in the Carrier Dome.

NCSt had an extensive tailgate scene. Large lots were filled canopies. RVs, TVs, Large SUVs, Fan Buses and such could be scene. It would put SU to shame.

Tomcat and I went in a stadium entrance on the South side and got through in 30 seconds. The main entrance had a 15-20 mins of backup for security. Don't be a lemming look around for a better entrance. The stadium was easy to navigate. Restroom lines long but not horrible but no troughs.

I'd guesstimated we had a minimum of 1500-2000 fans...I sat up in Section 9 (upper deck corner) so I didn't have a good view below me. Others thought we might of had 2000-2500 fans. A couple NCSt fans commented we traveled well. They would talk somewhat after engaging them first. Tom and I only had one guy all day come up to unsolicited to say anything all day. (He was one of the folks to be impressed with our turnout). Sadly we had one knucklehead Cuse fan get escorted out in the 2nd half by the cops. He was probably 20 rows above me. Our section was generally loud throughout and started several "Let's Go Orange" chants during the game. Very few left early.

All in all a fun day despite the drizzle and the rather bland reception from State fans.
Great report. North Carolinians are well represented by schools like NC State ... In other words, the fans there will be more like who you might find in Other parts of the state. This is not so with Duke and UNC (and maybe Wake Forest, not sure about that one.)

I think for a lot of these folks the game is a good excuse to meet up with others and have an event. I saw a bunch of folks who only traveled to the game to tailgate, they never went to the game. My coworkers confirm this. My experience in NC has been really positive, very open and inviting people, but our attending their game might be the same as my showing up to your backyard BBQ. Just my impression.
Just some rambling thoughts:

I got to the parking spot off West Chase Rd at 10:30am. I was one of the first folks there (maybe 40 cars beat me to it). It is pretty convenient for getting to from I-440 Blue Ridge Rd. Parking was $10. It was in the shade in a modern office park. Didn't see porta-potties. You could tailgate there but heavy boozing was frowned on. A Presbyterian Church was running the lots. The lots sold out about 75 mins before kickoff. A good deal if you are healthy enough to walk close to a mile to the stadium and wanted a more serene setting to tailgate.

I attended JackBauer's tailgate at the Vet Medicine (CVM) "free" lot. This game the "free lot" was permit only so it complicated our tailgate. It was easy to find as it was in the shadow of a huge water tower. A nice spot and glad he got their early to claim it. Thx.

The tailgate was well organized and JackBauer did a nice job getting it off to a strong start. I found as expected most of the wives have accepted their husbands' strange habit of meeting their Internet friends in various lots along the eastern seaboard. The men all "out kicked their coverage" with their ladies. CuseJuicy manned the grill for much of the tailgate. As usual way too much food, beer and fun. I guesstimate about 35 folks when I was there.

C Bomb spot on about NC St fans. They were very standoffish throughout the day. I would walk by and say hello...silence from them...they looked right through me as I walked by. Not one fan said welcome to the ACC or welcome to NCSt the whole day. Quite the difference from our interaction with Clemson. On the plus side no "mouthed off" either the whole day to contrast to UConn and Rutgirls trash.

I walked over to Backyard Bistro about 1:30pm with tomcat (Think of a slightly more upscale Tully's). It is located across the street from the stadium. The owners are from Canastota so SU was welcomed and the alumni group was there. It wasn't a mob scene but pretty busy. I heard is was much more packed with Cuse fans for the hoop game. For a future tailgate I just recommend we pre-buy reserved parking passes here and tailgate in their lot. They were charging $20 which is a good price considering you are 5 mins from the stadium gates.

The stadium was decent...reminded me of a High School stadium on Steroids. No fancy elevated ramps and such. Just a large subterranean lower bowl and exposed metal girders holding up the upper deck. The Press/VIP Box Tower was huge. Video Board was first rate. NCSt fans were respectful mostly but oddly quiet. Clemson fans stated NCSt stadium being loud was not supported from what I saw. The food was priced cheaper than the Dome. Tomcat had a Chick-fil-a Chicken Sandwich and later a BBQ sammie. Why SU Dome doesn't offer Dinosaur BBQ is a mystery to me. NCSt fans couldn't believe it when we told them the general public could buy beer in the Carrier Dome.

NCSt had an extensive tailgate scene. Large lots were filled canopies. RVs, TVs, Large SUVs, Fan Buses and such could be scene. It would put SU to shame.

Tomcat and I went in a stadium entrance on the South side and got through in 30 seconds. The main entrance had a 15-20 mins of backup for security. Don't be a lemming look around for a better entrance. The stadium was easy to navigate. Restroom lines long but not horrible but no troughs.

I'd guesstimated we had a minimum of 1500-2000 fans...I sat up in Section 9 (upper deck corner) so I didn't have a good view below me. Others thought we might of had 2000-2500 fans. A couple NCSt fans commented we traveled well. They would talk somewhat after engaging them first. Tom and I only had one guy all day come up to unsolicited to say anything all day. (He was one of the folks to be impressed with our turnout). Sadly we had one knucklehead Cuse fan get escorted out in the 2nd half by the cops. He was probably 20 rows above me. Our section was generally loud throughout and started several "Let's Go Orange" chants during the game. Very few left early.

All in all a fun day despite the drizzle and the rather bland reception from State fans.
Just curious. The stadium looked like there were a lot of empty seats from the TV screen. How did it appear live?
Just curious. The stadium looked like there were a lot of empty seats from the TV screen. How did it appear live?

The stadium looks full because everyone wears red and the seats in the lower bowl are red. (You listening SU?) I'd say about 15-20% of the lower bowl seats were empty. The funny thing is NCSt gives passouts and a ton of fans left to go out to tailgate at halftime. Most never returned. It kills any sort of home field advantage they have.

That said overall NCSt is a must do trip anytime it falls on a 3 day weekend...if you live in CNY you can make it down in 11 hours by car with a few quick stops. It is a nobrainer any weekend by car for those living within 5-6 hours.
North Carolinian's are great folks all around- friendly, gracious, and outgoing. I'm not too surprised by that reception from the NC Stater's though. IMO, they have an inferiority complex in relation to the other NC ACC schools. Dukies are considered carpet-baggers, Tarheels are too "siditty", and Wake Forest is too "intellectual". The NCSU fans that I've met act like they have a chip on their shoulder. Couple that w/ a general lack of athletic success compared to the others, and they can appear stand-offish or wary of "strangers".
They always act surprised when SU not only competes, but dares to BEAT them on their home turf, like we're being rude or something. They're gonna be an interesting rival fanbase for years to come, mark my words.
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Their pride was hurt when we took over their BB arena. Cuse fans were labeled worse than Maryland fans. Almost General Sherman like...they used all the Yankee stereotypes to describe our BB fans that day. Not a peep out of them about us being rude on Saturday.
You are fortunate. The fans at mooU are usually "rowdy" More Maryland and West Virginia than passionate. They have a huge inferiority complex to UNC. The average mooU fan would rather UNC lose a game than their own team win. However, their crowd is usually loud. Maybe the weather dampened the scene. The four NC schools do have distinct nuances about them. Wake Forest is the little private school with very intelligent folk and genuinely nice. For a small school BB & T field is great. Fortunately you didn't experience too badly the redneck hic with the inferior complex that is cow college. They have never lost a game. Every recorded loss is attributed to the refs in the global conspiracy of "the Man" to give Carolina and edge and keep the wulfpups down. The obnoxious, silver-spooned, unattractive, spoiled brat describes the average dookie. And continuing the stereotype, UNC is basically old-money and priviledged. Can't wait till you all visit the "Southern part of Heaven" that is Chapel Hill! GO HEELS!! Welcome to ACC!!
That's awesome. I was born and raised in Canastota. I wonder who the owners of the Backyard Bistro are? We're a tight knit community and I'd be willing to bet we know some faction of their family and/or them.
loved hearing the LGO chant on tv broadcast
That is what really struck me, you could clearly make out the LGO chant on tv, impressive! The other thing that struck me was the incessant wolf howl, good god, just horrible.
I am surprised that you found the fans standoffish. They really aren't. Maybe they werre a bit afraid of the loud mouth New Yawkers. I have always thought that NC St fans are loyal but know their place and are relatively friendly. A lot of NC St fans thought we were visiting from NY and went out of their way to show some southern hospitality. The backyard bistro is a good sports bar and it is right there. You guys would have liked the NC St complex. It really is top notch. The old staff was really friendly and I got to spend some time looking at film with their D line coach in the past. I cannot wait to get in there and visit the new staff and see if they made any changes. Were you guys at the end of the Vet lot with the 'cuse tent?
That is what really struck me, you could clearly make out the LGO chant on tv, impressive! The other thing that struck me was the incessant wolf howl, good god, just horrible.

I'm just getting my voice back today. I was doing my best to make sure we were heard. Also helped that very few left from our section.
That is what really struck me, you could clearly make out the LGO chant on tv, impressive! The other thing that struck me was the incessant wolf howl, good god, just horrible.
Agreed. Awful
And they were sucking all game, imagine if they were any good.

I've never seen 50K more indifferent people in one place in my life.
Yup. Seemed that way even on TV.
Thanks, Mark. Great write-up (from someone who definitely out-kicked his coverage). Sounds like a definite road trip next year, maybe carpool with TC or one of the Syracuse-area guys for the trip, and hang our hats at the Backyard Bistro.
Were you guys at the end of the Vet lot with the 'cuse tent?

Yes that was our group...just under the huge water tower. Seriously, not sure why but the NCSt fans were not in any mood to chat up Cuse fans or even to hurl insults. I was expecting worse after reading PackPride's take on Cuse fans from the last hoops game. Cuse fans were made out as the worst fans ever.
Yes that was our group...just under the huge water tower. Seriously, not sure why but the NCSt fans were not in any mood to chat up Cuse fans or even to hurl insults. I was expecting worse after reading PackPride's take on Cuse fans from the last hoops game. Cuse fans were made out as the worst fans ever.

We shared a cheer together! I didn't get to the hoops game. I do recall that NC St fans thought that 'cuse and the fans were rude NYers.
Trust me, the wolf howl was worse in person.

It was my girlfriends first ever college football game and after about the 30th time it went off, she just turned to me and said that the wolf howl is the most annoying thing she had ever heard and wanted to know who to talk to get it to shut up!
Yes that was our group...just under the huge water tower. Seriously, not sure why but the NCSt fans were not in any mood to chat up Cuse fans or even to hurl insults. I was expecting worse after reading PackPride's take on Cuse fans from the last hoops game. Cuse fans were made out as the worst fans ever.

A former coworker of mine epitomized what a Wolf Pack fan should be in my mind. He was a supervisor in another section and I was a just an apprentice when I first met him and had to escort him out to a site for him to conduct a test and gather a sample. As we were waiting, our chat went from our love of golf to me being from CNY and my love of SU football. His passion for Wolf Pack football was limitless, and in fact, he actually stormed the field after the "Tory Holt Game" that infamous Thursday. This was a guy who actually recalled Dee Brown's name and acknowledged how fortunate their dome win was. He didn't flame, except on his distaste for ECU, the Conference USA, and how it sucked that Big East had to take Conference USA teams like USF, Cinci and L'ville to make it a go.

Unfortunately, he was taken way too soon from this Earth and as I stood there rooting for my favorite college football team, I could not help but think how much he would have been looking forward to this game. His love of Wolf Pack football again was limitless, and was exemplified by some of his ashes were spread on the field at Carter Finley.

Now my expectations may have been skewed somewhat by expecting more fans to exactly like this most wonderful person, husband, and father. While I was not verbally insulted or physically assaulted in way, shape, or form, there was no give and take friendly banter at all. Again, I walked several miles and fully expected somebody who was barbecuing in the lot to at least give a hoot or a holler. It was odd for the current college students, young alumni, old alumni, and non alumni fans, and staff to pretty much ignore me. I think I'm pretty unassuming and not very intimidating, at least by my estimation. My friend Brian would probably have made point to come over and say "I hope Y'all like Raleigh" or something to that extent.
Wow. I had the complete opposite experience that some of you had with NC State fans. I thought they couldn't possibly have been nicer or more hospitable. We tailgated in one of the main lots near the stadium and had a steady stream of NC State fans come up to us to welcome us to Raleigh and the ACC. They all seemed genuinely interested in Syracuse, and asked lots of questions about the university and the city. Many offered us food and asked if we wanted to join their tailgates. As we were cutting through the lots (both before and after the game) not a single person shouted anything negative at us. We checked out their Wolfpack statue by the stadium, and a few offered to take our picture in front of it. We sat on the lower level sideline amongst a sea of NC State fans, and not one told us to sit down or be quiet when we cheered for S.U. After the win, many stopped to shake our hands and congratulate us on the victory (which was appreciated, although I always feel odd when people do that, since I didn't score any touchdowns). On the drive home, we even remarked on how wonderful they all were, and what a great group of fans NC State has. It was an overwhelmingly positive experience. I look forward to the next time we play @ NC State!

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