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OT: This could be fun

This is burned in my memory forever. Around 6th grade I went to my friends house after school. As we entered the house we were yelling, joking etc as young kids do. His brother was upstairs and yelled down to us to shut-up, are "you guys crazy or something?" . We of course ignored him and continued our banter. About ten minutes later, a gunshot, and the most horrific screaming I have ever heard in my entire life. It seemed like it went on for ever. My friend ran upstairs ,I stayed at the bottom of the stairs. When he opened the bedroom door I could see the mess on the bedroom ceiling. I'll stop there.
Anyway, to this day it haunts me. He could have taken us with him.
Sorry. Terrible to have that stay with you years. Still, glad he didn't take anyone else, but so tragic.
During an away match, my volunteer male wrestling assistant coach (referred by others) stated that he keeps up his stamina by being an aerobics instructor and a ... male stripper. Once I returned from the match, I had to contact the AD immediately to discuss this. Everything was dealt with and the parents were informed. Funny thing is a couple of the female parents recognized him but couldn't remember where!!! Talk about how embarrassed they were when they found out!!
In the summer of 1973 I had the good fortune to spend a summer in Peru as a foreign exchange student. I stayed in Arequipa, a large city in southern Peru, with a wealthy family of German descent. I spent a lot of time walking through the old part of the city, much of which was richly carved volcanic rock from El Misti, a volcano not far from town. It was beautiful & historic, though most of the inhabitants were poor natives of Incan descent. In the center of the city was the Plaza de las Armas, a large square with the city's cathedral as the centerpiece. It was impressive. One day I was strolling and was drawn to the square by lots of shouting and people milling about. I thought maybe it was a festival day. As it turned out, it was a student demonstration against the government and I wandered in just as the military let loose with waves of tear gas. All hell broke loose with panicked people, the horrid mist from the gas, and soldiers/police out in force. It was chaos, and I was fortunate to get away without getting trampled.

#1 I have no idea what possessed us but my 3 cousins, my sister and myself went down Stolp Ave hill from Reed Ave to Wolcott all on 1 bike. My oldest cousin Tim(age 13) steered it, we then had my sister(age 7) and myself (age 9) on the back fender , my cousin Barb (age 9) holding Tim's waist as he stood on the pedals and my other cousin Dan, 10, sitting on the handlebars. 5 kids on one little bike. A poor mailman happened to be walking towards the intersection at the bottom of the hill and I think we almost gave the poor guy a stroke. He said he was screaming the entire time we were careening and wobbling uncontrollably down the hill and then gave us a well deserved yelling at the bottom of the hill. We couldn't even hear the mailman till we stopped because we were screaming for our own lives so loudly. How we didn't kill ourselves I still don't know - God looks after fools I guess.

#2 The summer of 1971 was a bad one. My wonderful grandmother, who we lived with, passed away on July 26th. My grandmothers youngest and only living sister (my great aunt) passed away 3 weeks to the day from my grandmother, on August 16th. On September 6, 1971, 3 weeks from my great aunts death and 6 weeks to the day of his mothers death, my uncle , my grandmothers son, mothers brother, passed away suddenly at the age of 45. If that wasn't difficult enough, when they went to bury my great aunt the funeral home screwed up thinking that the empty grave next to my grandmothers' new grave was for my great aunt. I had to jump out of the 3rd funeral car to catch the funeral director, pall bearers etc before they reached the grave they had dug in the wrong place. My great aunts own immediate family didn't even know it was the wrong burial place because they lived out of town and it was me who always accompanied my grandmother, great aunt to tend graves growing up. So my great aunt's services ended up being "held" in a dank unbearably hot small smelly mausoleum they had to open up until they dug her grave later in the correct burial spot. Well the grave they inadvertently opened next to my grandmother and subsequently filled in was for my unmarried uncle who suddenly died 3 weeks later which didn't require much digging to re-open. I felt like I was living in the twilight zone.

#3. I worked in 2 hospital emergency rooms before I was 23 and saw some traumatic things (a few funny ones) that I won't repeat here.
#1 I have no idea what possessed us but my 3 cousins, my sister and myself went down Stolp Ave hill from Reed Ave to Wolcott all on 1 bike. My oldest cousin Tim(age 13) steered it, we then had my sister(age 7) and myself (age 9) on the back fender , my cousin Barb (age 9) holding Tim's waist as he stood on the pedals and my other cousin Dan, 10, sitting on the handlebars. 5 kids on one little bike. A poor mailman happened to be walking towards the intersection at the bottom of the hill and I think we almost gave the poor guy a stroke. He said he was screaming the entire time we were careening and wobbling uncontrollably down the hill and then gave us a well deserved yelling at the bottom of the hill. We couldn't even hear the mailman till we stopped because we were screaming for our own lives so loudly. How we didn't kill ourselves I still don't know - God looks after fools I guess.

#2 The summer of 1971 was a bad one. My wonderful grandmother, who we lived with, passed away on July 26th. My grandmothers youngest and only living sister (my great aunt) passed away 3 weeks to the day from my grandmother, on August 16th. On September 6, 1971, 3 weeks from my great aunts death and 6 weeks to the day of his mothers death, my uncle , my grandmothers son, mothers brother, passed away suddenly at the age of 45. If that wasn't difficult enough, when they went to bury my great aunt the funeral home screwed up thinking that the empty grave next to my grandmothers' new grave was for my great aunt. I had to jump out of the 3rd funeral car to catch the funeral director, pall bearers etc before they reached the grave they had dug in the wrong place. My great aunts own immediate family didn't even know it was the wrong burial place because they lived out of town and it was me who always accompanied my grandmother, great aunt to tend graves growing up. So my great aunt's services ended up being "held" in a dank unbearably hot small smelly mausoleum they had to open up until they dug her grave later in the correct burial spot. Well the grave they inadvertently opened next to my grandmother and subsequently filled in was for my unmarried uncle who suddenly died 3 weeks later which didn't require much digging to re-open. I felt like I was living in the twilight zone.

#3. I worked in 2 hospital emergency rooms before I was 23 and saw some traumatic things (a few funny ones) that I won't repeat here.
#2 was one of the saddest. I hate when they say these things happen in 3s. Now I know why.
So sorry for that rough year, Cheriehoop.
I was once jumping at six-mile gorge around 1987 and someone in another group who I didn't know clipped the metal pipe remnant on the way down. I saw his friends helping him up the trail and he had a good portion of his skull visible and his scalp and ear were hanging and there was lots of blood but he was conscious. I never found out anything about what happened after and I hear that place has become a very popular drinking spot now, of Giles rd.


As far as moqui and crazy redneck stuff, I once road-skied.

That is, hold onto the tailgate of a 1979 Toyota truck with boots on the pavement while it is going 60 miles an hour on Rt. 17 though Endwell.
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Exactly, yankee bat day is combustible enough when you cram 30,000 or 40,000 adrenalin-pumped fans into yankee stadium in the Bronx and feed them a lot of beer. You don't need to arm them on top of that! Every time a foul ball was hit into the stands you'd always wind up getting two drunken yahoos armed with solid wooden bats beating the crap out of each other. That was the first time I ever witnessed someone breaking someone else's nose in a fight, with all the blood streaming down their face. The best part was that neither of the two idiots wound up with the ball!
... pictures?

When I arrived, the sun was just setting and it wasn't the place to set off a camera flash.
I took my phone and snapped a couple pictures while I pretended to be reading a text message.
I got a couple decent pics: grotto, mattress room, pool and one with a bunny.
For the most part I was just trying to blend in, kinda hard being the pasty white guy in LA.

I should have brought a pair of ski goggles, cause it was a blizzard in there!
#1 I have no idea what possessed us but my 3 cousins, my sister and myself went down Stolp Ave hill from Reed Ave to Wolcott all on 1 bike. My oldest cousin Tim(age 13) steered it, we then had my sister(age 7) and myself (age 9) on the back fender , my cousin Barb (age 9) holding Tim's waist as he stood on the pedals and my other cousin Dan, 10, sitting on the handlebars. 5 kids on one little bike. A poor mailman happened to be walking towards the intersection at the bottom of the hill and I think we almost gave the poor guy a stroke. He said he was screaming the entire time we were careening and wobbling uncontrollably down the hill and then gave us a well deserved yelling at the bottom of the hill. We couldn't even hear the mailman till we stopped because we were screaming for our own lives so loudly. How we didn't kill ourselves I still don't know - God looks after fools I guess.

#2 The summer of 1971 was a bad one. My wonderful grandmother, who we lived with, passed away on July 26th. My grandmothers youngest and only living sister (my great aunt) passed away 3 weeks to the day from my grandmother, on August 16th. On September 6, 1971, 3 weeks from my great aunts death and 6 weeks to the day of his mothers death, my uncle , my grandmothers son, mothers brother, passed away suddenly at the age of 45. If that wasn't difficult enough, when they went to bury my great aunt the funeral home screwed up thinking that the empty grave next to my grandmothers' new grave was for my great aunt. I had to jump out of the 3rd funeral car to catch the funeral director, pall bearers etc before they reached the grave they had dug in the wrong place. My great aunts own immediate family didn't even know it was the wrong burial place because they lived out of town and it was me who always accompanied my grandmother, great aunt to tend graves growing up. So my great aunt's services ended up being "held" in a dank unbearably hot small smelly mausoleum they had to open up until they dug her grave later in the correct burial spot. Well the grave they inadvertently opened next to my grandmother and subsequently filled in was for my unmarried uncle who suddenly died 3 weeks later which didn't require much digging to re-open. I felt like I was living in the twilight zone.

#3. I worked in 2 hospital emergency rooms before I was 23 and saw some traumatic things (a few funny ones) that I won't repeat here.
#1 - I think I saw that on an episode of the Little Rascals

#2 - sorry for you losses; tough summer indeed
I was once jumping at six-mile gorge around 1987
I made that leap a couple of times myself, and right around the same time period, too.

That is, hold onto the tailgate of a 1979 Toyota truck with boots on the pavement while it is going 60 miles an hour on Rt. 17 though Endwell.
In the snow, right? We called it "slushing" If you did it on dry pavement, you are a bigger redneck than I was.
1- sleeping over my girlfriends house and had to pee in the middle of the night and walked in on her father taking a dump!

2-Homeless guy in Columbus circle went between 2 cars, pulls down his pants and takes a dump!

3-crazy chick sits next to me on the subway and then pulls out a needle and gives herself an insulin shot!

I'm sure I have more!
1- sleeping over my girlfriends house and had to pee in the middle of the night and walked in on her father taking a dump!

2-Homeless guy in Columbus circle went between 2 cars, pulls down his pants and takes a dump!

3-crazy chick sits next to me on the subway and then pulls out a needle and gives herself an insulin shot!

I'm sure I have more!
That's a great start.
Guilty. It was August.
my entries in the redneck olympics:
  1. used to haul a sled onto the roof of our barn and road it off the edge into the snow bank below
  2. made a cannon by cutting the tops and bottoms off of 6 soda cans and just the top off the 7th; duct taped them together, cut a little hole in the bottom of #7 and filled it with lighter fluid, loaded it with a tennis ball & lit it - tennis ball would fly close to a hundred yards at high velocity. luckily for everyone involved, it was confiscated before we could figure out how to do any real damage with it
  3. lived in a real small town with a very small police force - 4 guys. The police station had a single door. One night, my cousin and I trapped the chief of police inside by pennying the door - you put pressure on the door and stuff a few stacked pennies between the door and the jamb; makes it impossible to open. He had to call for help and was trapped inside for nearly an hour while we laughed our asses off from across the street.
my entries in the redneck olympics:
  1. used to haul a sled onto the roof of our barn and road it off the edge into the snow bank below
  2. made a cannon by cutting the tops and bottoms off of 6 soda cans and just the top off the 7th; duct taped them together, cut a little hole in the bottom of #7 and filled it with lighter fluid, loaded it with a tennis ball & lit it - tennis ball would fly close to a hundred yards at high velocity. luckily for everyone involved, it was confiscated before we could figure out how to do any real damage with it
  3. lived in a real small town with a very small police force - 4 guys. The police station had a single door. One night, my cousin and I trapped the chief of police inside by pennying the door - you put pressure on the door and stuff a few stacked pennies between the door and the jamb; makes it impossible to open. He had to call for help and was trapped inside for nearly an hour while we laughed our asses off from across the street.

HAHAHA upstate NY rednecks. I was in Tioga County you were Tomkins right?

#2 used 8 tomato paste cans with both ends openened (except the bottom one) and then duck taped them into a barrel and dumped the contents of 3 packs of blackcats into ito the bottom used some hommade flashcloth as wadding and then cannoned a golf-ball over the hills horizon.

The ball of flame that comes when you hit a can of WD40 with a .22 while three burning newspapers are next to it is pretty impressive as well

As far as the cop thing, we only had one cop in (town name retracted). The "station" was also the post-office and where I met for Boy Scouts. One night we bananad's tailpipe on the towns Dodge DIPLOMAT cop car and then a buddy sped by and we watched him pull out and stall and then not be able to start it. We also soaped his windows while he was sleeping in it once.
HAHAHA upstate NY rednecks. I was in Tioga County you were Tomkins right?

yes, Tompkins . . . I had cousins who lived in Chemung, so I know your neck of the woods (edit - looked it up after i posted this and discovered that chemung is not a part of tioga county . . . but I did used to fish owego creek, which does run through Tioga county)

#2 used 8 tomato paste cans with both ends openened (except the bottom one) and then duck taped them into a barrel and dumped the contents of 3 packs of blackcats into ito the bottom used some hommade flashcloth as wadding and then cannoned a golf-ball over the hills horizon.

The ball of flame that comes when you hit a can of WD40 with a .22 while three burning newspapers are next to it is pretty impressive as well

we could probably do a whole thread just on stuff we burned/blew up
What are the odds of White Plains Airport figuring in two stories here? And you're probably the only poster aside from me who's ever mentioned Armonk on this forum (I was born and raised there).

No kidding. Did you graduate from Byram Hills?
Whats the craziest thing you have ever bore witness to?

I can't go into details, but it involved watching an enthusiastic PeteCalvin, a donkey, at least 3 goats, a box of scorpions, a 55 gallon drum of some sort of industrial grease, several gerbils, and an inbred family of what are now apparently known as "little people". To say it was disturbing is a major understatement, but Pete seemed to really enjoy himself. This was long after he'd been brothered in and as I recall we didn't even have any pledges at the time, so it was clearly all his idea.

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