SU vs. PSU Memories |

SU vs. PSU Memories


Duos Cultores Scientia Coronat et Go Aureum
Aug 26, 2011
To me, any time SU plays PSU it reminds me of my father. My Dad grew up in a tiny little town in Western PA, and while he left the state to go to college -- he attended a small engineering school in Cleveland ohio, which eventually got absorbed by Cleveland State -- and never returned to live there, he always favored the Nittany Lions. When I attended SU, this game took on great significance between us. We had a standing bet for $1 on this game. Big spenders, I know. But it was the principle, not the money. One year I paid him off with 100 pennies glued to cardboard.

On October 19, 1985, I called him on the phone before the game. SU would finally have a team that could challenge PSU, and this was my best chance to win in a number of years. When I called him on the phone after the game, I once again had to pay up as a result of a fumble by Roland Grimes with less than a minute left in the game, allowing PSU to drive down the field and eek out a 24-20 victory. I would have to mail him another dollar.

Less than two weeks later, on November 1 he was gone.

I flew to Atlanta to try and get there before he died, but was just hours too late. The next day, flying out of Atlanta to return home to Upstate NY in advance of the funeral, my bother and I spent several hours in a bar at the Atlanta airport, watching SU defeat Pittsburgh 12 - 0 in the rain.

When I arrived home there was a card in the mail that my Dad had mailed to me a couple of days earlier.

Two years later, SU decimated PSU in the Dome, and beat the Lions in Happy Valley they following year. A couple of years after that, the rivalry was history.

I would have taken no pleasure in discussing the Sandusky/Paterno situation with my Dad, and I am certain he would have been vocally critical of PSU.

I will always detest PSU and Paterno, but a part of me will always be sentimental for this former rivalry, because it always reminds me of my father.

Go Orange!
My memories of games with Penn State.

I started following SU in the really 60's and remember beating them four times in a row from 1963-66. I wonder how many teams have done that. Floyd Little never lost to them.

The 1967 game was one of the most frustrating I've ever seen. We marched up and down the field. Rick Cassatta played like an All-American. But turnovers and penalties killed us and the game ended with a pick six by Dennis Onkotz that made it 20-29. we won every other stats, big time.

1968: We played Paterno's first unbeaten team in Happy Valley and the result was unhappy for us. Bobby Campbell who later coached at my high school alma mater, ran wild in a 12-30 defeat.

1969: We again totally out-played the Lions, who had the nation's longest winning streak, in Archbold ,taking a 14-0 lead but getting stuffed at the goal line just before halftime as Ben tried to turn it into a rout, eschewing the field goal. In the fourth quarter, series of fumbles by SU and a second chance at a two point conversion due to a penalty, (which Joel Mareiness took a very dim view of, thinking the refs might have been protecting State's winning streak), and we lost 14-15. Again, we won all the other stats. That winter, I scratched "Beat Penn State!" in the frost on my bedroom window and it stayed there until the spring.

1970: We did it., again dominating the first half but kicking a field goal to take a 17-0 lead, avoiding the late melt-down and winnign easily 24-7 among the boos for the home team in Happy Valley. With a bit of luck this could have been our 7th victory over the Lions in 8 games. How many teams have done that?

1971-86 It's all kind of the same game over and over again, with a couple of exceptions. Penn State took advantage of the two platoon era and the fact that they were a large state untiversity in a state that produces a ton of talent to out-recruit us and basically end the series as a rivalry. Rare SU highlights: taking a 14-3 lead at Penn State in 1974 before we got ground up, 0-27 the rest of the way. A wild scoring match in 1977 that ended 24-31 when the tying touchdown by SU was called back. 1985: We are running out the clock on a 20-17 win that will finally end our 14 years nightmare when Roland Grimes bobbles a hand-off and sSate marches down field to win it 20-24.

1987 The most beautiful fall day I've ever scene. Nothing could go wrong on a day like that and nothing did. It started with that 80 yarder to Rob Moore and just never stopped. Why can't we start games with plays like that anymore?

1988. At least as impressively, we did it again down there, 24-10.

1989: State re-establishes control of the series, 12-34 in the Dome.

1990: They win the "last" game 21-27, thanks in part to a fumbled kick-off.

2008: "The Express" inspired us so much we only lost 13-55 in the Dome. Thanks, G-Rob.

2009: Doug keeps it closer at 7-28. But it seemed like 87-88 had never happened.
PState was always the game. Went to my first in 63 and have not missed one since. 87 was amazing. I was at practice much of that week and SU worked on the play to RM. I remember the play well. Syracuse has the ball going left to right. Moore flanks out way right almost to the sideline. I turned to my friend and said this is the play they have been working on all week. It was a quick count and Moore turned a shoulder and a half to the center of the field the DB hesitated and he was beat. Because play action had been left the safety froze for a second and it was game on. The pass hit Rob in stride at about the other 45-40 and nobody was going to catch our future Hall of Famer. This play is without a doubt in my top 5 of all time but will always be special because i saw them practice it all week.
Great memories, guys. Thanks for sharing.

I grew up in the Syracuse area. My dad was a loyal Orange fan and brought me and my brothers to be the same. Penn State was the game we most wanted to win until JoePa threw his temper tantrum and quit playing us.

I'm glad we have started playing them again and I hope we play them regularly, though I understand we will not get them annually. Sandusky and JoePa, aside, we are still historically regional rivals going back nearly a century.
Anything that reminds you of your parents is good. I take walks with Mom and play golf with Dad. They're gone. But they aren't.

I just read your post and it brought tears to my eyes. I was also blessed with two wonderful parents.
PState was always the game. Went to my first in 63 and have not missed one since. 87 was amazing. I was at practice much of that week and SU worked on the play to RM. I remember the play well. Syracuse has the ball going left to right. Moore flanks out way right almost to the sideline. I turned to my friend and said this is the play they have been working on all week. It was a quick count and Moore turned a shoulder and a half to the center of the field the DB hesitated and he was beat. Because play action had been left the safety froze for a second and it was game on. The pass hit Rob in stride at about the other 45-40 and nobody was going to catch our future Hall of Famer. This play is without a doubt in my top 5 of all time but will always be special because i saw them practice it all week.

So many great plays in that game - it was like all the prior years of frustration and bad karma reversed themselves in a manic 60 minute tidal wave (well, maybe 45 minutes to get it to 41-0). The quick kick by Johnston, McPherson's fake pitch and waltzing in untouched (Dave Cohen's play-by-play: "And Syracuse is undressing Penn State!").
That 1987 game counts as one of the happiest moments of my life.:) As described by Coach Mac, after meeting him briefly in the hotel at the Sugar Bowl " It was a beautiful thing, wasn't it?"
I'll never forget that opening touchdown pass to Rob Moore. The Dome was the loudest I have EVER heard it! Also felt as though the whole Dome was shaking, awesome.
Pure Joy that day. The Hill was glowing
So many great plays in that game - it was like all the prior years of frustration and bad karma reversed themselves in a manic 60 minute tidal wave (well, maybe 45 minutes to get it to 41-0). The quick kick by Johnston, McPherson's fake pitch and waltzing in untouched (Dave Cohen's play-by-play: "And Syracuse is undressing Penn State!").

And Tommy Kane made the greatest catch I've ever seen.
And Tommy Kane made the greatest catch I've ever seen.

Yes! I forgot that. Absolutely iconic. All these plays are included on this video:

Couldn't find one that was PSU game specific.
I went to the 1970 PSU game in Crappy Valley. One of the best experiences I had while a student. We definitely took the crowd out of the game until they scored their only touchdown. Although this was before they started to seriously expand the stadium I would say that there was close to 60,000 in the stands. The roar from the crowd when they scored was pretty intimidating but the boys held their own to close them out. Before the game we took a ride past the Nittany Lion statue which was under heavy guard. Since my car had SU window stickers on it, we were given the "death stare" and told to keep moving.

Back then they had a highlight show on TV in State College Saturday evenings showing the big plays from that day's game. I think my room mate and I must have been one of the few people in town to watch that show! We actually stayed on campus with my room mate's cousin who was a PSU student. His girl friend (who was a Pitt student) also stayed there. A lot of good natured ribbing ensued that night!
I went to the 1970 PSU game in Crappy Valley. One of the best experiences I had while a student. We definitely took the crowd out of the game until they scored their only touchdown. Although this was before they started to seriously expand the stadium I would say that there was close to 60,000 in the stands. The roar from the crowd when they scored was pretty intimidating but the boys held their own to close them out. Before the game we took a ride past the Nittany Lion statue which was under heavy guard. Since my car had SU window stickers on it, we were given the "death stare" and told to keep moving.

Back then they had a highlight show on TV in State College Saturday evenings showing the big plays from that day's game. I think my room mate and I must have been one of the few people in town to watch that show! We actually stayed on campus with my room mate's cousin who was a PSU student. His girl friend (who was a Pitt student) also stayed there. A lot of good natured ribbing ensued that night!

Marty Januescziwicz' greatest moment for the Orange.

I think over 150 yards rushing that day.

A great win for Ben.

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