The Situation re Shafer is the Same as it was at 8 AM Today | Page 3 |

The Situation re Shafer is the Same as it was at 8 AM Today

Who would that be? I didn't say it was good or bad. Just differentiating between a "squib" and a "squib" that is driven down the field. It's pretty obvious it was the wrong choice since it didn't work. But it wasn't suppose to be one of those 20 squibbers that never leave the ground.

It's pretty obvious that it was a bad choice to do something cute at the end of the first half last week. And they tried again to do something cute at the end of the first half this week.

It was pretty obvious last week that the kicker is better at kicking the ball deep than trying something cute. And it's even more obvious this week.

That's why it was the wrong choice, not because it didn't work.
Are you suggesting we shouldn't kick the ball deep because Terrell Buckley returned a punt for a TD against us 26 years ago?

I'm starting to think maybe we shouldn't score toward the end of a half anymore or perhaps not score ever. At least not until they change the stupid rule that you have to kickoff to the other team when you score.

This board...

This coach...
joke, man, lighten up
That was FSU on the yield yesterday ,the very pinnacle of college fooyball , and they were mad because of that What loss to GTECH the week before. Their coaches chewed them up all week and it focused them. I hope that when you face a situation as daunting as HCSS did yesterday , which you will , you think of how much and with such exuberance you dumped on him.
That was FSU on the yield yesterday ,the very pinnacle of college fooyball , and they were mad because of that What loss to GTECH the week before. Their coaches chewed them up all week and it focused them. I hope that when you face a situation as daunting as HCSS did yesterday , which you will , you think of how much and with such exuberance you dumped on him.
You realize FSU sat out their Heisman trophy finalist RB, their starting C, their starting QB yesterday.
Nobody and I mean nobody outside the same fairy dust optimists each week predicted we would win yesterday. I thought the final score was fair of that game. We played like we have all year. The team didn't quit but they were who they thought I was. An improved offense but not a great offense and horrible passing D and struggled tackling a big true Fr running back.

People are ticked off rightfully so because this coach HURT his team yesterday. By not doing what about 99% of other coaches would have done by calling a TO right away with a minute left in the first half. His explanation the offense was gassed is idiotic when if that were true you let the play clock run down and then call TO give them more rest. Then the cherry on top he repeats the same call as last week and tells his kicker to squib kick the KO and gives FSU the ball at their own 42.

Our coach hurt the team. Nobody has exuberance in calling this out. Sorry you feel this guy deserves more time to make the same mistakes.
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. said by Albert Einstein
That was FSU on the yield yesterday ,the very pinnacle of college fooyball , and they were mad because of that What loss to GTECH the week before. Their coaches chewed them up all week and it focused them. I hope that when you face a situation as daunting as HCSS did yesterday , which you will , you think of how much and with such exuberance you dumped on him.

I am a Shafer supporter. No offense but he Shat the bed in the previous 4 games in very similar ways to this one to much inferior opponents to FSU. At this point I don't think the opponent matters.

And when I make bad decision at my job or at home, I expect to get dumped on by people that are observing.
That was FSU on the yield yesterday ,the very pinnacle of college fooyball , and they were mad because of that What loss to GTECH the week before. Their coaches chewed them up all week and it focused them. I hope that when you face a situation as daunting as HCSS did yesterday , which you will , you think of how much and with such exuberance you dumped on him.

I hope that I don't make my daunting situations even more daunting by making IDIOTIC decisions over the things that I can control.
You realize FSU sat out their Heisman trophy finalist RB, their starting C, their starting QB yesterday.
Nobody and I mean nobody outside the same fairy dust optimists each week predicted we would win yesterday. I thought the final score was fair of that game. We played like we have all year. The team didn't quit but they were who they thought I was. An improved offense but not a great offense and horrible passing D and struggled tackling a big true Fr running back.

People are ticked off rightfully so because this coach HURT his team yesterday. By not doing what about 99% of other coaches would have done by calling a TO right away with a minute left in the first half. His explanation the offense was gassed is idiotic when if that were true you let the play clock run down and then call TO give them more rest. Then the cherry on top he repeats the same call as last week and tells his kicker to squib kick the KO and gives FSU the ball at their own 42.

Our coach hurt the team. Nobody has exuberance in calling this out. Sorry you feel this guy deserves more time to make the same mistakes.
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. said by Albert Einstein
The back up QB is better than Goulson and the RB is another nightmare that their team has waiting 3 deep. I don't think he meant tired as in gassed , I think meant not quite focused , but who could blame guy for not using correct terminology in front of an inquisition board! He called the timeout to make sure that the FRESHMAN offense was clear on the play on all on the same page so that did not waste a down or worse , have the play blown up and get knocked back to the 10 and have less chance of scoring a TD. The kick is supposed to dribble into the corner , take as much time off the clock as possible , not end up in a guy who runs a 4.3 40's hands and maybe have them fumble picking it up a bit and make a play tackling them deep in their zone . Same as with Boyd in the Pitt game. Maybe the kicker felt terrible about last week and Shafer wanted to give him a shot to make up for it. Kicking it out of the endzone would have taken no time off the clock and with the FSU offense moving the way it was , time was a more important consideration.
The back up QB is better than Goulson and the RB is another nightmare that their team has waiting 3 deep. I don't think he meant tired as in gassed , I think meant not quite focused , but who could blame guy for not using correct terminology in front of an inquisition board! He called the timeout to make sure that the FRESHMAN offense was clear on the play on all on the same page so that did not waste a down or worse , have the play blown up and get knocked back to the 10 and have less chance of scoring a TD. The kick is supposed to dribble into the corner , take as much time off the clock as possible , not end up in a guy who runs a 4.3 40's hands and maybe have them fumble picking it up a bit and make a play tackling them deep in their zone . Same as with Boyd in the Pitt game. Maybe the kicker felt terrible about last week and Shafer wanted to give him a shot to make up for it. Kicking it out of the endzone would have taken no time off the clock and with the FSU offense moving the way it was , time was a more important consideration.

Once again, you have flat out ignored that he could've waited and let time run off the clock before taking the timeout. All problems solved.

Why are you playing dumb on the "wait to take the TO" issue?
The back up QB is better than Goulson and the RB is another nightmare that their team has waiting 3 deep. I don't think he meant tired as in gassed , I think meant not quite focused , but who could blame guy for not using correct terminology in front of an inquisition board! He called the timeout to make sure that the FRESHMAN offense was clear on the play on all on the same page so that did not waste a down or worse , have the play blown up and get knocked back to the 10 and have less chance of scoring a TD. The kick is supposed to dribble into the corner , take as much time off the clock as possible , not end up in a guy who runs a 4.3 40's hands and maybe have them fumble picking it up a bit and make a play tackling them deep in their zone . Same as with Boyd in the Pitt game. Maybe the kicker felt terrible about last week and Shafer wanted to give him a shot to make up for it. Kicking it out of the endzone would have taken no time off the clock and with the FSU offense moving the way it was , time was a more important consideration.

So he's allowed to lay into Norton on the sideline, but being held accountable for his mistakes is an "inquisition." Sad that the student athlete is held to a greater level of accountability than the coach making $1.3million a year.

As has been said multiple times, he could have called the TO after letting the clock run down. It isn't complicated. And the kick...we f***** up last week and gave up 3 points. This week we gave up 7. We handed momentum two weeks in a row late in the half after scoring touchdowns. Can't wait to see how we throw away momentum next week.
The back up QB is better than Goulson and the RB is another nightmare that their team has waiting 3 deep. I don't think he meant tired as in gassed , I think meant not quite focused , but who could blame guy for not using correct terminology in front of an inquisition board! He called the timeout to make sure that the FRESHMAN offense was clear on the play on all on the same page so that did not waste a down or worse , have the play blown up and get knocked back to the 10 and have less chance of scoring a TD. The kick is supposed to dribble into the corner , take as much time off the clock as possible , not end up in a guy who runs a 4.3 40's hands and maybe have them fumble picking it up a bit and make a play tackling them deep in their zone . Same as with Boyd in the Pitt game. Maybe the kicker felt terrible about last week and Shafer wanted to give him a shot to make up for it. Kicking it out of the endzone would have taken no time off the clock and with the FSU offense moving the way it was , time was a more important consideration.
First off I trust Jimbo Fisher over you in determining who is the better FSU QB. Fisher started Golson over Maguire thus I believe he knows who is better.

Second you are seriously going to defend SS usage of the TO still? Even if the team was confused let the clock run down and then call TO. How hard would it have been to signal for the team to huddle and let seconds burn off or force FSU to use a TO. I mean seriously are you still defending this stupidity. McDonough destroyed him on the broadcast and Speilman was laughing about it because he knew he McDonough cared about SU some much and how coach blundered.

There is no rational defense for why we called that TO as fast as we did.

Third, you say the squib kick is burn more time off that clock. You realize the clock doesn't start till the kick is touched right? If we squib it down to the 20 no more time is burned till an FSU player touches it. If SS wanted to keep the ball out of the FSU returners hands either kick the ball threw the endzone and give them the ball at the 25 or kick the ball out of bounds and give them the ball at the 35. This squib kick crap is stupid as FSU wasn't killing us on KOs and we gave them at the 42.

Time was not an important consideration OR WE WOULDN'T HAVE FREAKING LEFT THEM 55 SECONDS TO BEGIN WITH. If time were an important consideration SS is even dumber than you think because he was one who left FSU all that time by using his TO right away after first down.
Once again, you have flat out ignored that he could've waited and let time run off the clock before taking the timeout. All problems solved.

Why are you playing dumb on the "wait to take the TO" issue?
The better question is why is he saying time was important consideration for the squib kick. That makes ABSOLUTELY no sense when there were 55 seconds on the clock and FSU has an All-American kicker. Hooray we took 5 seconds off by squib kicking and giving you an extra 10 yards.
So why not do it every time?

The squib should only be used when there's not enough time for the offense to do anything and a long return is the only thing that can hurt you.

Clearly we left way too much time(because of the stupid timeout) for FSU against our defense, so we shouldn't have squibbed.

That whole sequence was amazing, in a bad way.

Unless, you're Duke this morning. ;);)
First off I trust Jimbo Fisher over you in determining who is the better FSU QB. Fisher started Golson over Maguire thus I believe he knows who is better.

Second you are seriously going to defend SS usage of the TO still? Even if the team was confused let the clock run down and then call TO. How hard would it have been to signal for the team to huddle and let seconds burn off or force FSU to use a TO. I mean seriously are you still defending this stupidity. McDonough destroyed him on the broadcast and Speilman was laughing about it because he knew he McDonough cared about SU some much and how coach blundered.

There is no rational defense for why we called that TO as fast as we did.

Third, you say the squib kick is burn more time off that clock. You realize the clock doesn't start till the kick is touched right? If we squib it down to the 20 no more time is burned till an FSU player touches it. If SS wanted to keep the ball out of the FSU returners hands either kick the ball threw the endzone and give them the ball at the 25 or kick the ball out of bounds and give them the ball at the 35. This squib kick crap is stupid as FSU wasn't killing us on KOs and we gave them at the 42.

Time was not an important consideration OR WE WOULDN'T HAVE FREAKING LEFT THEM 55 SECONDS TO BEGIN WITH. If time were an important consideration SS is even dumber than you think because he was one who left FSU all that time by using his TO right away after first down.
Golson has never and will never make the kinds of throws that Maguire made yesterday. Havn't you ever seen a squib kick used successfully , it can be an effective play . You guys don't want to here any dissenting logic , you just want Scott fired . That's fine , just say it with conviction and stop trying to make arguements , which have two sides , to justify it.
Golson has never and will never make the kinds of throws that Maguire made yesterday. Havn't you ever seen a squib kick used successfully , it can be an effective play . You guys don't want to here any dissenting logic , you just want Scott fired . That's fine , just say it with conviction and stop trying to make arguements , which have two sides , to justify it.
Do you research before you post? Golson destroyed US last year. Please don't tell me about squib kicks. The only time to squib kick is when there are under 10 seconds in a half. I want to hear actual dissenting logic. You have not provided actual dissenting logic you have provided pro-SS spin.
How was that Golson pass? Did Maguire copy that well?
Do you research before you post? Golson destroyed US last year. Please don't tell me about squib kicks. The only time to squib kick is when there are under 10 seconds in a half. I want to hear actual dissenting logic. You have not provided actual dissenting logic you have provided pro-SS spin.
When they got to the 1 yard line , the most important consideration at that point was teaching the young offense how to put the ball in the end zone . That is all . Everything subsequent did not matter and would be dealt with in situa. Did you really believe they could win that game , did you hear your man Spielman talk about the missed calls by the refs . Scott and every player on the team could see it , they just can't say anything about .
The kick he called for has a lower possibility for a long return.

Kicking the ball deep or out of the end zone has a lower possibility of ANY return.

The irony is that a similar decision F'ed us during the Pitt game. And on top of that one, Norton tacked on a 15 yard late hit. Why would he go back to that well again?
When they got to the 1 yard line , the most important consideration at that point was teaching the young offense how to put the ball in the end zone . That is all . Everything subsequent did not matter and would be dealt with in situa. Did you really believe they could win that game , did you hear your man Spielman talk about the missed calls by the refs . Scott and every player on the team could see it , they just can't say anything about .

Right, and that couldn't have been done after running 30 seconds off the clock so the young team could go into halftime knowing what it's like to be in a close game with Florida State on the road?

So ridiculous. Where do these people come from?
Like all of you, I'm greatly discouraged by our play in a number of areas and in some coaching decisions. We've had a lot of opportunities to win and not performed well in the clutch, physically or mentally. We've left wins on the field. In the end, Coyle has tough decisions to make and I wish him the best. He's ultimately responsible for the program and is a smart guy. I tend to side with stability & continuity as a lot of energy is consumed by significant organizational change, but the dynamic is complex. The dome renovation adds a layer of complexity but think we have strong people as AD and Chancellor who will make good decisions or at least make their decisions work. I'm bullish on the team, but more bullish on Syverud and Coyle. They're the team we really need to perform well as the repercussions of their decisions are huge. I don't think we'll see them act rashly and think they'll give themselves some time to evaluate options. I'll be good with whatever they decide. I believe that we'll be better off 4 years from now whatever they choose to do. I hope I'm right.
Like all of you, I'm greatly discouraged by our play in a number of areas and in some coaching decisions. We've had a lot of opportunities to win and not performed well in the clutch, physically or mentally. We've left wins on the field. In the end, Coyle has tough decisions to make and I wish him the best. He's ultimately responsible for the program and is a smart guy. I tend to side with stability & continuity as a lot of energy is consumed by significant organizational change, but the dynamic is complex. The dome renovation adds a layer of complexity but think we have strong people as AD and Chancellor who will make good decisions or at least make their decisions work. I'm bullish on the team, but more bullish on Syverud and Coyle. They're the team we really need to perform well as the repercussions of their decisions are huge. I don't think we'll see them act rashly and think they'll give themselves some time to evaluate options. I'll be good with whatever they decide. I believe that we'll be better off 4 years from now whatever they choose to do. I hope I'm right.

Really good post. I'll be good with that as well. As long as "buying out his contract is too expensive " is not part of the equation. Please invest in the program - if you build it, the fans will come.

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