The thrill is gone |

The thrill is gone


All Conference
Aug 16, 2011
My worst fears from a few seasons ago have materialized. I have become completely indifferent and disconnected from this program.

I was a daily poster on this site. I watched the practice vids, kept track of recruiting and dissected player/coach comments for clues on the team. I mocked Rutgers and UCant, as did most of you. But season after season of mediocrity, coach-speak and stagnation have simply drained my interest.

I know some will say "good riddance" or that i'm not a "real fan". And to be honest, maybe there is truth in that. But i was as fervent a supporter of the football program as there was. Unfortunately, the passion is gone and i've been unable to rekindle that excitement for what appears to be another season of (hopefully) 6-6 ball.
My worst fears from a few seasons ago have materialized. I have become completely indifferent and disconnected from this program.

I was a daily poster on this site. I watched the practice vids, kept track of recruiting and dissected player/coach comments for clues on the team. I mocked Rutgers and UCant, as did most of you. But season after season of mediocrity, coach-speak and stagnation have simply drained my interest.

I know some will say "good riddance" or that i'm not a "real fan". And to be honest, maybe there is truth in that. But i was as fervent a supporter of the football program as there was. Unfortunately, the passion is gone and i've been unable to rekindle that excitement for what appears to be another season of (hopefully) 6-6 ball.

Buck up soldier, better days on the horizon!
My worst fears from a few seasons ago have materialized. I have become completely indifferent and disconnected from this program.

I was a daily poster on this site. I watched the practice vids, kept track of recruiting and dissected player/coach comments for clues on the team. I mocked Rutgers and UCant, as did most of you. But season after season of mediocrity, coach-speak and stagnation have simply drained my interest.

I know some will say "good riddance" or that i'm not a "real fan". And to be honest, maybe there is truth in that. But i was as fervent a supporter of the football program as there was. Unfortunately, the passion is gone and i've been unable to rekindle that excitement for what appears to be another season of (hopefully) 6-6 ball.
You're not alone. I know a few like you.
My worst fears from a few seasons ago have materialized. I have become completely indifferent and disconnected from this program.

I was a daily poster on this site. I watched the practice vids, kept track of recruiting and dissected player/coach comments for clues on the team. I mocked Rutgers and UCant, as did most of you. But season after season of mediocrity, coach-speak and stagnation have simply drained my interest.

I know some will say "good riddance" or that i'm not a "real fan". And to be honest, maybe there is truth in that. But i was as fervent a supporter of the football program as there was. Unfortunately, the passion is gone and i've been unable to rekindle that excitement for what appears to be another season of (hopefully) 6-6 ball.
I mean... if you still care enough to post at this point there's still an ember burning. Will be glad when the team has shown you, and many others, enough to get fired up again. A 3-0 start would at least warrent your attention again, no?
My worst fears from a few seasons ago have materialized. I have become completely indifferent and disconnected from this program.

I was a daily poster on this site. I watched the practice vids, kept track of recruiting and dissected player/coach comments for clues on the team. I mocked Rutgers and UCant, as did most of you. But season after season of mediocrity, coach-speak and stagnation have simply drained my interest.

I know some will say "good riddance" or that i'm not a "real fan". And to be honest, maybe there is truth in that. But i was as fervent a supporter of the football program as there was. Unfortunately, the passion is gone and i've been unable to rekindle that excitement for what appears to be another season of (hopefully) 6-6 ball.
My worst fears from a few seasons ago have materialized. I have become completely indifferent and disconnected from this program.

I was a daily poster on this site. I watched the practice vids, kept track of recruiting and dissected player/coach comments for clues on the team. I mocked Rutgers and UCant, as did most of you. But season after season of mediocrity, coach-speak and stagnation have simply drained my interest.

I know some will say "good riddance" or that i'm not a "real fan". And to be honest, maybe there is truth in that. But i was as fervent a supporter of the football program as there was. Unfortunately, the passion is gone and i've been unable to rekindle that excitement for what appears to be another season of (hopefully) 6-6 ball.

Im honored that this will be my 1,500 post to address your post.

Personally, I cannot wait for this season to start. Nothing more thrilling to me when the team comes out, especially the first AND the last game, and I'm standing up cheering them on. Then the 1st kickoff of the season - what will they look like, have they improved, has the play calling gotten better, who are the playmakers, are the OL & DL winning the battles in the trenches, how are the redshirts playing in their first game. On and on and on...(and I've even taken up counting Tubas because of SUTomcat)!

It is a da$n shame you can't get pumped up. While it is easy to be an fan when the team wins over and over again, true fans keep the faith and sit their butts in those seats and cheer on their team. If not SU mr. 44Pride, then what college team are you going to root for - Alabama - they can kiss my a$$ for all I care. I went to every Grob game and I'm still here - more pumped than ever.

So my advice - you need to shake off your Debbie Downer syndrome and start taking PRIDE again in the number 44!
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it's a fair take especially when the team has done nothing over the past 14 years or so to make you think they are a top 25 program. The 2010/2012 editions were at best pretty decent teams but we haven't smelt real success since the day Dwight Freeney left. For such a historic program as SU, this will ultimately weigh on the fans b/c of the expectations. It's hard to really put this malaise into perspective with other like minded programs. I don't know of any other program that has gone through such a run of mediocrity (at best) and utter failure.

So I hear you. I'm a masochist so i'm sticking around and will continue rooting because i'm an optimist that this will turn around ultimately.
Personally i think there is value to the valleys. Our lacrosse program is a perfect example. They are the most dominant program in the sport, more so than Alabama in football. We don't always have national championship years...yet they are ALWAYS exciting to watch. I tend to find it easier to cheer for the kids almost more than the program in a way...its hard sometimes to remember these are kids out there putting their blood, sweat and tears into every game. To me it is fun to see new kids roll in, even new coaches and new schemes. If everything in life was the pinnacle of enjoyment then life would be boring. We should all embrace the fact that we are a storied program for ALL major sports...and expect that anything can happen in a season. I realize we have hit a low streak in football which is frustrating...but it's like dating...we should enjoy the good times and learn from the bad. I just realized this post goes in about 900 directions haha.
My worst fears from a few seasons ago have materialized. I have become completely indifferent and disconnected from this program.

I was a daily poster on this site. I watched the practice vids, kept track of recruiting and dissected player/coach comments for clues on the team. I mocked Rutgers and UCant, as did most of you. But season after season of mediocrity, coach-speak and stagnation have simply drained my interest.

I know some will say "good riddance" or that i'm not a "real fan". And to be honest, maybe there is truth in that. But i was as fervent a supporter of the football program as there was. Unfortunately, the passion is gone and i've been unable to rekindle that excitement for what appears to be another season of (hopefully) 6-6 ball.
Check back in around the spring game. You'll be juicing again.
My worst fears from a few seasons ago have materialized. I have become completely indifferent and disconnected from this program.

I was a daily poster on this site. I watched the practice vids, kept track of recruiting and dissected player/coach comments for clues on the team. I mocked Rutgers and UCant, as did most of you. But season after season of mediocrity, coach-speak and stagnation have simply drained my interest.

I know some will say "good riddance" or that i'm not a "real fan". And to be honest, maybe there is truth in that. But i was as fervent a supporter of the football program as there was. Unfortunately, the passion is gone and i've been unable to rekindle that excitement for what appears to be another season of (hopefully) 6-6 ball.
I feel like that at the end of the season.....but by spring ball I'm always ready to go, can't explain why, Its just part of my life and always will be un til they they trow dirt on me.
My worst fears from a few seasons ago have materialized. I have become completely indifferent and disconnected from this program.

I was a daily poster on this site. I watched the practice vids, kept track of recruiting and dissected player/coach comments for clues on the team. I mocked Rutgers and UCant, as did most of you. But season after season of mediocrity, coach-speak and stagnation have simply drained my interest.

I know some will say "good riddance" or that i'm not a "real fan". And to be honest, maybe there is truth in that. But i was as fervent a supporter of the football program as there was. Unfortunately, the passion is gone and i've been unable to rekindle that excitement for what appears to be another season of (hopefully) 6-6 ball.
you're here bro, you've got a lot of posts and you WILL BE BACK. As for the negative posts in response F them. You'd have to be delusional NOT to have concerns and feel what you wrote.

Can relate 100% though to what you post and here's the bottom line. Short of the new under the radar bama recruit we got being the second coming of Michael Vick, it is hightly doubtful we will ever be great again (translation top 10 going for another NC in the football FF). But we can be good to very good again (translation top 25 half the time with a random upset or two of a top 10 team here and there).

Given the new landscape of college football with all it's well known challenges weface here this is reality I believe. I agree that all the coach speak, hoping, optomism, orange colored glass looking to the past can be exhausting. And self defeating. But this all part of being a "fan" of anything. Age and getting older with all lifes other conflictions and important distractions contribute too so we may never have the youthful passion to the degree that was once there....

BUT I'm here to tell you that if you're here you've got too much invested, too much important family and friend history associated with it all such that it will never leave you completely and will always, at the very least, be bubbling under the surface.

And with the new IPF, better recruiting, stable coaching it's not out of the realm that the fortunes will be improving to the level I mentioned in the next year or two such that it will rise to the surface again as will the passion for it all once more.

From my keyboard to Gods ears.....hang in.

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