VT-NC State Game Moved | Syracusefan.com

VT-NC State Game Moved

North Carolina colleges are a mess right now, more news to come this week.
Season or not, at the very least they should have pushed back until the 26th like the SEC. More time the better. That still leaves a week or so later on as wiggle room for cancellations as well.
Because the conference cannot get it right. This appears to be the primary concern of the su players. They are comfortable with su protocol and have been told the other schools have to follow the same procedures. That clearly is not happening and a primary reason the season will either completely be canceled or a number of players opt out.
Hang up the season already.
Probably right , if they are serious about getting season they have to learn from MLS, MLBand others. Have to be flexible and prepare for stumbling blocks, even the folding of a team. But it still seems a long shot even though with 17 days I would say not as long as a week ago.
What is it with those guys down there? Why can't they get their stuff together? There's really no secret to what we are doing in NY
This. Southern states with beaches seem to be having their difficulties. Go figure.
My sister lives in Raleigh. They basically only "shut down" for 2 weeks back in May. The quotes are because shutting down to them was bars closed and restaurants at 50% and marginal mask wearing. Meanwhile, in Vermont, we're still only 50% restaurant capacity and masks are mandatory in public.
Positive tests doesn't mean they are disregarding the conference guidelines.

It means the schools have wildly different procedures if Cuse has zero tests and NC State has to move a game! If this happens to 3-4 more teams like this the ACC will be forced to cancel season.
Because, IMO, the entire effort comes across as a slapdash, willy-nilly keystone cops mess. There is little wiggle room to make it work, including the ability to slide games. If we're already diverging from the "happy path" at this stage, I don't think it will work. We'll get partway through, the schedule will have slipped so much in so many places that we're still trying to do make-up games in January, and the season will end with some teams not having played all their games. Playoff? Yeah, right.

What happens when a team chooses to boycott a game because of safety concerns?

I do see this a potential strategic leverage point for Wildhack to wrest some control from the NC mafia
What is it with those guys down there? Why can't they get their stuff together? There's really no secret to what we are doing in NY
1 word - Willingness

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