Being alive and relatively healthy, at least on the material plane(and an awareness there is likely more that I haven't fully perceived and need to work on improving)
My relative freedom of body, and growing freedom of the non-physical
"God", or whatever force/system/energy that is out there/part of me and has saved my life(or at least played a part) more than once in what some have labeled "miracles"
Being paralyzed, so I could appreciate walking and hand-use when it was over
My family
The internet, that has allowed me to access information that would have been much harder to come by in the past, if likely to be found at all
forum, the
people in it, the
team and
staff who inspire it, and their
Alcohol, and anything else(situations, conditions) that allow me to view things in a different way
The things that I have NOT been able to have in my life, sometimes inexplicably, which have caused me great anguish, as described in the song "Epic" by Faith No More
Why be grateful for lack? Because I think unless I totally give up(which I guess
could be the right way to go, more of a Buddhist thought) wanting them, I may be forced out of my sarcophagus of fear and inertia and possibly be of great value to the world when I escape my mental prison instead of doing these recreational activities in the courtyard.
Realizing more and more how the "as above, so below" works, regardless if it took me so long to understand.
Good friends I've had, good friends I've lost along the way, including some family dogs that were more like family.
Relative peace and stability and not living in (constant) state sponsored terror(funded by our tax dollars, due to the largest lobbyist group in the US, AIPAC) like the refugees in PALESTINE. Having the freedom to
say that when the dominant media, for obvious reasons won't. Having the BALLS to say that when I know the demographics here. End
apartheid now, you sick Rothschild mother****ers. Having a congresswoman willing to be imprisoned there for being on a freedom flotilla bring the basic necessities of life to people who in some villages have had their
electricity and
running water cut off by the occupying force. Imagine, I wonder if you can? I wonder what takes up our hours so that we forget these people, and the
golden rule? The student, Rachel Corrie, willing to stand in front of a bulldozer as the legal owners were having their homes destroyed. Rachel wasn't shown on US news being run over(and then backed over for good measure...youtube her name) like the girl in tiananmen square was. Maybe because the
Chinese don't control our news... The time to remain silent for fear of lateral reproach is coming to an end. Remember the poem about the Nazis coming after each group. I'm grateful to those who speak out for those not represented in the media, instead of those who raise money for the media's pet projects. “
It does not take a majority to prevail. but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” -Samuel Adams
John Lennon's song Imagine, and more timely, Happy Christmas/War Is Over (So
this is Christmas,
and what have you done?) I support the TROOPS and their FAMILIES and our COMMUNITIES, but not unnecessary, unconstitutional, bankrupting wars.
Cui bono? (hint, along with many people getting their pockets greased, look up^) This is why dual citizenship in government is illegal, except for the one exception which goes out of its way to prove why our founding fathers prohibited it.
2 Presidents and a senate so fraudulent that even some "not so young" Americans are starting to see through the
illusion of choice. Power becomes more
central, just in different ways depending on who is in apparent control.
Pink Floyd, The Doors, Pearl Jam, GNR, REM, etc, etc, that have helped me think and know others can relate when I had some of the more difficult times.
Foods that aren't GMO and animals that aren't raised in unnatural ways.
Kosher food.
Enough money to help those who are even less fortunate.
Hard times to help with growth, as well as to help appreciate other times that may not get their due otherwise.
People who
disagree with me, to varying degrees, as there generally is something to be learned.
The times when I know when to say when(and am able to do so).
The people who actually read all(or most of this), regardless of their reason. May God bless
all of us and I wish you a merry Christmas and/or whatever holidays you choose to celebrate, if any. I think the subject of
this holiday would prefer us to have this "spirit" of kindness year round, instead of confined to a holiday by whatever spirits rule us the rest of the year. You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.