1st Annual Syracusefan.com Airing of Blessings | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

1st Annual Syracusefan.com Airing of Blessings

Its a shame this thread is so short compared to the greivences one. Also some of you guys are way deeper and more introspective than me.

I'm thankful for all the normal stuff but most of all I'm thankful that I was born with the mentality of enjoying things as they come. I see and work with so many bah humbug, glass is completely empty woo is me types. We all have challenges and vices and I very thankful that I have never had a problem setting them aside to be able to enjoy the good things on my plate.
Good Health
A job that gives me a good check to live the life that I want
Scholarship Offers (#Blessed)
The many more memories to come into my life!

EDIT (Can't believe I forgot this)

tee1222 for almost getting me to a 1:1 like/post ratio
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Being alive and relatively healthy, at least on the material plane(and an awareness there is likely more that I haven't fully perceived and need to work on improving)

My relative freedom of body, and growing freedom of the non-physical

"God", or whatever force/system/energy that is out there/part of me and has saved my life(or at least played a part) more than once in what some have labeled "miracles"

Being paralyzed, so I could appreciate walking and hand-use when it was over

My family

The internet, that has allowed me to access information that would have been much harder to come by in the past, if likely to be found at all

This forum, the people in it, the team and staff who inspire it, and their competition

Alcohol, and anything else(situations, conditions) that allow me to view things in a different way

The things that I have NOT been able to have in my life, sometimes inexplicably, which have caused me great anguish, as described in the song "Epic" by Faith No More

Why be grateful for lack? Because I think unless I totally give up(which I guess could be the right way to go, more of a Buddhist thought) wanting them, I may be forced out of my sarcophagus of fear and inertia and possibly be of great value to the world when I escape my mental prison instead of doing these recreational activities in the courtyard.

Realizing more and more how the "as above, so below" works, regardless if it took me so long to understand.

Good friends I've had, good friends I've lost along the way, including some family dogs that were more like family.

Relative peace and stability and not living in (constant) state sponsored terror(funded by our tax dollars, due to the largest lobbyist group in the US, AIPAC) like the refugees in PALESTINE. Having the freedom to say that when the dominant media, for obvious reasons won't. Having the BALLS to say that when I know the demographics here. End apartheid now, you sick Rothschild mother****ers. Having a congresswoman willing to be imprisoned there for being on a freedom flotilla bring the basic necessities of life to people who in some villages have had their electricity and running water cut off by the occupying force. Imagine, I wonder if you can? I wonder what takes up our hours so that we forget these people, and the golden rule? The student, Rachel Corrie, willing to stand in front of a bulldozer as the legal owners were having their homes destroyed. Rachel wasn't shown on US news being run over(and then backed over for good measure...youtube her name) like the girl in tiananmen square was. Maybe because the Chinese don't control our news... The time to remain silent for fear of lateral reproach is coming to an end. Remember the poem about the Nazis coming after each group. I'm grateful to those who speak out for those not represented in the media, instead of those who raise money for the media's pet projects. “It does not take a majority to prevail. but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” -Samuel Adams

John Lennon's song Imagine, and more timely, Happy Christmas/War Is Over (So this is Christmas, and what have you done?) I support the TROOPS and their FAMILIES and our COMMUNITIES, but not unnecessary, unconstitutional, bankrupting wars. Cui bono? (hint, along with many people getting their pockets greased, look up^) This is why dual citizenship in government is illegal, except for the one exception which goes out of its way to prove why our founding fathers prohibited it.

2 Presidents and a senate so fraudulent that even some "not so young" Americans are starting to see through the illusion of choice. Power becomes more central, just in different ways depending on who is in apparent control.

Pink Floyd, The Doors, Pearl Jam, GNR, REM, etc, etc, that have helped me think and know others can relate when I had some of the more difficult times.

Foods that aren't GMO and animals that aren't raised in unnatural ways.

Kosher food.

Enough money to help those who are even less fortunate.

Hard times to help with growth, as well as to help appreciate other times that may not get their due otherwise.

People who disagree with me, to varying degrees, as there generally is something to be learned.

The times when I know when to say when(and am able to do so).

The people who actually read all(or most of this), regardless of their reason. May God bless all of us and I wish you a merry Christmas and/or whatever holidays you choose to celebrate, if any. I think the subject of this holiday would prefer us to have this "spirit" of kindness year round, instead of confined to a holiday by whatever spirits rule us the rest of the year. You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
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What little is left of our Constitution, individual freedom and liberty that allowed so many of us to live a life of self-respect, individual responsibility and obtainment of wealth beyond expectations.

My sweet sweetheart. No one has given me more joy and more tsuris.

Snow. I'm basically a 65 year old ski bum. Hit the slopes about 50 times a year and still tearing it up.

The Inside Passage waterways of SE Alaska. Know it like the back of my hand. No better place to sail the seas in the whole world.

JAB. Despite what Igor preaches, without him we might well be just another basketball team.

Our health care system which leads the world in innovation and quality. I am thankful that it appears that socialized medicine is about to collapse under its own weight and our medical system will survive, albeit by the skin of its teeth.

I'm thankful that conservatives are likely to take over the Senate and perhaps save future generations from financial ruin.

My babies: Deer Mountain Hatchery, Alaska Ship and Drydock Inc. http://vigorindustrial.com/doc/2012_0517_Ketchikan_facilities_page.pdf
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The men and women of our armed services who protect us and our first responders who save us.

Here's to you FDNY and NYPD - we will never forget.
Never Forget.jpg
EDIT: Why not keep it light and giggly? Because MANY people in this world, Americans included, don't have the luxury to keep it light and giggly, and if I can in someway keep the brushfire spreading I'm going to try to do so for them. Even though they'll never know me, I'm following the golden rule for those less fortunate. It's not like I do it that often here and interrupt the important things like Igor ripping on Boeheim.

This list of gratitudes isn't an attack on the well-meaning(the path to hell is paved with good intentions, note the metaphor from the Matrix where anyone at any moment can become Agent Smith, just as Satan spoke through Peter[who the church was later built upon] in the garden, so no condemnation here), but an opportunity to see things in a different light and possibly reconsider what thoughts are your own, as I continue to do. Maybe, just maybe, someone will see the spirit these words convey as a blessing.

My conscience is getting the better of me. I come from a family who has been represented in the military, including wars. Also, some of my closest friends in high school were volunteer firefighters. In my above post, I stated I support the troops, and their devastated families and communities that have to deal with this collateral damage(not to mention the poor families overseas that we never breath a word about, due to ignorance and shame). What I am grateful for(blessed with) are the dissenters who give a hoot about humanity and don't just repeat government/media talking points over and over like some cheer at a sporting event. I value human beings(and human rights) over popularity and political correctness, and for this gift I am grateful and I am certain our founding fathers would be too. When was the last war since actually GAINED us any freedoms? Its common knowledge the unnecessary wars we've had took freedom AWAY from us, and continue to do so at an Orwellian rate. I love my country and as such am actively defending it in the real war, the war for hearts and minds, similar to how our founders did. The keyboard is mightier than the tomahawk missile and the paramilitary gear we dress our police in now(the Rubicon has been crossed). Let's not give our troops LIP SERVICE, let's give them the FREEDOM we all love to write about. Remember the candidate both the active duty troops and veterans supported with their wallets more than any other(and more than all other Republicans combined), Ron Paul. If you truly supported the troops, you'd support their wishes to end the unconstitutional wars and all the killing and destroyed psyches/families. Anything else is simply patting your own back. Consider the last few sentences and ask yourself if this is not so. I mean, I'm certainly not writing this to get "likes", and realize I'm likely aborting future ones, but some things are more important in this life.

Here, if ONE person can see from this, it will be worth any amount of scorn that may be silently or otherwise directed at me. Maybe some of you will start to care once you realize who the enemy is and who is really under attack:


"I Have Sworn Upon the Altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson, Sep. 23, 1800
I am so grateful to God for creating such a man, but why do his ideals seem SO foreign in our modern western culture?

If TJ doesn't speak to some of you, maybe some heavy metal will. Another thing I'm thankful for is the band System of a Down, and a video with the lyrics included for those not familiar:

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This list of gratitudes isn't an attack on the well-meaning, but an opportunity to see things in a different light and possibly reconsider what thoughts are your own, as I continue to do. Maybe, just maybe, someone will see the spirit these words convey as a blessing.

My conscience is getting the better of me. I come from a family who has been represented in the military, including wars. Also, some of my closest friends in high school were volunteer firefighters. In my above post, I stated I support the troops, and their devastated families and communities that have to deal with this collateral damage(not to mention the poor families overseas that we never breath a word about, due to ignorance and shame). What I am grateful for(blessed with) are the dissenters who give a about humanity and don't just repeat government/media talking points over and over like some cheer at a sporting event. I value human beings(and human rights) over popularity and political correctness, and for this gift I am grateful and I am certain our founding fathers would be too. When was the last war since actually GAINED us any freedoms? Its common knowledge the unnecessary wars we've had took freedom AWAY from us, and continue to do so at an Orwellian rate. I love my country and as such am actively defending it in the real war, the war for hearts and minds, similar to how our founders did. The keyboard is mightier than the tomahawk missile and the paramilitary gear we dress our police in now(the Rubicon has been crossed). Let's not give our troops LIP SERVICE, let's give them the FREEDOM we all love to write about.

Here, if ONE person can see from this, it will be worth any amount of scorn that may be silently or otherwise directed at me. Maybe some of you will start to care once you realize who the enemy is and who is really under attack:


"I Have Sworn Upon the Altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson, Sep. 23, 1800
I am so grateful to God for creating such a man, but why do his ideals seem SO foreign in our modern western culture?
When was the last war since actually GAINED us any freedoms?

You capitalized GAINED. The Revolutionary War gained our freedom. Wars since them are generally fought to MAINTAIN our freedom, although some were wrong headed interventions in someone else's domestic affairs. WWI, WWII, the Korean War, The Cold War and all its skirmishes, the War Against Terror, to name a few were crucial to the preservation of our freedoms. Individual freedom is an anomaly in the annals of history. It has real foes that are aligned with crazy ideologies like international communism or radical Islam that are willing to fight and die for their utopian fantasies. Your rant is wacko. We had to spill blood to win our freedom and we will have to spill blood to maintain it. Not pleasant but if we let down our defenses or destroy our core socio-economic strength we will be over run as certainly as Rome was over run by underestimating the barbarians. It did not help that they allowed large numbers to emigrate without assimilating. In fact, they, (Visigoths) were the first to sack Rome (for perceived grievances revolving around Romes refusal to grant a large land area for self-governance). In an interesting twist, they later defended a much weakened Rome when the Huns and others sacked Rome with the intention of staying and ruling, rather than just looting and retreating.
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When was the last war since actually GAINED us any freedoms?

You capitalized GAINED. The Revolutionary War gained our freedom. Wars since them are generally fought to MAINTAIN our freedom, although some were wrong headed interventions in someone else's domestic affairs. WWI, WWII, the Korean War, The Cold War and all its skirmishes, the War Against Terror, to name a few were crucial to the preservation of our freedoms. Individual freedom is an anomaly in the annals of history. It has real foes that are aligned with crazy ideologies like international communism or radical Islam that are willing to fight and die for their utopian fantasies. Your rant is wacko. We had to spill blood to win our freedom and we will have to spill blood to maintain it. Not pleasant but if we let down our defenses or destroy our core socio-economic strength we will be over run as certainly as Rome was over run by underestimating the barbarians. It did not help that they allowed large numbers to emigrate without assimilating. In fact, they, (Visigoths) were the first to sack Rome (for perceived grievances revolving around Romes refusal to grant a large land area for self-governance). In an interesting twist, they later defended a much weakened Rome when the Huns and others sacked Rome with the intention of staying and ruling, rather than just looting and retreating.

You made my point. The revolutionary war was the only war that gained us any freedom. And all these undeclared/unconstituonal(illegal) wars preserved what freedoms specifically? That isn't a rhetorical question, I'm asking for actual answers. In wars we are convinced to believe that we need to give up freedom, though supposedly temporarily. Some of that includes economic freedom in the form of more taxes. These freedoms often don't return. Witness the patriot act, habeus corpus, and laws we allowed because they were supposed to be used on "them", and their inevitable "us". I don't claim to be a prophet, the same patterns happen over and over for those willing to see them.

Call me names, come at me, but this isn't going to end pretty. Friend, I am with you on the Chinese model of how their culture lasted. There are forces at work trying to take our identity from us, but it has nothing to do with the tiny amount of muslims in this country or whatever point you were trying to make with multiculturalism and has nothing to do with anything I said. Heck, it's likely to gain you more disdain on here than myself. I'm looking out for you man, you're a good guy. It's like in the Matrix, nobody can show you, you need to see it for yourself. If I TELL you, your subconscious will form an immune response to "outside" thought(this was brilliantly illustrated in the movie "Inception", which by the way is rated #14 on IMDB.com's all time list and is something Id recommend to anyone who likes to think). That is probably why the great teachers used parables. We're on the same side here, you just don't see it yet, and it took me awhile to remember that as well. It saddens me but I'm well aware that it is part of the strategy the enemy uses. The main wars are fought inside of us. Whether a person believes the Bible or not, Jesus (or someone) made that point 2000 years ago, and in the Art of War(attributed to Sun Tzu), many of the details of such were outlined 2500 years ago. The unseen realm are where wars and struggles are won and lost before the they are played out in the physical realm.

As many have pointed out, the Roman Empire destroyed itself by stretching itself too thin and bankrupting itself and allowing itself to be overrun. If anyone wanted to actually attack us, we'd be ripe for the picking now. Some in the military have stated as much regarding China. We have troops in 148 countries around the world!! We have all these other bases, yet close down bases on our own soil! I'm all for a strong DEFENSE, but that is NOTHING at all to do with what these ongoing, illegal military actions from numerous Presidents and both parties are about. Viet Nam...we wrote up silly rules of engagement that made NO sense, and then went and handed them to the enemy to help give them a strategy to keep the war going. I thought people were less naive now, but apparently enough still are, even though 70% of Americans have been against these wars for a long time now. Doesnt sound like a government that represents it's people, does it? Seriously, if we wanted to defend ourselves we'd secure our own borders. If there really was a threat, they could have easily gotten us numerous times in the past however many years. Who are you kidding?

So go ahead and tell me what freedoms you're seeing preserved, and people from all parties and backgrounds will gladly make you a long list of the shredding of our Constitution by one President after the next. Thinking like that in your post and the lack of vigilance that stems from it is what is causing our republic to collapse. No serious scholar would say that line of thinking is anything close to what the founding fathers espoused. George Washington himself said to avoid alliances, and Monroe was famous for his doctrine. This current crap is a result of the poison that has crept into our nation. Abraham Lincoln said that this nation would never be defeated from an outside enemy, but from the inside. That appears to be quite evident in this present time. Foreigners aren't destroying our Constitution, the leaders we "elect"(if you trust diebold) are the ones who are doing it. You've heard of George Orewell, right? He predicted all of this long ago, right down to the constantly being at war. And the domestic wars like on drugs and poverty, how are those working out? I'm not drunk enough yet, so let me know if you've got anything else. Merry Christmas, by the way.

For the love of Pete, I'm not some anti-American commie, man. I'm trying to serve my country(I nearly enlisted) without the glory of a uniform and a (bleep)ing salary, but for the same love you apparently have in your heart for it man. I used to think the same as you, but over a period of time was introduced to a lot of new information I was not aware of before, thanks to the internet and the growing Constitutionalist/rule of law/liberty movement, and it allowed me to reconsider my positions and accept that there were ones that made more sense. I don't just repeat stuff, I try to be humble and learn what my brain will allow me to accept and comprehend, and then I discuss it with others. Trust me(or not), this isn't a lone wolf rant, but these are the positions of a large percentage of the younger demographic who have educated themselves on the law of the land, the US Constitution, which I keep a copy of in my jacket. I don't want to preach, but I'd be happy to pay for one and have it mailed to you, or I am sure you can google it. People of ALL types which you wouldnt expect to get along have joined the Consititutional movement, and that is what the powers that be have always seen as the biggest threat...someone or something that can bring diverse groups together instead of splitting them apart to keep us at odds with each other as they have been doing for ages. We certainly have far more in common than otherwise, and expressing ourselves differently is a birthright given to us by God/nature. The government can't give us any rights, it can only take them away.

EDIT: I am not sure what I think about the author of this video or that I agree with everything in it. However, for the most part it seems solid, and even has a bit of comedy from mainstream sources in it. If I recall the first couple of minutes are a bit dry, but then it gets good. It's 13 minutes long, and is called "The story of your enslavement". Yes, we are FAR from free. It shows how slavery has evolved since Egyptian times...and in keeping with this thread, I think it is a blessing to have something like this available to us. If 13 minutes is too long, i implore ALL of you to click at 9:55 and watch how we are used to control each other.

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you are nuts. I can't get through your long winded post. I assume that you do not comprehend that preservation of freedom is as important as gaining it in the first place. Congratulations, I've never run across anyone except you that would argue that it would have been OK for Germany to win WWII; and you expect to carry on a conversation with someone?

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