2012 USNWR Rankings | Syracusefan.com

2012 USNWR Rankings


Walk On
Aug 27, 2011
SU is now down to 62! What in the world is the hobbit doing to the school! First drop out of the AAU with some b.s. excuse...now this. UGH!
It wasn't a BS excuse. Learn the facts before you make false accusations.
You say facts...I say b.s. Each of us is entitled to look at it as we choose. The fallout is apparent...55 to 62. All of these things devalue the degree that I personally paid for.
You say facts...I say b.s. Each of us is entitled to look at it as we choose. The fallout is apparent...55 to 62. All of these things devalue the degree that I personally paid for.
we have dropped steadily for several years. at one time we were in the 40's somewhere----something is going terribly wrong. anyone have an explanation or insight?
Perhaps they have been reading these boards and determined that some of us are not as bright as our degrees might suggest.
Yeah, disconcerting. Of course I suppose it's my fault that I paid for the damn thing.
You say facts...I say b.s. Each of us is entitled to look at it as we choose. The fallout is apparent...55 to 62. All of these things devalue the degree that I personally paid for.
If by "look at is as we choose" you mean "ignore reality and make stuff up out of my *ss", then sure.

Your name calling and selective recollection of facts is undermining your intent.
Perhaps All4SU has it right and the editors at US News & World Report have been reading your online prose in preparation for their latest rankings. ;)
SU is now down to 62! What in the world is the hobbit doing to the school! First drop out of the AAU with some b.s. excuse...now this. UGH!
maybe someone can help me to understand better, because i just don't understand the obsession with college rankings, especially for people that are done with college already. i'm wondering if maybe it is generational, or maybe because i went to a very small, rural public high school an barely anyone went to college anyway, but when we were college searching in the early 90's i just remember the us news rankings being like, something in a magazine that was interesting to look at but no one really cared about, aside from the hard facts like average SAT scores and whatnot. people picked colleges based on what degree they wanted, where it was, and how much it was.
maybe someone can help me to understand better, because i just don't understand the obsession with college rankings, especially for people that are done with college already. i'm wondering if maybe it is generational, or maybe because i went to a very small, rural public high school an barely anyone went to college anyway, but when we were college searching in the early 90's i just remember the us news rankings being like, something in a magazine that was interesting to look at but no one really cared about, aside from the hard facts like average SAT scores and whatnot. people picked colleges based on what degree they wanted, where it was, and how much it was.

Just like anything else -- it's a pride thing. I'm certainly not happy with the direction of the rankings
maybe someone can help me to understand better, because i just don't understand the obsession with college rankings, especially for people that are done with college already. i'm wondering if maybe it is generational, or maybe because i went to a very small, rural public high school an barely anyone went to college anyway, but when we were college searching in the early 90's i just remember the us news rankings being like, something in a magazine that was interesting to look at but no one really cared about, aside from the hard facts like average SAT scores and whatnot. people picked colleges based on what degree they wanted, where it was, and how much it was.

Like it or not, this ranking's brand is the monster in the category. Too hard to just ignore, regardless of how much stock you put in it.

Similarly to the BCS, I think these rankings are a broken system, but one SU needs to realize has an impact externally. You'd be surprised how much members of the "old guard" who are often hit up for big bucks care about our number on this list.
This is the confusing thing I've never understood about the rankings (and people's interpretations of them).

Say you attend a school when it was ranked in the top 20, then it falls into the 70's thirty years later...does that now make you dumber?

On the flip side, if you attended a school in the 100's, and 20 years later it's now in the 50's...are you now smarter (due to the school's increase)?

I've had the privilege of attending a school ranked in the top 50, and also a school ranked below 150. I can tell you that I got a much better education at the school ranked 100 spots lower.

I've also met plenty of people that have attended top 25 ranked schools...and many of them were complete morons.
If by "look at is as we choose" you mean "ignore reality and make stuff up out of my *ss", then sure.

Your name calling and selective recollection of facts is undermining your intent.
Perhaps All4SU has it right and the editors at US News & World Report have been reading your online prose in preparation for their latest rankings. ;)

In the spirit of online harmony I will concede the foul on calling Cantor the hobbit. But I would like to ask you what is it that I made up? I did not reference which of the reasons I feel are b.s. so I do not know what I pull out of my *ss. Am I pulling it out of my *ss to say that they accept 60% of their applicants in deference to the PC gods. Did they not say that they focus on soft sciences who benefits are not physically quantifiable? Maybe you are a part of SU's administration and I stepped on your toes...if so I apologize. This bit of reactionary attacking is why I have always been a lurker so no USNWR did not glean anything about SU from me.

As for why people care about these rankings...perception is reality. People who have posted on this very board have denigrated other Big East programs as third tier and not worthy of opening their mouths about academics. If you are happy with the falling perception of academics at SU that's fine. I'm not. Agree to disagree on this one.

If the rankings go up after I graduate, I will accept full responsibility. If they go down, I can tell you without hesitation that it was not my fault.
If the rankings go up after I graduate, I will accept full responsibility. If they go down, I can tell you without hesitation that it was not my fault.
Uh oh! If you are a current SU student, it appears the rankings dropped after you were admitted...we have found the culprit!

Uh oh! If you are a current SU student, it appears the rankings dropped after you were admitted...we have found the culprit!

Nah, graduated a long time ago . . .
As for why people care about these rankings...perception is reality. People who have posted on this very board have denigrated other Big East programs as third tier and not worthy of opening their mouths about academics. If you are happy with the falling perception of academics at SU that's fine. I'm not. Agree to disagree on this one.


Agreed on your last paragraph. As an alum, it bothers me to see the ranking plummet
So, what's more meaningful: USN&WR college rankings or At their request, this network is being blocked from this site. star ratings?
Or are they both a lot of hot air from people far removed from the situations?
In the spirit of online harmony I will concede the foul on calling Cantor the hobbit. But I would like to ask you what is it that I made up? I did not reference which of the reasons I feel are b.s. so I do not know what I pull out of my *ss. Am I pulling it out of my *ss to say that they accept 60% of their applicants in deference to the PC gods. Did they not say that they focus on soft sciences who benefits are not physically quantifiable? Maybe you are a part of SU's administration and I stepped on your toes...if so I apologize. This bit of reactionary attacking is why I have always been a lurker so no USNWR did not glean anything about SU from me.

As for why people care about these rankings...perception is reality. People who have posted on this very board have denigrated other Big East programs as third tier and not worthy of opening their mouths about academics. If you are happy with the falling perception of academics at SU that's fine. I'm not. Agree to disagree on this one.

ok that's fine. i'm cool either way, i didn't go to su. i thought the rankings was a way for the academia types to piss on each other. now i realize it's a way for alums to piss on each other too. as if sports, making money, etc, aren't enough. just one more thing, i get it.
rankings ae opinions, teachers are teachers, some are good and some are bad, just because the rankings have dropped doesnt mean the teachers at SU have all of a sudden changed there teaching techniques, im pretty sure they have the same professors that have been there 15 plus years, teaching the same classes, and asking the same questions on their exams every year

teachers like everyone are creatures of habit, they do the same thing, tell the same jokes, and do the same labs, projects, etc... that they did the year before, all schools for the most part are about the same. the same people that succeed at oswego state would succeed at SU, the same people at SU could succeed at Harvard given that they are driven

ive learned that the people who succeed at school are simply grade driven, they need to get good grades to feel good about themselves, self pride, and some sort of prestige because they are under the belief that they are intelligent, for the people who are ranking driven, rankings provide a self assurance that they are part of some sort of greater academic elite, not realizing that in reality, everybody has about the same intelligence level, just in different ways.

I can see it now
employer- "SU just dropped in the rankings, now even though you had a great interview and have had excellent recommendations from previous employers, I don't think i can take that risk, I mean those guys at Newsweek really know the in's and out's at SU, so I'm guessing you've lost a little sharpness since you've graduated, and just think in another 5 years, they might be at 65!!! thats 3 WHOLE SPOTS!!!, I'm sorry I can't have you getting dumber as the years go on, I run a tight ship here."

bottom line, just like college football, universities themselves are BIG BUSINESS, the whole set up is a ripoff, as Matt Damon said from Good Will Hunting, "you'll realize you spent 50,000 a year for something you could have read in a 2 dollar book" (not an exact quote but you get the picture)
In the spirit of online harmony I will concede the foul on calling Cantor the hobbit. But I would like to ask you what is it that I made up?

This is what you made up:

First drop out of the AAU with some b.s. excuse.

The AAU powers-that-be changed their desired membership profile. As was discussed at the time that this went down, Syracuse was a fringe institution at the time it joined. The new AAU targeted research profile (giving preference to medical and government sponsored research) meant that Syracuse was going to get the boot. The only options available were to leave, get the boot or start a medical school (preferably 10+ years earlier). Which would you have chosen? How would you have felt about a public expulsion (see Nebraska)?

If your primary concern is the US News & World Report's ranking of Syracuse University then stick to that. A suggestion that the AAU departure might have affected that ranking is fine.

FYI: I am not a university administrator. As a taxpayer, I find it refreshing that there are institutions that don't rely on public funding for nearly all of their research.
SU is now down to 62! What in the world is the hobbit doing to the school! First drop out of the AAU with some b.s. excuse...now this. UGH!
A deceptive aspect of these rankings is so much depends on the major/program. Getting an Engineering degree from Lehigh means so much more than say, Williams (#1 Liberal Arts College). I would rather have a music degree from Berklee than Harvard.
Perhaps they have been reading these boards and determined that some of us are not as bright as our degrees might suggest.

Assuming that's true, is Notre Lame even in the Top 200?

Man, I just can't get ENOUGH of that board when everyone's on a bender in South Bend.
A deceptive aspect of these rankings is so much depends on the major/program. Getting an Engineering degree from Lehigh means so much more than say, Williams (#1 Liberal Arts College). I would rather have a music degree from Berklee than Harvard.

If you are going into engineering then yes it does. A degree from Williams opens up a lot of doors. I would imagine a physics degree from Williams would also open so doors in the engineering world.

What one truly pays for is access to the alumni network. Obviously Syracuse has a bast alumni network in broadcasting, Lehigh in engineering, etc.

Btw, Hamilton is now 17.
If you are going into engineering then yes it does. A degree from Williams opens up a lot of doors. I would imagine a physics degree from Williams would also open so doors in the engineering world.

What one truly pays for is access to the alumni network. Obviously Syracuse has a bast alumni network in broadcasting, Lehigh in engineering, etc.

Btw, Hamilton is now 17.

What is Hamilton's known alumni network? Tailgating? ;)

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