I'm asking legitimately. It just seems like you would have such events during dead periods - do the dead periods change wildly from year to year? Sadly, with great salaries come great responsibilities. Sometimes they're inconvenient.
It doesn't seem fair to the wealthy...I agree with that premise wholeheartedly!
Eh, most of that money seems to go to the American Cancer Society - do they really fight anything? I mean we can all argue the same "might have one game" type nonsensical hypotheticals. Do we really lose that much if the ACS doesn't have another $2M to spend encouraging mammogram awareness.
They've been tied in with Astra-Zeneca, etc...and the companies that make mammography screening equipment forever. They're kind of a shill for that - or at least many would argue that. I'd be more excited if it was support for the Boys & Girls Club. So, I'm not going to get into these silly I/other people don't care about cancer arguments. It's a complicated argument all-around.
I don't care if the gala is raise money for a moon landing...that's not the point of why anyone may have the right to simply express disappointment that this is scheduled during, what I suppose, may constitute employment hours for that person.