Note - this is neither a yay or nay to LTIR rules, but a point on those promoting the following easy solution that doesn't work.
So many people saying "The easy and simple answer to this LTIR issue is to not allow teams to dress more than the cap number in the playoffs"
It's not that simple stupid. Let's take LTIR out of the equation.
The cap doesn't work like NBA which is a flat number all year. In the NHL if you accumulate space early (independent of LTIR), you can add a big salary at the end. Teams always have total salaries over the cap number at year end even before LTIR. Its because you can accumulate space below the cap for the first 70% of the season, then allowing you to get a higher $ number for the last 30%.
Say a team that has an opening spend of $77M (Team A) vs $80M (Team B) - cap is $81M.
Team A can pick up a $9M player at the deadline with no cost of retention, because they have saved and accumulated cap space throughout the first 70% of the season. Nothing to do with LTIR, but there total salaries are now $86M, and they have to sit someone making $5M in game one under this solution.
Team B can pick up a $9M player at the deadline, with 75% retention through two trades (only way they can acquire him), and can fit him into the lineup at a salary of $2.2M. Team B total salary is only $82 million. Can sit some schlub making $1M.
Why should team B have the advantage over Team A?
Or are you going to force Team B to take the $9 million hit...raising their total salaries to $89 million, and forcing them to sit out $8m in salaries?
Point is - its not the simple solution to the LTIR issue that people think it is.