A word of caution... | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

A word of caution...

This is an important season (aren't they all) - keeping the momentum would be huge for us. Making a bowl game and beating a team or two favored to beat us would be great.
If we make a bowl game, we will have beaten 2-3 favored teams. Vegas currently doesn't respect us.
Win 6 games and make a bowl game. That is the goal. Fall short and the season is a failure!

Asking for 6 wins isn't unrealistic anymore when it comes to Syracuse football
Yeah and No.

First time HC but is familiar with the players and the program so that helps with the learning curve. It is a new staff but returns 3 and the incoming coaches have all coached with SS so that should help with familiarity as well. Hickey will be fine on the left I'm more concerned with who replaces him on the right. First time QB but seems we have at least 2 viable options.

New league yes, that much tougher aside from FSU and Clemson? Perhaps not. We've done well recently OOC while struggling against more familiar teams (cinci, rutgers) and the ACC may be looking at us a lowly Big East team which will leave them in store for a nasty surprise. Week 1 B1G team down on numbers and talent and will be starting a new QB as well is a coin flip. Game 2 looks more daunting but we played them last year and should score points. Hopefully we can stop them a few times this year.

Replacing NFL talent with NFL talent, we're at a point where we can do that. Lyn = NFL, Bromley = NFL, Smith = NFL, Hickey = NFL, among others. We have enough talent to not expect to fall off a cliff barring injuries or massive incompetence and I'm not worried about the latter.

.500 should be worst case scenario expectations but we should be thinking bigger at this point. It's nice to be able to look at the schedule and not automatically assume a loss. We've come a long way, but why stop now?

Just trying to be objective. We are not "replacing" NFL talent with NFL talent as all those "replacements" players started and contributed last year. Maybe one or more of the new players will be stars. Maybe the viable options at QB will approach Nassib's productivity and command of the offense, and so. I sure hope so. But, objectively, only SU fans see .500 as a "worse case scenario."

As an aside, I will bet you the beverage of your choice that Lyn does not get drafted, let alone make an NFL roster.
This is the problem with changing coaching staffs and conferences simultaneously. Yes, the new staff is going to need some patience from the fans. But you never get a second chance to make a first impression. This will be our introduction to new recruiting areas we want to use for years to come. If we introduce ourselves with a 2-10 or 3-9 season, we are going to be far down the list of potential recruits in those areas for a long time to come.
Just trying to be objective. We are not "replacing" NFL talent with NFL talent as all those "replacements" players started and contributed last year. Maybe one or more of the new players will be stars. Maybe the viable options at QB will approach Nassib's productivity and command of the offense, and so. I sure hope so. But, objectively, only SU fans see .500 as a "worse case scenario."

As an aside, I will bet you the beverage of your choice that Lyn does not get drafted, let alone make an NFL roster.

Game on. What's your bevvy flavor of choice if I lose?

I get your point in being objective but I think we Cuse fans have an uncanny ability to undervalue our own players/teams as well. Look no further than last years hoops season for vindication there.

Barring injury, I would bet money (if I had any) that at least the 4 I mentioned make NFL rosters. Perhaps we can double down on the drinks though since it's all in fun.

FWIW Lyn is currently ranked #13 of the 2014 CBs. 31 CB's were drafted last year/

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While we are all excited about HCSS and his new staff it is important to realize the challenges in front of them and to have realistic expectations - AND TO BE PATIENT. IMO it is very important for them to have unwavering fan support, especially the long time fans on this board since we all know the syracuse.com idiots (Florida Steve!) will lose patience after about one game (or less).
  1. While Ole Hard Nosed has had a long successful tenure as an assistant/coordinator this is his first time as head coach and he will undoubtedly need a little time to adjust. Watching and doing are two different things so, we just have to give him time to settle in to the new role. He will make mistakes but he impresses me as the type of guy that won't repeat them. He is going to be a great HC - just be patient.
  2. Some on the new staff also have the same adjustment periods to go through as well, McDonald in particular has a big adjustment to make and he too will need some time.
  3. The Offense will have a new scheme and verbiage to learn and that means more mental errors than we would like to see. It will probably get ugly at times. Good play calls will seem stupid when guys blow assignments. We just have to give it time.
  4. Even the defense will be different albeit similar in style. We have holes in the D line to fill leaving some big question marks. They will get better as the season progresses.
  5. There is just no way around the fact that we lost some of the best players (with lots of experience) that we have had in a decade or more. We are going to have to struggle with the growing pains of underclassmen with less experience for a bit.
  6. Our schedule doesn't give us much margin for error. The ACC is not the Big East. Moreover, it is stronger and deeper than it has been in some time meaning every conference game will be a battle. Even our OOC games present a couple of real challenges.
Don't get me wrong, I think we can play with everybody on our schedule and I think we will see some exciting football. I am just concerned that the staff gets the proper honeymoon period it deserves. After all that we have been through and the near death experience early this year I worry that fans will lose heart easily if we hit a bad patch.

This is an important season (aren't they all) - keeping the momentum would be huge for us. Making a bowl game and beating a team or two favored to beat us would be great.

I really think HCSS is made for college coaching and is a great fit for us. We need to support him and not get discouraged when things get tough. We have to be hard nosed!

I can't wait - Go Orange!

i like the thought, but losing should no longer be an option. we have so much more talent now then we did 8 years ago when we were winning 2 -4 games a year. there really is no such thing as a honey moon period in cfb these days. the honey moon period lasts until the season starts. i am willing to bet by the comments the staff has made that they wouldn't agree with being satisfied with a .500 season either. they expect to win, and win big. anything less then 7 wins and a bowl game would be a disappointing season. i'm not saying we should bitch, complain, and jump ship if we don't achieve this, but we shouldn't be satisfied with anything less.
While we are all excited about HCSS and his new staff it is important to realize the challenges in front of them and to have realistic expectations - AND TO BE PATIENT. IMO it is very important for them to have unwavering fan support, especially the long time fans on this board since we all know the syracuse.com idiots (Florida Steve!) will lose patience after about one game (or less).
  1. While Ole Hard Nosed has had a long successful tenure as an assistant/coordinator this is his first time as head coach and he will undoubtedly need a little time to adjust. Watching and doing are two different things so, we just have to give him time to settle in to the new role. He will make mistakes but he impresses me as the type of guy that won't repeat them. He is going to be a great HC - just be patient.
  2. Some on the new staff also have the same adjustment periods to go through as well, McDonald in particular has a big adjustment to make and he too will need some time.
  3. The Offense will have a new scheme and verbiage to learn and that means more mental errors than we would like to see. It will probably get ugly at times. Good play calls will seem stupid when guys blow assignments. We just have to give it time.
  4. Even the defense will be different albeit similar in style. We have holes in the D line to fill leaving some big question marks. They will get better as the season progresses.
  5. There is just no way around the fact that we lost some of the best players (with lots of experience) that we have had in a decade or more. We are going to have to struggle with the growing pains of underclassmen with less experience for a bit.
  6. Our schedule doesn't give us much margin for error. The ACC is not the Big East. Moreover, it is stronger and deeper than it has been in some time meaning every conference game will be a battle. Even our OOC games present a couple of real challenges.
Don't get me wrong, I think we can play with everybody on our schedule and I think we will see some exciting football. I am just concerned that the staff gets the proper honeymoon period it deserves. After all that we have been through and the near death experience early this year I worry that fans will lose heart easily if we hit a bad patch.

This is an important season (aren't they all) - keeping the momentum would be huge for us. Making a bowl game and beating a team or two favored to beat us would be great.

I really think HCSS is made for college coaching and is a great fit for us. We need to support him and not get discouraged when things get tough. We have to be hard nosed!

I can't wait - Go Orange!

Great post, but....you said, AND TO BE PATIENT. IMO. That's the kicker isn't it?

We have been hearing that for years. The problem is how much longer?

We have been given tastes of good things since Greg Robinson was here, Notre Dame, Louisville etc, nice wins too. It got a lot better with HCDM and after the first Pinstripe Bowl, I figured they would explode the next year, but imploded instead.

Just wondering how patient we can be. It is going on 10 years since Coach P left and there is still a lot of same old, same old.

Don't get me wrong, I am here for the long haul, heck, this is my 50th season of going to SU football games. It does wear on the passion though. It seems a lot of the sparkle is gone. I just hope as there are a lot more fans, younger than me that can handle all the being told to be patient and not walk away from this proud football tradition that is Syracuse University.
Fair point, Bill. I really don't forsee anybody beating up on us or a terrible run unless we have many injuries. We have restocked the shelves and we have real pros at the helm. We arr going to have a good run
Ok. Just a little about me. My pro teams are the Browns, Mets, WhiteSox, and BlackHawks. I dn't follow the NBA anymore, when I did it was the Milw Bucks (big Sidney Moncrief fan) So as you can see, I never expect anything from the teams I root for. (Ok the Blackhawks have been ok the last couple of years but before that?) That being said, I just don't want the Orange to beat themselves. Show up and play your best.
There is a reason DM left when he did, there are NFL jobs opening up every year...

Having said that, I think people are a little too frightened of the mighty ACC. Here is my relatively uninformed breakdown...

These are games we will win (or else we are in serious trouble): Wagner, Tulane, Maryland, BC

Games we should win but lets assume we split them: NC State, Wake Forest

Games we have a decent chance at winning: Georgia tech, Pitt

Games that are quite tough but in reach if everything is working: Penn State, Northwestern

Games we should lose: Clemson, Florida State

I think finding 6 wins out of that should be very doable and I think expected. 5 will be acceptable but barely. 4 and we will be in trouble with recruiting right of the bat.

I think we could possibly get three wins out of the 2nd two categories and maybe catch Penn State or Northwestern sleeping - that would get us to 8 - if we win 8 things will start to go very very well for us with recruiting and everything else. But 6 would be a good start for the new staff
I still think we beat Clemson

That would be quite an upset, IMHO. Your defense would have to play one of its best two games of the season to win that game (FSU is the other).

With you guys breaking in a new QB, beating Clemson is going to be quite an ask.
Red Stag! And doubling down is cool.

And your beverage of choice?

Usually beer, the darker the better but since tracking down Gonzo Imperial Porter is sometimes a pain I'll go with stock Crown Royal to stay in the same ball park as Red Stag. We'll meet at sky top before the Clemson game when Lyn already has 5 picks and is getting a ton of love in the media and being talked about as a potential ~2nd round pick.
last i checked, cuse players put on pads, just like clemson players do!
That would be quite an upset, IMHO. Your defense would have to play one of its best two games of the season to win that game (FSU is the other).

With you guys breaking in a new QB, beating Clemson is going to be quite an ask.

How come nobody ever talks about Clemson's defense and why are Clemson only -6 to open vs Syracuse?

One would surmise either A) Syracuse will score v Clemson or B) Syracuse will have some success stopping Clemson. We'll know a bit more in the pregame build up but you'll be surprised by the talent we have on defense.
game better be a sellout! then after the game the clemson fans that come can go eat at Denny's (JB will be there as well!!!!)
No pressure though, right? Silly statement. Would I like him to win now? Absolutely. Does he HAVE to win now. No. With the step up in competition on a week-in week-out basis, I would be happy with 7-5 and a bowl game. I could survive with 6-6.
With the schedule & all the transitions required, I'd be OK with 6 wins. But like the girl in the AT&T commercial, "We want more, more!" Springing an upset at MetLife would get everything rolling.
the quality of the loss is a big thing to me-5-7 with no loss's in double digits-

again its on the offense-d will be solid if unspectacular -can the offense chew up clock or out gun the other guy
That would be quite an upset, IMHO. Your defense would have to play one of its best two games of the season to win that game (FSU is the other).

With you guys breaking in a new QB, beating Clemson is going to be quite an ask.

Not as much as people may think. The defense is quite aggressive and hits harder than most teams. We lack the big names for media love, but opposing teams know when they have played Syracuse. Even if Clemson wins, they will be recuperating for a couple weeks. If our offense is decent, we have a chance to win. If Allen of Hunt steps up, it would be even less of a surprise.
Not as much as people may think. The defense is quite aggressive and hits harder than most teams. We lack the big names for media love, but opposing teams know when they have played Syracuse. Even if Clemson wins, they will be recuperating for a couple weeks. If our offense is decent, we have a chance to win. If Allen of Hunt steps up, it would be even less of a surprise.
I've been yapping on another thread about Clemson. And I may have been a bit hyperbolic over there, but my feeling is that we are capable of beating them and everyone else on our schedule this year. But we won't beat everyone on our schedule this year. The gap between capabilities and execution is where everyone gets tripped up. I see us winning between 6-8 games this year and upsetting either Northwestern, PSU, FSU or Clemson.
How come nobody ever talks about Clemson's defense and why are Clemson only -6 to open vs Syracuse?

One would surmise either A) Syracuse will score v Clemson or B) Syracuse will have some success stopping Clemson. We'll know a bit more in the pregame build up but you'll be surprised by the talent we have on defense.

Please, do not think I am denigrating SU. Thats not my intent.

I saw how good your defense was against WVU, and, I think Clemson will have their hands full with them. And, CU's defense is not as good as their offense is. So, if your offense picks up from where it left off in 2012, it should be a great game.

Point spreads this time of year are kind of silly, IMHO.
I honestly believe that we'll beat them by more than a TD.

Don't get me wrong, I'd take a last second FG or extra point and win by one...but, for some reason, I'd don't think it'll be that close.

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