Absolute HOME RUN! | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Absolute HOME RUN!

Go to suathletics.com and you can see the post game presser and player interviews.

Thanks, didn't know they were on suathletics.com, just listened to it and yes, he did a very thing there!
It was good. And it was late.

These things are not mutually exclusive.

His initial comments were inappropriate but did not rise to the level of dismissal as punishment.

I think he did enough tonight to take a lot of the pressure off, and he will not be swept away in a tide of pressure on Nancy and the administration.

His ultimate fate will depend on what happens with Bernie, what he knew about it, what he should have known about it, and how SU handled it. And that is what it should depend upon -- not comments that were hasty, dumb but ultimately not worthy of termination based on his contributions to the program and the university over more than 35 years.

(I should add in retrospect that his contributions to the university extend well more than 35 years, given his time as an assistant coach, player and student here. All the more reason that things have to be looked at in perspective.)
I think that the best moment of the press conference was when he referenced talking to folks from the McMahon-Ryan house. That personalized what he was saying--and proved that he wasn't just delivering some scripted statement.

He also "admitted" [my word] that he just couldn't believe the accusations when they came out, and that influenced how he reacted.

it is a bit late in the eyes of the public. The last press conference was the opportunity for a contrite apology. Public perception is that you don't get a do-over. For someone with JB's track record and personality, I have a hard time believing he wasn't ordered by Nancy or Julie to finally "get it right" this time, contrary to his disclaimer. I haven't seen the presser - I'm sure he hit all the right notes... for his sake better late than never.
Unfortunately...its so late, it really looks like he's just saying anything to keep his job...to Joe Public. I have a few buddies over watching.. that was there take. "Come on...too little too late JB" was their reaction.

Jim doesn't say stuff to pander or kiss ass. His comments were genuine and heart felt. I've got his back.
Anyone that didn't see/hear the presser needs to see a rerun of it. It wouldn't do to try and summarize what JB said. You need to hear it from him to truly appreciate it.
You can watch it on SU All Access, it's free.
Needed to be said- glad he finally did it.
In the overall scheme of things it won't make much difference. These were the words he should've said on Tues.
In any case, anyone who saw those comments can't deny it was genuine & heartfelt, but as the old saying goes;
"You never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression".
Watch the video, it was heart felt. I took off the orange colored glasses, listened closely, and truly felt his emotion. Let's face it, JB never shows much emotion, but he did tonight. I thought it was real and I'm with MeloMyMan, I support him 100%.
it is a bit late in the eyes of the public. The last press conference was the opportunity for a contrite apology. Public perception is that you don't get a do-over. For someone with JB's track record and personality, I have a hard time believing he wasn't ordered by Nancy or Julie to finally "get it right" this time, contrary to his disclaimer. I haven't seen the presser - I'm sure he hit all the right notes... for his sake better late than never.

Dude. Really? You haven't even seen it but you "have a hard time believing he wasn't ordered..." etc? How about you just keep your trap shut until you have a fact or two. You can't gripe about the zone tonight or about JBs coaching failures so you jump on this. To say what you've said in that post proves you just want the guy ousted/humiliated/fired/whatever because you don't like him. The guy is not perfect. He could do many things, especially in local press conferences, better. But he's a great coach and he's OUR coach. Aside from that, he's going through a very personal and difficult situation involving his friend, his job, his life's work, his legacy, his reputation, his ability to help people through charitable work, etc and you offer up that garbage?
JB isn't going to get fired for what he said or didn't say about the accusers during any post game pressor. It will come down to what he knows or doesn't know. Simple as that. He did just great tonight.

And for those media experts on the board - give the guy a break. What he is dealing with is something no one is prepared to deal with.
Dude. Really? You haven't even seen it but you "have a hard time believing he wasn't ordered..." etc? How about you just keep your trap shut until you have a fact or two. You can't gripe about the zone tonight or about JBs coaching failures so you jump on this. To say what you've said in that post proves you just want the guy ousted/humiliated/fired/whatever because you don't like him. The guy is not perfect. He could do many things, especially in local press conferences, better. But he's a great coach and he's OUR coach. Aside from that, he's going through a very personal and difficult situation involving his friend, his job, his life's work, his legacy, his reputation, his ability to help people through charitable work, etc and you offer up that garbage?
Thats his MO - he doesn't need nor want facts to spout his ever-present hatred of all things Boheim. Classic BlueCurtain with not even having watched the presser.
Unfortunately...its so late, it really looks like he's just saying anything to keep his job...to Joe Public. I have a few buddies over watching.. that was there take. "Come on...too little too late JB" was their reaction.

We know your lying. You don't have any buddies.
If that wasnt heartfelt, and if it was scripted, and he was ordered to do it, and he was just doing it to save his job, then JB is in the wrong profession. He should be an actor, cuz that was an academy award performance if that wasnt coming from his gut.
I think people have to realize that JB is going through x process. I dunno what u call it but the man is having to come to grips w the fact that his good friend and co-worker is a pedophile and that his friends actions are tied into the program that JB has been a part of for over 4 decades. That can take some serious processing. Hell ive had trouble w it and I cldnt even tell u what Bernie's voice sounds like. He's dealing with this in steps, like anyone close to the situation would. People calling for him to have said what he said tonight at an earlier time are detatched from the situation completely and cannot fairly place a timeline on the emotional reactions one could possibly go through as a long time friend and co-worker of Bernie Fine. JB had truly been fooled.

JB is just human. He's not the robot or PC slave that some folks want him to be. Nor should he be. He wears his heart on his sleeve. I can identify with that. I respect that.
This thread will get lost because the folks will get home from the game and other topics will come up. I don't care. For those of you that can read this:

JB just killed it. He crushed it. 100% home run. That was:


For the first time since this came out, I am really proud right now.

Very, very well done Jimmy. Just awesome.

Absolutely true. I was astounded JB could finally find humility. Happy to see it. Believable in his awkwardness.
Unfortunately...its so late, it really looks like he's just saying anything to keep his job...to Joe Public. I have a few buddies over watching.. that was there take. "Come on...too little too late JB" was their reaction.

The Fox Sports jackholes on the drive back from work played it and basically said he was full oh and he'll be fired in a week after the indictment.
C-Town has it right. How would you process accusations against someone that you've known for 30+ years when you didn't (presumably, and I believe Boeheim did not know) know what was going on. I know that I would have my bro's back no matter what and my reaction would have been much the same. But I get it. He's a coach of a very well-known institute and he needs to be held to a higher standard.

Nonetheless, I don't find Coach's reaction all that surprising. I'm glad he came out saying what he did, wrong and insensitive as it may have been. It speaks of his loyalty. And my best friends are those that are loyal and have my back as long as I don't wrong someone mischievously.
For someone with JB's track record and personality, I have a hard time believing he wasn't ordered by Nancy or Julie to finally "get it right" this time, contrary to his disclaimer.

Gigantic difference between being "ordered" by Nancy and being "ordered" by Julie though.
Unfortunately...its so late, it really looks like he's just saying anything to keep his job...to Joe Public. I have a few buddies over watching.. that was there take. "Come on...too little too late JB" was their reaction.

That's a bunch of complete crap. That's all: complete crap.

I think that the best moment of the press conference was when he referenced talking to folks from the McMahon-Ryan house. That personalized what he was saying--and proved that he wasn't just delivering some scripted statement.

He also "admitted" [my word] that he just couldn't believe the accusations when they came out, and that influenced how he reacted.

No RF. You are right. So I'm not arguing with you. But...What made those comments "right" had nothing to do with "genuine". They had everything to do with "consistent." THAT was the JB we all know. Good or bad.

it is a bit late in the eyes of the public. The last press conference was the opportunity for a contrite apology. Public perception is that you don't get a do-over. For someone with JB's track record and personality, I have a hard time believing he wasn't ordered by Nancy or Julie to finally "get it right" this time, contrary to his disclaimer. I haven't seen the presser - I'm sure he hit all the right notes... for his sake better late than never.

You know what? I have plenty of people that don't like me on this (and the football) board and there will be plenty more. There are people whose opinions i don't like and I wouldn't like them either in person. But I was here with this crew starting at the bigeast.org board through now, so i'm not exactly going away.

So I have read your posts for years now, some of which I actually agree with. And I think you have taken an unfair share of criticism for what may be a reasonable position (man vs. zone).

To say what you just said, is ridiculous. And that is from one of the people on this board who has actually seen the validity in your argument AT TIMES. But to come out and say that you did not believe in JB for what he said being his one words tonight...that's complete crap.

Any legitimacy you had from me in reading what you write...game after game...is gone. I don't care how much I agree with it. If you can't see that JB was being honest in those statements tonight, you don't get it. At all.

I question how much of an SU fan you really are. And I have NEVER, in 10 years of the boards written that. And there were some very heated arguments about primarily P...but you exposed yourself tonight as not being anti-zone and pro-man. But being anti-JB. And that, if you are a Cuse fan...is not expectable (right now).

I don't expect you to get it.


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