Again, Why I Want[ed?] The BE To Succeed |

Again, Why I Want[ed?] The BE To Succeed


Living Legend
Aug 24, 2011
If it is true that MD and Rutgers are going to the Big Ten, that means that UConn will likely be headed to the ACC.

And that is precisely what I didn't want to happen.

I did not want Rutgers and UConn to maintain recruiting equality with us.

If Rutgers goes BIG, that hurts us a lot. Now, the Knights will have Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State and others as regular home opponents - that will attract even more talent to Piscattaway.

And if UConn goes ACC our advantage over the Huskies is greatly diminished.

I want the BE to survive and flourish to keep Rutgers and UConn just where they are. My feelings have been that a strong BE with Rutgers and UConn is better than what we apparently will now see.

The hope of so many on this board that the BE could or should die has never made sense to me.

And by the way, I remains amazed that Maryland would give up ACC Basketball (does anybody care to watch MD against Northwestern on a cold Chicago night?) and especially ACC lacrosse - the next revenue generator in twenty years or so. (not to mention ACC Soccer).

So, I really find the news very disheartening.

I am really growing to dislike the BIG and the BIG leader, Delaney - a guy who sounds like sports administrative meglomaniac.

I guess I'm just really naive when it comes to football revenue politics.
I applaud your bigeast survival slant, but the fact of the matter is rutgers is too important to be left to rot there.

They were going to be either in the b1g, the bevo or the ACC.

My plan for them has always been the ACC, sort of a 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer' scenario. Them in the b1g could keep this momentum rolling for them. In the ACC I don't see them rising above mediocrity.

(just bustin' chops)
The hope of so many on this board that the BE could or should die has never made sense to me.

IT wasn't was reality! They are dead whether Rutgers leaves or not. You saying the NEW Big East is great over and over again doesn't change reality!!!
I dont think anyone thought the bigger name teams in the NBE would stay there, maybe hoping they would be stuck there for a few years but eventually they were going to be gobbled up by somebody in the Big 5.

All we have to do is focus on getting better. Basketball is in a great spot in the ACC, football wise if we start winning then recruits like Ishaq and Ogundeko will come here. Were enough of a name and a brand that we can get to that point but its going to take sustained winning. Thats alot more important to our recruiting than UCONN or Rutgers going to the B1G or joining us in the ACC. This is why Zach Allen might end up being one of the biggest recruits in our history...if he is the real deal. The offense we run is sick and will attract talent if we keep winning and our defense is physical and attacking, again if we win this will attract talent.
As I said, UMD may lose a lot of fan and alumni support with this move. The money is great, but they are shoving this move down the throats of their fans. It was different when SU moved. We were all pretty much resigned to the fact that our survival as a relevant athletic department depended on it. All the numbers supported it. MD is in a stable conference with solid cash flow. Their financial problems are internal, ie their money people.

Also, with Syracuse it wasn't like we were leaving to join a crappy conference in BBall and Lax. We actually got better in both. Traditional Lax rivals are now conference rivals. MD would be going from top teir in BBall and Lax to...Eh...OK and butt awful. And those are the sports MD fans care about.

Besides dollars and cents, this move has BAD NEWS written all over it for UMD. The BiG doesn't care about MD, or it's fans. They are only trying to boost their earnings through the Big Ten Network. That's it. MD should take a long hard look at PSU and see how they have been treated over the years by the BiG, and also how their programs have been pretty average since the move. PSU football was never the same as they were when they were the premier eastern powerhouse.

Nothing about this proposed move makes a whole lot of sense when you take the cents out of it.

I feel bad for Joe MD Fan if this happens. It will suck.
IT wasn't was reality! They are dead whether Rutgers leaves or not. You saying the NEW Big East is great over and over again doesn't change reality!!!

Oh god. You again?

Aren't you the guy who made a public show of giving up your season tickets?

Aren't you the one who thinks Marrone is over his head?
As I said, UMD may lose a lot of fan and alumni support with this move. The money is great, but they are shoving this move down the throats of their fans. It was different when SU moved. We were all pretty much resigned to the fact that our survival as a relevant athletic department depended on it. All the numbers supported it. MD is in a stable conference with solid cash flow. Their financial problems are internal, ie their money people.

Also, with Syracuse it wasn't like we were leaving to join a crappy conference in BBall and Lax. We actually got better in both. Traditional Lax rivals are now conference rivals. MD would be going from top teir in BBall and Lax to...Eh...OK and butt awful. And those are the sports MD fans care about.

Besides dollars and cents, this move has BAD NEWS written all over it for UMD. The BiG doesn't care about MD, or it's fans. They are only trying to boost their earnings through the Big Ten Network. That's it. MD should take a long hard look at PSU and see how they have been treated over the years by the BiG, and also how their programs have been pretty average since the move. PSU football was never the same as they were when they were the premier eastern powerhouse.

Nothing about this proposed move makes a whole lot of sense when you take the cents out of it.

I feel bad for Joe MD Fan if this happens. It will suck.

I think this is a good post.

I would be upset if I were an MD fan.

I think the move is short-sighted.
One way or another, at least one of those teams (Rutgers and UConn) is going to be in a competitive, major conference. Here's the perspective I put things in: eventually, the ACC is likely to have North and South divisions. It's important to Syracuse, for competitive reasons and for fans, to have some reasonable travel in its division.

Right now, the seven northern-most teams would be: Syracuse, Pitt, Boston College, Maryland, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest (I take them over other NC schools because UNC/Duke will never be split and NC State will probably be locked in with them too.)

If the end game plays out that Rutgers and UConn, or UConn and ND, or ND and PSU are in the ACC North, that's good from a fan perspective and a travel perspective.
If it is true that MD and Rutgers are going to the Big Ten, that means that UConn will likely be headed to the ACC.

And that is precisely what I didn't want to happen.

I did not want Rutgers and UConn to maintain recruiting equality with us.

If Rutgers goes BIG, that hurts us a lot. Now, the Knights will have Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State and others as regular home opponents - that will attract even more talent to Piscattaway.

And if UConn goes ACC our advantage over the Huskies is greatly diminished.

I want the BE to survive and flourish to keep Rutgers and UConn just where they are. My feelings have been that a strong BE with Rutgers and UConn is better than what we apparently will now see.

The hope of so many on this board that the BE could or should die has never made sense to me.

And by the way, I remains amazed that Maryland would give up ACC Basketball (does anybody care to watch MD against Northwestern on a cold Chicago night?) and especially ACC lacrosse - the next revenue generator in twenty years or so. (not to mention ACC Soccer).

So, I really find the news very disheartening.

I am really growing to dislike the BIG and the BIG leader, Delaney - a guy who sounds like sports administrative meglomaniac.

I guess I'm just really naive when it comes to football revenue politics.

Perhaps I misunderstood your previous posts on the subject OPA, but you didn't just want and hope that the new BE survived. You all but guaranteed that it would and argued ad nausem that it would have equal access to the new Bowl Championship alignment.

If your position today is that "I want the BE to survive and flourish to keep Rutgers and UConn just where they are," that makes sense, at least conceptually.

The problem is, and has always been, that the new BE was doomed for failure; and that every team left behind would jump head-over-heels at the first opportunity to leave - for the money and for the opportunity to have access to the national championship.

Your considered opinion on what would happen was never going to change the reality of what is happening.
Oh god. You again?

Aren't you the guy who made a public show of giving up your season tickets?
Nope, you are the one who keeps bringing up me and my tickets. Get over it! :rolleyes:
Perhaps I misunderstood your previous posts on the subject OPA, but you didn't just want and hope that the new BE survived. You all but guaranteed that it would and argued ad nausem that it would have equal access to the new Bowl Championship alignment.

I totally agree!!! OPA said the NEW Big East was going to get one of the biggest TV contracts in all of college sports because it went from coast to coast and added great TV markets like Houston and San Diego. His HOPE and what REALITY was and is are 2 very different things.
If it is true that MD and Rutgers are going to the Big Ten, that means that UConn will likely be headed to the ACC.

And that is precisely what I didn't want to happen.

I did not want Rutgers and UConn to maintain recruiting equality with us.

If Rutgers goes BIG, that hurts us a lot. Now, the Knights will have Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State and others as regular home opponents - that will attract even more talent to Piscattaway.

And if UConn goes ACC our advantage over the Huskies is greatly diminished.

I want the BE to survive and flourish to keep Rutgers and UConn just where they are. My feelings have been that a strong BE with Rutgers and UConn is better than what we apparently will now see.

The hope of so many on this board that the BE could or should die has never made sense to me.

And by the way, I remains amazed that Maryland would give up ACC Basketball (does anybody care to watch MD against Northwestern on a cold Chicago night?) and especially ACC lacrosse - the next revenue generator in twenty years or so. (not to mention ACC Soccer).

So, I really find the news very disheartening.

I am really growing to dislike the BIG and the BIG leader, Delaney - a guy who sounds like sports administrative meglomaniac.

I guess I'm just really naive when it comes to football revenue politics.

Here's the problem: The Big East is going to die but Rutgers and UConn were never going to die with it.

The ACC should have taken one of the two, perferably Rutgers, and that would have prevented the Big 10 from taking one from the BE.

The ACC left an opening that could have been closed.

Anyone who thought Rutgers and UConn were going to be satisfied in a diminished Big East were crazy.

Saw this coming from a mile away.
What makes everyone so sure the ACC even wanted Rutgers? Even assumes it was a given.
One way or another, at least one of those teams (Rutgers and UConn) is going to be in a competitive, major conference. Here's the perspective I put things in: eventually, the ACC is likely to have North and South divisions. It's important to Syracuse, for competitive reasons and for fans, to have some reasonable travel in its division.

Right now, the seven northern-most teams would be: Syracuse, Pitt, Boston College, Maryland, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest (I take them over other NC schools because UNC/Duke will never be split and NC State will probably be locked in with them too.)

If the end game plays out that Rutgers and UConn, or UConn and ND, or ND and PSU are in the ACC North, that's good from a fan perspective and a travel perspective.

VT would have a conniption if they got put into the "old big east". You are using logic and sadly that isn't going to be applied.
What makes everyone so sure the ACC even wanted Rutgers? Even assumes it was a given.
No one said they wanted Rutgers. They apparently didn't. But they seem to be good enough for the Big 10, and now the ACC is about to be damaged.
No one said they wanted Rutgers. They apparently didn't. But they seem to be good enough for the Big 10, and now the ACC is about to be damaged.
I don't see how the ACC is damaged by Rutgers going to the Big 10 I really don't. How? Rutgers makes more money. Big 10 Network gets some better TV money. How does that effect the ACC again?
There is way too much concern about Rutgers and Uconn, and how their conference standing will effect us. Don't get me wrong, I would certainly have preferred for both to be stuck in purgatory for atleast a few more years. Itdoesn't appear that's going to be the case.

But assuming that we make the necessary upgrades to facilities and keep the commitment to athletics, we are going to continue to be an athletic brand name and power. I have no problem playing on an even playing field with both schools. We have more to sell than both.
There is way too much concern about Rutgers and Uconn, and how their conference standing will effect us. Don't get me wrong, I would certainly have preferred for both to be stuck in purgatory for atleast a few more years. Itdoesn't appear that's going to be the case.

But assuming that we make the necessary upgrades to facilities and keep the commitment to athletics, we are going to continue to be an athletic brand name and power. I have no problem playing on an even playing field with both schools. We have more to sell than both.

This .

Everyone needs to relax.
Thanks Maryland for bringing your football team over to our conference, we are no longer the worst team.

Indiana University
I don't see how the ACC is damaged by Rutgers going to the Big 10 I really don't. How? Rutgers makes more money. Big 10 Network gets some better TV money. How does that effect the ACC again?
Maryland going to the Big 10 hurts the ACC because it's a break in ranks and may result in other schools thinking of leaving the conference. Rutgers going to the Big 10 makes the Big 10 a bigger player in the New York market and allows RU to step up its recruiting in football, which will hurt Syracuse.
Maryland going to the Big 10 hurts the ACC because it's a break in ranks and may result in other schools thinking of leaving the conference. Rutgers going to the Big 10 makes the Big 10 a bigger player in the New York market and allows RU to step up its recruiting in football, which will hurt Syracuse.

Maybe, Maybe not. I think it remains to be seen. One thing for sure, we will definitely be recruiting a different product than each other. The NY market will be there for both schools.
Maryland going to the Big 10 hurts the ACC because it's a break in ranks and may result in other schools thinking of leaving the conference. Rutgers going to the Big 10 makes the Big 10 a bigger player in the New York market and allows RU to step up its recruiting in football, which will hurt Syracuse.
If Rutgers comes in last or next to last in the Big 10 in both basketball and football (very possible) and is getting beat-downs in both sports by the big boys of Ohio St, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa...etc I don't see Rutgers being on the radar in the NYC sports market.
If Rutgers comes in last or next to last in the Big 10 in both basketball and football (very possible) and is getting beat-downs in both sports by the big boys of Ohio St, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa...etc I don't see Rutgers being on the radar in the NYC sports market.

They don't have to be bad to disappear. Even if they are mediocre their fate will be the same.

It's an area that only supports big winners. If they are .500 no one will know they are alive.

Remember, the B1G doesn't care about Rutgers, its the TV sets that they care about, Rutgers. itself, has little value. Its all about cable subscribers. not the school in New Brunswick.
If this actually happens Rutgers will be cannon fodder for most of the BiG. I always thought we would've been too.

RU I get doing this, they are Rutgers and any option they get is a good one. Maryland did actually go to an Orange Bowl and win a hoops NC in the ACC. It's going to be exponentially harder for them to compete, and suddenly Turgeon isn't selling games against Duke, UNC, and SU but instead a completely different brand of hoops, and one that is going to really hurt recruiting locally, making families drive across time zones to see a game.

Hopefully cooler (and smarter) heads prevail.

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