And here we go | Page 2 |

And here we go

There is no kind of freedom and liberty other than the kind which the market economy brings about. - Mises

The ultimate and only solution is a free market solution. Anything short of that is a denial of the freedom and liberty owed to the players, no matter how well-intentioned.

Gotta love some LvM on a Cuse message board. Love this place.
I have a lot of very complicated and mixed thoughts on college sports. I think it's wonderful and deeply exploitative at the same time. I think it does a lot of good and a lot of bad. I haven't been able to square those opinions in my own head and I can't imagine I can convince anyone else to. So that's the framework I see this in. This is the bad side, but pointing to it doesn't necessarily mean it's all bad.

But Tyler Ennis cannot sell his autograph, he cannot sell a #11 jersey, he cannot appear in a commercial. No one else can sell an "Ennis" jersey either, but all they have to do to circumvent the rule is pretend not to realize that the #11 jersey is for Tyler Ennis. And when the facade slips, as it did here, everyone gets upset not at the exploitation but that someone slipped up and admitted it.


It's a mutually beneficial contract. Players get scholarships, training, exposure. If they don't want to go that route they can do what Jeremy Taylor did.

Less than 5% of players that will ever make a dime playing ball. This exploitative system gets the remainder an opportunity for a free education. It funds the other programs and clubs and intramural teams.

You want to open up players to being able to market themselves, pretty soon there are going to be schools that have reputations where players can sell their autographs for a couple of thousand. It's just an avenue for boosters to buy players.
There is no kind of freedom and liberty other than the kind which the market economy brings about. - Mises

The ultimate and only solution is a free market solution. Anything short of that is a denial of the freedom and liberty owed to the players, no matter how well-intentioned.
Always appreciate a random Ludwig von Mises quote.
Are they having student interns doing their social media? Honestly, any person in athletic communications (or higher ed. communications in general) know that with this stuff you tread lightly. Not using a player's name when selling a jersey, and not talking about high schoolers who haven't committed. I mean, this is honestly the simple stuff.

Who the heck is running things up there, and how do they continue to make these mistakes? Is there no oversight on this stuff? I mean, this is a pattern of stupidity by athletic communications, and someone should be getting fired over it. Do they not have a paid social media coordinator? If they are using student interns it's just another sign that shows SU has no clue what they're doing when it comes to athletic communications.

Sorry, both my wife and I are in marketing and PR (and journalism) for higher ed, and this stuff is seriously the FIRST thing someone should learn at that job. The fact that it has happened three times tells me they're not getting through to whomever is doing social media. The bigger question is, if they're missing this simple stuff, God help us what are the big things they're missing (that aren't there for everyone in the world to see)? Scary thought.
It's my understanding the marketing dept has lots of interns and one of the tasks is managing social media. Why they wouldn't hire a full-time professional SM/Community Manager is beyond me. It's pretty clear they don't have a New Media/Digital strategy that runs to one person.
Well, maybe with the ACC money, this should be made a paid position. :bang:
It's my understanding the marketing dept has lots of interns and one of the tasks is managing social media. Why they wouldn't hire a full-time professional SM/Community Manager is beyond me. It's pretty clear they don't have a New Media/Digital strategy that runs to one person.
That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard. The person in charge that has made that decision vis a vis interns needs to be let go. You CANNOT let (essentially) transients with no knowledge or experience in dealing with the NCAA rule book handle your social media. That is just about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

This isn't the only thing that has come out of athletic communications that I know about. When I worked in the business, oh God, the doozies I saw first hand and heard about second hand coming from that place.
This stuff happens because SU has a poorly run athletic department that's why this happens. Need a new AD badly.
This stuff happens because SU has a poorly run athletic department that's why this happens. Need a new AD badly.
Not necessarily a new AD. They do need more internal controls and oversight, though.
First, I suspect the tweet isn't a violation, but the sale of the Jersey would be.

Second, anyone who has tried to buy an SU jersey for their kid knows you can't buy a Tyler Ennis jersey. Unless things have changed there is no such thing. They pick one or two numbers to market each year, and its done early and it isn't going to be the incoming freshman when you have a four year senior POY candidate.

Lucky for SU that they have a bunch of jerseys left over from the last guy who wore #11.

Just like SU got lucky they had a bunch of Preston Shumpert jerseys left over. ;)
O'Bannon's lawyers will have a field day with this one. Incredibly stupid mistake.
There is no kind of freedom and liberty other than the kind which the market economy brings about. - Mises

The ultimate and only solution is a free market solution. Anything short of that is a denial of the freedom and liberty owed to the players, no matter how well-intentioned.

Wow Mises quoted on the Cuse message board. My 2 greatest loves in life. Cusefan95 are you married?
Not necessarily a new AD. They do need more internal controls and oversight, though.

Gross does delegate to a number of people who do a bad job. In the past, he hasn't seemed too concerned about that.

I like the job he's done in most respects, but oversight of middle management has been an ongoing problem.
Wow Mises quoted on the Cuse message board. My 2 greatest loves in life. Cusefan95 are you married?

Now if we'd only talk about and vote for the one only candidate versed in Austrian economics(or any economics for that matter), the love would increase 1000-fold!(at least for me). Join the resistance while it is still legal.

(hint, his name appeared on a sticker while the pages of a book were being rifled through by the dude in my Avatar on Breaking Bad...another reason for me to love the show). We're actively Huxley'ing ourselves here while the hand of Orewell keeps grinding in the background with nearly every major act of government and the media. Soon even the resurrection of LvM himself would be of little help. Plenty of folks became versed in Robert's Rules of Law and took over party chairs on the local levels, so I haven't given up hope on the irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. Id list the illusion of a free press as probably the greatest enemy of America, beyond the fiat currency it was bought out to promote. Of course Amusing Ourselves to Death and the one lobby who can practically veto most candidates aren't helping matters any.
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"Id list the illusion of a free press as probably the greatest enemy of America, beyond the fiat currency it was bought out to promote."

Amen brotha. Tu ne cede malis.

(To everyone else: yes we will be getting a room.)
Wow Mises quoted on the Cuse message board. My 2 greatest loves in life. Cusefan95 are you married?

I am married, but it brings me great joy to find that we have our own little collection of Austrian Schoolers on this board. In spite of Pat Dye, I root for Auburn because of their close ties to the Mises Academy.

To Walt - a free market is one unencumbered by regulation. In this case the regulation is from the NCAA, eliminating that regulation would allow payment of athletes and open bidding for their services. One reality is that regulation which prevents a free market from working ALWAYS results in a black market (drugs, prostitution, NCAA athletes, etc...) - so people complaining about PayPal Cal are in truth complaining about the inevitable results of the regulatory environment of the NCAA. The options we have are a free market or a PayPal Cal market - not some illusionary 'regulated' market system where schools don't use financial incentives outside the regulations to compete for athletes . People that think that world is possible probably believe in Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and widespread government regulation of markets (for our own good, of course).
The powers that be use the media to divide us on any issue that matters, and distract us with meaningless stuff. It's called diversion for a reason.

They fear any person who could bring such diverse groups together, lawfully, under the umbrella of liberty. Nature is a market, for crying out loud. This probably goes back to the "Garden of Eden" and certain folks telling us what is right and wrong. I'm just hoping this 100th Monkey effect comes soon. Haven't we already attacked all the nations that held out from Rothschild banks? We test the drones and assassinate Americans(in various ways "over there"), and soon the Rubicon is crossed and they get used for their true intentions.

I dont know if Mises says anything about the lack of privacy in transactions, but this centralized stranglehold is scaring the heck out of me friends. Of course we're still the minority because of peer control. That reminds me of this video. Not sure of my opinions on the author, but I think it's good for explaining how the farm works: (I admit I'm not as versed in the hardcore economics as you all, but think nature teaches me plenty). It's just been hard for me to keep sift through the misinfo and disinfo that can snare passionate folks. EDIT: We can discuss the SU graffiti too, who some writers called "cryptic".

it's like the person in charge of academic affairs of the team got promoted and made the social media coordinator

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