Any Keita update? | Page 2 |

Any Keita update?

Did anyone see what actually happened to the knee? Did they replay it on TV? I was at the game and only saw him hobbling to the locker room and limp around the huddles. Did it look bad on TV?
Did anyone see what actually happened to the knee? Did they replay it on TV? I was at the game and only saw him hobbling to the locker room and limp around the huddles. Did it look bad on TV?

I think he just landed funny. Didn't even notice anything was wrong until he took himself out.

When Grant injured himself a few months ago, it looked scarier than it really was.

Offer up a sacrifice to the MRI gods just in case.
Of course I am rooting for a Keita comeback for the Pitt game, but I also don't wanna rush him back playing 50% in a physical and hostile environment. Also, we could learn how good Grant could be at the 5 if in worst case scenario Rak and Baye both foul out. And lastly Gbinaje and Roberson could play a little forward if this happens getting them some much needed experience down the stretch even if their first game getting significant time is in a hostile environment like Pittsburgh.
The last thing in the world you want to be is a center on a #1 ranked Syracuse team. It's Brady Bunch in Hawaii level cursed.

Or drummers in Spinal Tap. Or keyboard players in the Grateful Dead. Or Rutgers. Or UConn. We're talking that kind of cursed.
I think he just landed funny. Didn't even notice anything was wrong until he took himself out.

When Grant injured himself a few months ago, it looked scarier than it really was.

Offer up a sacrifice to the MRI gods just in case.

As rough as the play was underneath, I figured one of the Clemson guys may have fallen into him or something. Our guys were getting pounded.
Here's my plan for Keita:

If he's anything less than 95%, I'd sit him until the Duke game, which is basically two weeks to recuperate. In that time frame we play at Pitt, vs NC State, vs BC. We should be able to win at least 2 of those 3 games comfortably without him. He gets rested and he's ready to contribute for the stretch run. Should not lose much if anything in the standings.
Obokoh would not have gotten any run. He is too raw.

This is money. Had trouble getting DCII real minutes, where were the minutes for a really raw Obokoh going to come from?
So Arinze was day to day until he was done. Dejuan was day to day with a bone bruise until it needed surgery. Keita has a knee sprain. May as well amputate it!! I hate these knee things. They have a habit of turning into something much much worse. I am really hoping we get a pass on this one. I don't care about the Pitt game. Whoever said sit him until Duke has a point. A couple of loses are nothing compared to not having a healthy Keita for the tournament. Of course a couple of weeks ago we thought we lost Tyler Ennis with his sprain for a couple of games, and he was able to tough thru it. Maybe, maybe Keita can do that.
Obokoh would not have gotten any run. He is too raw.

CJ was quoted as saying he's not the tallest but someone has a great knack for getting rebounds.
In the beginning of the second half, Keita was on the bench rubbing his knee pretty as if he was writhing in pain. Now that Coleman is gone, Keita becomes a little more important!
Dave85 said:
In the beginning of the second half, Keita was on the bench rubbing his knee pretty as if he was writhing in pain. Now that Coleman is gone, Keita becomes a little more important!

He did not seem to me to be writhing in pain - he would not have been on the bench if that was the case. He was just doing what comes natural after an injury like that - just rubbing it to get a sense of how bad it might be and hoping for the best. As for people saying he should sit until the Duke game, I'd rather let the SU medical staff decide on BMK's status. And we should have redshirted both Chino and BJ.
Obokoh would not have gotten any run. He is too raw.
If Obokoh had been on the team, it would be worse than putting Reilly in for the NCAA when AO got hurt. He is so raw and would have gotten no playing time up to this point.
Sprained knee doesnt tell you much. If it was enough to keep him from coming back into the clemson game, there is a good chance it will be enough of an impediment to justify not playing him in a regular season game that we dont even need to win due to the incredible start we've had.
If he indeed does have a knee sprain there are three levels.

Grade 1 – a few fibres (less than 10%) are damaged/torn. Usually heals naturally
Grade 2 – more fibres are torn but the ligament is still intact.
Grade 3 – the ligament is ruptured – completely torn. May require surgery

If it is a mild knee strain I would have to imagine it is a grade 1 in which case he should with rest and therapy be ok within a week to 10 days.
If he indeed does have a knee sprain there are three levels.

Grade 1 – a few fibres (less than 10%) are damaged/torn. Usually heals naturally
Grade 2 – more fibres are torn but the ligament is still intact.
Grade 3 – the ligament is ruptured – completely torn. May require surgery

If it is a mild knee strain I would have to imagine it is a grade 1 in which case he should with rest and therapy be ok within a week to 10 days.

I hope we do not seem him play until the BC game. And then just for 10 minutes or so. This way, he has time to heal and hopefully can play in the Duke game.
I hope we do not seem him play until the BC game. And then just for 10 minutes or so. This way, he has time to heal and hopefully can play in the Duke game.
I agree. Suit him up and if he can give it a go Wednesday then play him only out of an emergency situation. I honestly think he will not even suit up but thats just my opinion.
As I said last night, assuming he's anything less than 95% for the Pitt game, I'd sit him until Duke. That gives him basically 2 weeks to heal. We should be able to win 2 of 3 without him - at Pitt, home vs NC ST and BC.
JB will play 6 v pitt, get run out of the building and then open his presser saying 'i dont know why you are here, you guys had the columns written that i cant beat dixon done yesterday'.
We need to get Miyagi to work on that knee! Hands of fire baby!
Picture 105.png
Tape it up, put him through warmups and let him play as much as he can Wednesday night. Then again, I haven't examined him.

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