Apologies to former players...especially Troy Nunes | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Apologies to former players...especially Troy Nunes

Not defending Doug but troys case is a little different. I believe he is a financial advisor who's client base in pro athletes
Not defending Doug but troys case is a little different. I believe he is a financial advisor who's client base in pro athletes
Ok, BIG difference if that's the case...
There's a right and wrong way to approach potential clients...
On the practice field is the latter...
Not defending Doug but troys case is a little different. I believe he is a financial advisor who's client base in pro athletes

This is very true.
as alumni of any college program when you go back and it's not the coach you had it will always feel different. There isnt that welcome back factor built in. The new coach has to go out of his was to welcome alumni and get to know them.
In all seriousness, I would like to apologize to Troy Nunes and some of the other former Syracuse Orangemen players.

About a year or so ago, we all got on Troy's case because he raised a stink when former players were not being allowed into Manley practices. His feeling (and the feeling of other former players) was that the Marrone administration didn't show enough respect to former players.

Most everyone here (myself included) agreed with DM. We called the former players a "distraction" to the current team. I even created the following image as my way of showing my displeasure with this "entitled" former QB.


Well, I would like to apologize to Troy Nunes and the other former players who raised a stink about DM not allowing them into the program. I see now that DM is a genuine dickhead and that the former players were probably in the right.

Gentlemen, I am sorry.
Here here!!!
As a former player, I appreciate the job that Marrone did bringing the Cuse back from the depths of college football. With that being said, I thought he treated former players with disrespect causing most to wonder why. Now, many of the ex-gridders I speak with are extremely pleased with HCSS for he has embraced and welcomed us back with open arms. We have received emails from him asking us to attend practices and speak to the team when appropriate. HCSS may not be a former Orange player but he bleeds orange and that is what the Cuse needs as we enter the ACC.
Right on man!!!!
this is getting a bit ridiculous. i agree it was a mystery why he alienated former players, but for what he did bringing us back from the dead I will always be grateful.
A .500(except the Teledo game) recoird is not back from the dead!! Maybe brian dead but not dead!!
I know a guy from Boston who now owns a pizza shop in Wellesley. He was a tight end at ga tech when marrone coached there. I was pumped to talk DM with him after he got hired and first time I brought him up, guy made a face and said marrone was a wicked . I typically take negativity with a grain of salt but that always stuck with me coming from a former player.

Anyways the truth is probably in the middle. DM might not be most likable guy but he doesn't owe me anything and I appreciate the job he did here even though he left a lot of unfinished business.
as alumni of any college program when you go back and it's not the coach you had it will always feel different. There isnt that welcome back factor built in. The new coach has to go out of his was to welcome alumni and get to know them.
Marrone didn't want "outsiders" around the program, including former players. He went out of his way to not welcome them - NFL approach.

Scott sent a letter/email to all former players asking them to stop by. He asked the team and coaches be given space to do their job but he wants the alumni around the program. Beyond jet mentioning this I was told this by a former player who should be welcomed whenever he is around.

Not faulting Marrone as that's his style (us against the world) but I prefer HNHCSS's approach.
As a former player, I appreciate the job that Marrone did bringing the Cuse back from the depths of college football. With that being said, I thought he treated former players with disrespect causing most to wonder why. Now, many of the ex-gridders I speak with are extremely pleased with HCSS for he has embraced and welcomed us back with open arms. We have received emails from him asking us to attend practices and speak to the team when appropriate. HCSS may not be a former Orange player but he bleeds orange and that is what the Cuse needs as we enter the ACC.

I just wanna go to the rooftops and scream, "I love Scott Shafer!"
I just wanna go to the rooftops and scream, "I love Scott Shafer!"

I hear where you are coming from, and I too like the direction HCSS is going. However, I'm going to reserve judgement of him until he can string together a few wins.
Marrone didn't want "outsiders" around the program, including former players. He went out of his way to not welcome them - NFL approach.

Scott sent a letter/email to all former players asking them to stop by. He asked the team and coaches be given space to do their job but he wants the alumni around the program. Beyond jet mentioning this I was told this by a former player who should be welcomed whenever he is around.

Not faulting Marrone as that's his style (us against the world) but I prefer HNHCSS's approach.
I see what you did there with the HN thing and I LOVE IT.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
Doug Marrone treated coaching SU like it was an NFL coaching job. Starting when he ran off players who he didn't feel would help the team. He did a great job building us back into a respectable program. However, I think sooner rather than later his NFL attitude would have harmed the program. Shafer and his staff understand the difference between college and NFL. Let's hope he and his staff have the same or more on the field success as Marrone did.

The "he ran off players" nonsense is just that
Marrone didn't want "outsiders" around the program, including former players. He went out of his way to not welcome them - NFL approach.

Scott sent a letter/email to all former players asking them to stop by. He asked the team and coaches be given space to do their job but he wants the alumni around the program. Beyond jet mentioning this I was told this by a former player who should be welcomed whenever he is around.

Not faulting Marrone as that's his style (us against the world) but I prefer HNHCSS's approach.
I think it is reasonable to infer that Shafer has the luxury of being able to do that because of the heavy lifting that Marrone did.
The "he ran off players" nonsense is just that
Exactly. He told everyone exactly where they stood, and those who didn't like what they heard moved on. He also dismissed people for breaking rules, there was a reason for everything. And it changed the culture dramatically. That first season was tough but it set the tone. Doug handled it as well as he could be expected to.
I see what you did there with the HN thing and I LOVE IT.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

What about HCSMFSS? I have to foot note nunes magician on that though.
Bottomline is the DM took over one of the worst programs in the country on the field. It appears off the field the team was in a similar state. We may not agree with everything he did, but we should understand that there is a reason that he had to go to such extremes. Some of the alumni that he did not want to be around the program were likely recent grads who contributed to the poor culture that had been built. For anyone who has ever tried to change the culture of a struggling company, it can only be done with full buy in, and at times eliminating some of the cancers that can keep people down.

As for Troy Nunes lets not forget that he is a financial advisor for NFL players so there also may have been some concern on that end as well. Also lets not forget he just showed up, I think it is fair to assume he could have given a call ahead.

I agree with the premise that this program was turned over to HCSS in much better shape. This in and of itself allows HCSS to be more open with his policies, and start embracing the alumni again. I for one hope we really put an emphasis on this area.
Bottomline is the DM took over one of the worst programs in the country on the field. It appears off the field the team was in a similar state.

If you are going to say anything like that, at least have some facts behind it.

On the field is easy beacuse we won 10 games in the previous 4 years. The next claim is simply not true and dangerous and disrespectful to even claim.
If you are going to say anything like that, at least have some facts behind it.

On the field is easy beacuse we won 10 games in the previous 4 years. The next claim is simply not true and dangerous and disrespectful to even claim.

My point was from a cultural standpoint. As I said "it appears" which displays that I was showing my perception (i.e not fact) We have heard from numerous former players that there was much less structure, and the expectations were not the same under GROB as they were under HCDM. There have also been many reports of players getting away with behavioral things that would not fly. Why don't I say it this way, my impression of the culture was that we were not being run in a manner that I saw as leading us to be a winning program.

Also to say that my statement is "dangerous" is laughable specifically when I note that it is on perception(appearance) alone.
Marrone was what the program needed to recover. Maybe he was more motivated to use it as the springboard for his next job, rather than his dream of doing great things as an SU football head coach, but whatever. There was a big blip on the radar at the end of 2011, and he went all out to prevent that in 2012. He did.

Shafer has a different approach, especially with former players. It's refreshing, but it's also something he can better manage given where the program is.

No sense beating this around anymore. At the end of the day, all of it appears to be good news for SU football, especially for the majority of us who survived the GRob era. So everyone should sit back and enjoy.
So far HCSS appears to be doing all the right things off the field. I have confidence that he will be able to get the team to translate that on field to some big wins. Marrone did thngs his way and had a certain level of success on the field. Off the field I'm not sure he had many success other than installing some discipline. He was a tough coach and was very rigid. He was also almost devoid of personality. His coaches shows were painful to watch because he was so bad at it.

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