are there any JB defenders left? |

are there any JB defenders left?


Hall of Fame
Sep 3, 2011
i dont read this board as much as i used to (having a 3 yr old will do that) , but in the past whenever boeheim got criticized or soneone wanted him gone there were always posters running to his defense saying “ he built syracuse basketball, hes in the hall of fame, we made the final 4 recently, he deserves to leave whenever he wants, youll be sorry when hes gone, etc etc”

surely theres not any of those people left is there?? even the most committed jb defenders have gotta admit his a$$ has gotsta go.

and dont call me surely.
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I'm not sure everyone is as extreme in their anger about the program is in the dumps but the upper half of the ACC are all bunched pretty closely together and we've managed to be .500.

Program desperately needs a change but I understand some peoples concern. Wildhack has done nothing to suggest he can make a good hire. FSU and Louisville are what we are looking at if we get it wrong.

Couple weeks ago you could have made the case for 1 more year especially if Judah returns but I don't think you can do that right now the freshmen are regressing and being exposed and while they don't need to be pushed out by a new coach being recruited over by portal players should be a likely possibility.

We'll know right away if we got the next hire right there is no reason to give anyone more than 2 bad seasons. It might take us a couple hires to find our guy. Just please don't give it to an assistant they can go get one of the other 365 D1 NCAA basketball head coaching jobs and win some games if they are worthy of coaching SU. Musselman looked pretty upset shaking hands with Oats yesterday and hes flaming out at Arkansas I'd give him a call first we'd get a pretty big injection of talent bringing him in and the SEC is tougher than the ACC right now.
i dont read this board as much as i used to (having a 3 yr old will do that) , but in the past whenever boeheim got criticized or soneone wanted him gone there were always posters running to his defense saying “ he built syracuse basketball, hes in the hall of fame, we made the final 4 recently, he deserves to leave whenever he wants, youll be sorry when hes gone, etc etc”

surely theres not any of those people left is there?? even the most committed jb defenders have gotta admit his a$$ has gotsta go.

and dont call me surely.
Look Shirley, it's simply human nature to wanna deny what's obvious sometimes, even when it's right in front of your face.
I had a friend whose gf would blatantly flirt and cheat on him, and no matter how many times you told him, he just would not accept it. In fact, just telling him made you the enemy holding "something" against her.
We see it in politics all the time nowadays, where irrefutable evidence is dismissed to make way for the next delusion, just so a loser and/or his minions can delay, deflect, & deny, just to forestall the inevitable.
The old saying " denial ain't just a river in Egypt" is apropos for these people, and they're not about to change.
I’ll field this one since I’m sure I count as a JB defender.

My vote going into the season was for him to leave after next year. So, the chasm between his defenders and haters or realists is roughly one whole season.

I wouldn’t mind either way if he leaves now or after next season. I don’t see him staying any longer than that.

No matter what happens, we’ll probably be mediocre for another 10 years or so.
I think it reaffirms that he will stay until he feels comfortable leaving
I think it reaffirms that he will stay until he feels comfortable leaving

We’re at/past the point where I think he gets asked to leave. Just a matter of if that’s at the end of this season or if he’s allowed a farewell tour.

He might get a farewell season simply for the fact that a new coach likely wouldn’t be able to bring in talent this late in the recruiting process. The transfer portal is nice but not as full of high level talent as people tend to think. You can’t bring in 3 starters from the portal and do much. At least, you can’t rely on that. And that’s probably what a coach would need to pull off for the team to be any good.

The farewell season would allow for a smoother transition, probably.
I feel sorry for him. I think he wants to go out a winner. I think he still believes he can, which is why he’s hanging on. He cares about his legacy more than most all except maybe K. He’s desperate to turn it around. He probably can’t and probably won’t. I do have empathy.
We’re at/past the point where I think he gets asked to leave. Just a matter of if that’s at the end of this season or if he’s allowed a farewell tour.

He might get a farewell season simply for the fact that a new coach likely wouldn’t be able to bring in talent this late in the recruiting process. The transfer portal is nice but not as full of high level talent as people tend to think. You can’t bring in 3 starters from the portal and do much. At least, you can’t rely on that. And that’s probably what a coach would need to pull off for the team to be any good.

The farewell season would allow for a smoother transition, probably.
Then, for the farewell season they bring in a bunch of NIL transfer$ and do well and he decides he has to stay on for the good of the program.
We’re at/past the point where I think he gets asked to leave. Just a matter of if that’s at the end of this season or if he’s allowed a farewell tour.

He might get a farewell season simply for the fact that a new coach likely wouldn’t be able to bring in talent this late in the recruiting process. The transfer portal is nice but not as full of high level talent as people tend to think. You can’t bring in 3 starters from the portal and do much. At least, you can’t rely on that.
He’s said repeatedly that he wouldn’t do a farewell tour.

Also, teams can absolutely reload through the portal.
Then, for the farewell season they bring in a bunch of NIL transfer$ and do well and he decides he has to stay on for the good of the program.

That would be funny. But, as we’re seeing with this team, inexperience in the zone (coupled with questionable talent) doesn’t work. The zone gets shredded. He’s not going to stop playing zone and transfers aren’t going to learn it well enough or quick enough to be successful on that end of the court.

There’s a slim chance we’d get transfers who are so exceptional on offense that they’ll overcome the almost inevitable shortcomings on D.
Also, teams can absolutely reload through the portal.

Examples of teams reloading through the transfer portal are exceedingly rare. Sort of the exception that proves the rule.
I'm a defender of his coaching skills. I think he is brilliant. I'm not a defender of how he handles the press and his inability to change. If Jim had embraced using multiple Ds this year, we would have more wins. The zone has become a shooting gallery for opposing teams. the minute Pitt or any team started to figure the zone out and drain open 3s he should be switching to man.
At this point his stubborn ego is ruining his coaching brilliance. It's time for him to go.
I'd be happy if JB quit today. On the other hand, I think most of the criticisms of his day-to-day coaching are off base. We've seen that it doesn't matter who he plays, despite the near unanimous belief that he's doing that all wrong. The bigger topic is zone vs. man, but I'm confident that if they played man-to-man, the record wouldn't be that much different.

The only criticism that holds water, IMO, is his/their inability (or unwillingness to do what's necessary) to bring in the talent they need to compete.
I'm a defender of his coaching skills. I think he is brilliant. I'm not a defender of how he handles the press and his inability to change. If Jim had embraced using multiple Ds this year, we would have more wins. The zone has become a shooting gallery for opposing teams. the minute Pitt or any team started to figure the zone out and drain open 3s he should be switching to man.
At this point his stubborn ego is ruining his coaching brilliance. It's time for him to go.

I’ll bang the drum that we’re at a talent deficit. Switching defenses might’ve helped us in a game or two, but we’ve been showing up to gun fights with knives. And that’s on JB. He really hasn’t put in the work, or at least not gotten the results, he needed to on the recruiting trail. If we had the horses, we’d be winning more. We don’t have the horses; which, again, is JB’s responsibility.

The extension of this argument is that I don’t think there is another coach who would be getting much more out of this roster than JB has.
I'd be happy if JB quit today. On the other hand, I think most of the criticisms of his day-to-day coaching are off base. We've seen that it doesn't matter who he plays, despite the near unanimous belief that he's doing that all wrong. The bigger topic is zone vs. man, but I'm confident that if they played man-to-man, the record wouldn't be that much different.

The only criticism that holds water, IMO, is his/their inability (or unwillingness to do what's necessary) to bring in the talent they need to compete.
I’m not sure it can be stated enough about the significant drop off in talent. Coaching only goes so far. The talent gap between these last few years and his first 30 years on the job are night and day. He wants to coach. But he doesn’t want to do anything else that the job requires.
i dont read this board as much as i used to (having a 3 yr old will do that) , but in the past whenever boeheim got criticized or soneone wanted him gone there were always posters running to his defense saying “ he built syracuse basketball, hes in the hall of fame, we made the final 4 recently, he deserves to leave whenever he wants, youll be sorry when hes gone, etc etc”

surely theres not any of those people left is there?? even the most committed jb defenders have gotta admit his a$$ has gotsta go.

and dont call me surely.
I support JB.

Still, I was hoping he would retire following the graduation of his sons.
I'm in conflict as I honestly feel bad for JB. He's tearing down what he built trying to get one more year to go out on a high note, but it's clear that it won't happen. Someone needs to have a talk with him for the best interests of all involved.

The exit strategy should and still can be done gracefully, but time is running out. I do laugh at those who defend him at every turn... I never thought we would be here as a program...
I’ll bang the drum that we’re at a talent deficit. Switching defenses might’ve helped us in a game or two, but we’ve been showing up to gun fights with knives. And that’s on JB. He really hasn’t put in the work, or at least not gotten the results, he needed to on the recruiting trail. If we had the horses, we’d be winning more. We don’t have the horses; which, again, is JB’s responsibility.

The extension of this argument is that I don’t think there is another coach who would be getting much more out of this roster than JB has.
I almost guarantee that Bennett would have this team With 20+ wins. Oats also.

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