Auburn/ Georgia |

Auburn/ Georgia


Look at the fans behind the cheerleaders.
Where are the masks?
How many people in the stands? I cant watch
Georgia has a boatload of people on the sidelines as well.
The ESPN sideline reporter is on the field with no mask on.
This chit is nuts.
These fans are all over each other. If there is an outbreak it’s all on the SEC Commissioner.
Would anybody be surprised if Athens had 10,000 new COVID cases next week. I cannot believe they allowed this.

I thought the same thing, but in the end, this will be a good litmus test for the rest of the nation. We have seen other schools allow 15-20k in previous weeks wo news. And these days, no news, is good news. So hoping for the same thing to open things up. That said, masking needs to be enforced. It's the simplest way.
Would anybody be surprised if Athens had 10,000 new COVID cases next week. I cannot believe they allowed this.

ISU has a nice home crowd too. Alot of juice in that stadium.
WVU game didn't look quite as bad but definitely stupid too. They showed an idiot pulling her mask down to yell, "lets go," as if the masks stop sound. And right behind her was another idiot with a mask hanging from one ear.
Around 20K and it's still very loud.
Seems to be a consistent figure with what other stadiums allow if they do
That’s why I would never live in the South - they are all dumber than a box of rocks.
No more stupid than people in rural areas in New York, or frankly anyone anywhere who believes this is made up. With that said - I am constantly amazed by the people in grocery stores that just simply don't wear masks. At this point, it's simply a big FU.
No more stupid than people in rural areas in New York, or frankly anyone anywhere who believes this is made up. With that said - I am constantly amazed by the people in grocery stores that just simply don't wear masks. At this point, it's simply a big FU.

it is funny that the one place you can spread outbreaks to rural areas is via large group gatherings like this. There are no apartment building w elevators or mass transit people need to work and shop in rural areas. But there is a fairly meaningless college football game with you could also watch on tv.
A lot of them aren’t wearing masks in the stands.
The amount of people in this crowd is just stupid.
The only one I saw wearing a mask was UGA X and it was covered with drool

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