Auburn got screwed | Page 4 |

Auburn got screwed

The media didn’t care when we got screwed in 2013.
Just because those hacks like Bruce Pearl and want a story this even becomes news.

Teams get bad calls all the time. I would have swallowed my whistle but don’t care the ref did the make the call. I thought it was a thin call but by the letter of the rules it was a foul. Auburn didn’t get screwed they were up 4 points with 19 seconds left their best FT shooter missed a FT.

We got screwed in 2012 AND 2013.

The only thing those morons complained about was a FT lane violation CORRECTLY being called on UNC Asheville against us.
All you’ve got to do is go MAN to MAN and play him TIGHT, and he’ll never be able to get the ball or get a shot off.

I know, right.
they had 2 chances to play D properly when a 3 should never be allowed and they let them both happen, thats on the them..

fouls happen almost every possession. , grabbing jerseys happens almost every possession, less than 10% of them get called,

double dribbles, over and back calls, lane violations are rules that shouldnt be missed.
Everyone quit bellyaching for Auburn ..all the morons had to do was not give the foul intentionally with 1.5 seconds left and UVA about to hurl a desperation 45 footer

I came here expecting everybody to be talking about this. Jerome had pretty close to a 0% chance of making a half court shot after dribbling the ball off his foot when Virginia was bailed out with an intentional foul.

In a way I'm glad everybody is talking about the foul because I'd hate to see that kid getting all the hate.
You can't go by a screenshot shot to judge something in real-time. Jerome had already bounced the ball off of his foot when the screen capture shows what looks like a grab of the jersey. This is the same nonsense Rams fans were doing when the Saints got screwed on the PI. Anyone can use a screen grab to defend their position. Video doesn't lie.
Not sure what you're saying. It's legal to bounce a ball off of your foot.
Not sure about that. All that booing was about the foul.

All the posts here were about the foul.

It was only after they realized they were wrong on that, that they realized the double dribble happened...because in real time, almost nobody noticed or reacted.
I swear, I did.
Why did Auburn only have 3 fouls until the last minute of the second half? How can Auburn set a defense and allow the ball to get into Guy's hands and he got a perfect clean look at the 3? Let somebody else get the ball and try to win it, but for sure not Kyle Guy.
He got the ball because we ran a super-secret play called "Kyle get open!"
He got the ball because we ran a super-secret play called "Kyle get open!"
I don't like to play coach because I know I'm not as studied as people who do it professionally, but in this instance I will second guess Pearl. I would have coached it that if they set a pick for Guy, the other player needs to release and cover guy even if his player was then uncovered. I think that player would have taken the shot but hesitated and maybe looked to pass first, and in any event, at least KG would not be the Guy that killed you, as he ended up doing.
I don't like to play coach because I know I'm not as studied as people who do it professionally, but in this instance I will second guess Pearl. I would have coached it that if they set a pick for Guy, the other player needs to release and cover guy even if his player was then uncovered. I think that player would have taken the shot but hesitated and maybe looked to pass first, and in any event, at least KG would not be the Guy that killed you, as he ended up doing.

Thing is...maybe he did, and his guys just didn’t execute?
not surprised they missed the double dribble.. i saw 3-4 over and backs get missed during the tourney too and they just completely ignore all the lane violations these days
All you’ve got to do is go MAN to MAN and play him TIGHT, and he’ll never be able to get the ball or get a shot off.


Except JB did go man to man in the last seconds of the 2003 win and they didn’t get off a good shot
The foul on the 3-pointer isn't the call chapping most people's butts

The headline on ESPN is about the “disputed foul call”.

Unfortunately that is what most people are talking about.
Thing is...maybe he did, and his guys just didn’t execute?
That's possible. I think the players at that level are very smart and I'm positive that everyone of them had a major amount of brain space devoted to Kyle Guy. But, ship happens. Pearl is such a maniac that I could see him not focused enough on that detail.
Was it a foul? Sure.

So is handchecking. They ever call that?
Except JB did go man to man in the last seconds of the 2003 win and they didn’t get off a good shot

Sure. But ultimately it’s about playing good defense. Some people post like the very idea of man to man is some indestructible force field for not giving up 3’s.
not surprised they missed the double dribble.. i saw 3-4 over and backs get missed during the tourney too and they just completely ignore all the lane violations these days

The only thing that cancels a made FT is a shooter violation. If the shot is made, all lane violations are superseded by rule. So I'm guessing that's what you saw on the lane violations. Also, over-and-back is supposed to be "three point" meaning both feet and the ball have to cross the line from back court to front court before re-entering the back court is a violation. Again, I'm guessing about what I think you may have seen.
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Virginia won and I'm ok with that. Of course I don't like Pearl, Auburn, the SEC, or Alabama. I also had no money on the game. Congrats to Hoo's That for that rare opportunity to watch your team play for the championship. Go Hoos!!!
I know that the Jerome play is technically a double dribble, but I can't remember the last time I saw it called in that type of scenario.

Regarding the Guy 3-pointer, that is absolutely 100% a foul because the contact shifted his body momentum and affected his follow-through/shot trajectory. In terms of affecting a shot, that is a lot worse than the hand-slap foul that you see called on direct-line close-outs all the time.
Agree. No way the ref should be calling small body touch after the ball was released. Horrific.
Except the contact came before the shot was released. Watching live, I thought it should have been no call. But on the replay, the ball was still in the shooting motion when the contact happened. I’d much rather see that call than a touch on the fingertips after the ball is in the air.
i'm not sure why any contact after release is a shooting foul. laws of physics say once it's left the hand no amount of contact to the shooter alters the ball's flight path or trajectory . should be a common foul. imo.

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