Bernie Fine |

Bernie Fine


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
I have Bernie a few times but do not know him at all so my take on this is only based on what i have read, or seen/listened to on TV/Radio.

I think that Bernie is innocent. There are many holes in the story. Tim has come out and said that during his time at SU he roomed with Fine on the road. The mother states that her son didnt fly. The timing of the new report. The fact that the only individual to come forward is a relative. The past investigation. Four supposed witnesses none of which collaberated the story. JB who is a very smart individual coming out so strongly in Def of Bernie.

Another point that i believe is key. Swartz who i think is a sensationalist vs a journalist said that he spoke to multiple professionals about Davis allowing Bernie to molest him at the age of 27. Well i did some checking on my own and although it does happen it is extremely rare. In most cases Pedophiles have a type. The type is very closely tied to age. Most will not vary from this type and age as it does nothing to satisfy them. This more than anything in my mind is the reason i dont believe Davis. In addition almost all sexual offenders harm multiple victims. Not just one or two but many. The nature of the disease lends itself to a type age and multiple victims none of which at this point based on what has been reported seem to be the case. Last point the law firm that Syracuse hired is Known as first class. I doubt that they would just mail in any investigation most especially one of this importance. The previous investigation covered four months so we have to assume it was extensive. We also have to assume that the firm has already been questioned by the police and if they had provided daming evidence from the last investigation to the administration and Syracuse had not acted on it this would have already come out. All in all being a Syracuse die hard i hope and pray that what im seeing is in fact the only evidence and Bernie is innocent. If there is evidence that has not come out and Bernie has in fact committed this crime than i hope that he rots in jail. lets hope for the best!!
In most cases Pedophiles have a type. The type is very closely tied to age. Most will not vary from this type and age as it does nothing to satisfy them.
I am not in any way, shape, or form an expert on this subject, but this is my understanding as well. The date ranges of 5th grade to the age of 27 does not ring true to me. The key will be if any other victims come forward. If they do, and are found to be truthful, this will sound the death knell for Bernie.

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