Best and worst surprises of the season? |

Best and worst surprises of the season?


Living Legend
May 21, 2012
It has been some roller coaster since about this time last year. Most of us thought we were on our way despite the upcoming departures to the NFL and graduation and then the Buffalo Bills came calling - the Buffalo Bills!

Since then this has been the bi-polar board (even more so than usual). I have been surprised by many things both good and bad. Here are my choices for the best and worst - what are yours? Remember surprises only.

Worst Surprise
For me it was clearly our performance against Georgia Tech.

Best Surprise
Lots of pleasant surprises, including the defensive streak against Wake Forest and Maryland after the GA Tech game, Brisley Estime and Josh Parris. However, the winner for me is Alvin Cornelius.
Worst surprise: Not to get down on the kid individually, but QB play in games 1 and 2 surprised me. Followed closely by, and probably related to, the inability of our receiving crew to perform at a higher level.

Best surprise: while I expect a bowl game from SU every year, going 4-4 in conference good for third in our division, and qualifying with a stunning last minute win against BC, was the best surprise.
Worst - Allen being Mr. Interception.

Best - Finding a way to bowl eligibility. There were times this season where that looked impossible.
What I enjoyed the most this year was watching HCSS and George McDonald learn on the job and grow into their new jobs. The players and the plays from this season may pass but we'll always have Shaf's post BC press conference to look back on. Love the man!
Worst - Drew allen. Not to get down on the kid but how was he at OU? Good kid though!

Best - first year in the ACC 3rd place behind Clemson and FSU
worst surprise was how Green Mac was as an OC

Best surprise was the depth the team showed across the board as the injury bug hit
Worst: Definitely Georgia Tech game. Ugh!

Best: Hunt's redemption after what I (and many others) thought was the game-ending interception against BC. Poise and class during that final drive!

PS: Macky's fumble recovery sure as hell helped as well!
Worst surprise- Drew Allen. With his purple pedigree,he was supposed to be a true qb1.

Best surprise- Next man up. Time after time backups and reserves were asked to step in and make a play. Team depth was critical for us this year. Very proud of the never quit attitude of these kids.
Worst Surprise - Allen. I wanted Hunt but I figured Drew would play pretty well.

Second Worst Surprise - I agree - Ga. Tech. Followed by Pitt - the worst coached game I think I have ever seen.

Best Surprise - You'll think I'm crazy - Riley Dixon. From a walk-on bencher to a great punter. How did that happen?

Second Best Surprise - The last drive against BC.

Third Best Surprise - How many frosh and sophs played significant minutes this year.
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Worst Surprise- Entire Offense. Didn't feel as though SU decided what kind of team it wanted to be, until maybe the final game of the year.

Best Surprise- Two- Isaiah Johnson and Riley Dixon
Worst- Defensive secondary at the beginning of the year, especially against Northwestern.

Best- Last drive against BC. After the Grob years I didn't know I could feel like that again.
Worst - Injuries. Obviously they happen but the way a severity of Raymon and Whigham got injured. Raymon on a dirty play that blew his knee apart and Whigham's freak injury on what was almost a great play.

Second worst - not that we lost but how. 4 blow outs, 1 that we probably shouldve won, and 1 that we definitely shouldve won.

Best - Bromley and Spruill. Not a surprise that they were good but they were massively good this season.

Second best - the improvememt as the season progressed. Talent level is continuing to rise and watching player and coaches confidence grow with game time was fun. If we cap it off with a bowl win, optimism will be deservedly high going into next season.
Worst surprise - Besides the G Tech game. Jarrod West- I wasnt expecting him to have Alec Lemon type numbers but I thought he would be the most consistent player on offense along with J smith. West really struggled being the primary target. He couldnt get separation, didnt make the tough catches that i thought he would provide. A Cornelious could have done better than him if he had got the start from the beginning. At one point I thought West was the 4th or 5th best option next to broyld, brisely, and clark. And thats sad because thats a second year juco who weighs 150 pounds, 2 first years players at the position and red shirt freshman who was better than him.

Best surprise - Besides the BC final drive. Foy and Robinson filled in for Pugh and Chibane admirably. I was expecting a huge drop off. I thought the right side of the line was gonna be awful. The both of them were steady through out the season. Great feeling knowing that they will be side by side with each other for another 2 years.
Worst surprise - the non existent passing game
Best surprise - 6-6 and bowl eligible. I had us at 5-7.
Worst: xp/FG uncertainty

Best: GMII and Devante being legit, excited about what both bring to the table.
Worst: Injuries, namely PTG and Whigham
Best: Eskeridge and Whigham.
Worst: Before season arrests of Pierce-Brewster and Walls plus loss of coaching staff!

Best: Bromley and Hunt plus the energy of the new staff!
Worst Surprise
Individual - Drew Allen - that Okie poster during the preseason had me salivating over our good fortune in getting him.
Unit - Kicking Game - never considered this as a possible concern until injuries hit
Game - Georgia Tech - figured this would be our statement game in the new conference

Best Surprise
Individual - GM III - I was looking forward to seeing him in action and he didn't disappoint, chunks of yards on almost every carry
Unit - Offensive Line - assumed there would be some struggles as the new group jelled, possibly catastrophic. they didn't really dominate, but were solid. I'll take not being the focus of the blame during the bad games.
Game - NC State/Maryland/Wake- dominant performances against new conference opponents after too many games decided by good, bad, or self-inflicted breaks

Not Surprised
Individual - Jarrod West- nothing against him, I just think his niche is as a complementary receiver rather than the first option
Unit - Linebackers - expected to be good with everyone returning (plus solid additions) and they delivered
Game - Florida State - they did the same thing to everyone else too. If they can do the same to Auburn, they might be considered as a special team among the elites.
Worst Surprise
Individual - Drew Allen - that Okie poster during the preseason had me salivating over our good fortune in getting him.
Unit - Kicking Game - never considered this as a possible concern until injuries hit
Game - Georgia Tech - figured this would be our statement game in the new conference

Best Surprise
Individual - GM III - I was looking forward to seeing him in action and he didn't disappoint, chunks of yards on almost every carry
Unit - Offensive Line - assumed there would be some struggles as the new group jelled, possibly catastrophic. they didn't really dominate, but were solid. I'll take not being the focus of the blame during the bad games.
Game - NC State/Maryland/Wake- dominant performances against new conference opponents after too many games decided by good, bad, or self-inflicted breaks

Not Surprised
Individual - Jarrod West- nothing against him, I just think his niche is as a complementary receiver rather than the first option
Unit - Linebackers - expected to be good with everyone returning (plus solid additions) and they delivered
Game - Florida State - they did the same thing to everyone else too. If they can do the same to Auburn, they might be considered as a special team among the elites.

Lol that okie poster was classic. An all time great post. He had me so excited and then the first game happened. Epic, though.

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