So I guess there is no teaching element to coaching? Anyone that was physically able to perform at a particular position will be able to relate to and teach what they did to another person.....why do you think the guys that are considered the greatest coaches were not necessarily the best players when they played? Many of them don't have the first clue about how to tell someone else how they did what they did - much of it came natural to them.....many others don't have the patience for people who can't quite perform at the level they did.
As for the calls for Bouie and DC...has either of them ever shown an ability to coach at any level or an interest for that matter?
A great coach needs to be able to relate the subject matter to the players in a manner that they can understand, implement and hopefully master. He also needs to be able to motivate them to work and get better. These are skills that have little or nothing to do with playing ability. He doesn't need to have been able to execute post moves on the court at the highest levels.
As for how Hop fared this season, I don't know how one could even begin to grade his performance unless you are involved with the team? If you feel like he underperformed, it might be worth noting that he took over after the beginning of the season in a role he was not expecting to fill, so that seems like a major obstacle if he didn't perform at the level you were hoping for. My guess is that if he is going to stay with the bigs next year he will be much better prepared to do so when next season's practices begin. I have always seen him as a very hard worker, so even if he was very ready to work with the bigs this year and had a great year, I would still expect him to spend the offseason working to improve his understanding of this part of the game.