Bill Simmons take on Carmelo | Page 3 |

Bill Simmons take on Carmelo

[quote="Czar, post: 1084447, member: 549"This really was one of the best articles I've ever seen Simmons write.[/quote]
ESPN is getting its head handed to it on the James story by Sports Illustrated. Guess Simmons decided to sit down and focus because this was a good piece on his bread and butter, the NBA. Agreed it's one of his best.
there was a BIG difference in money though

we all like to think that at a certain point we wouldn't want more but i'm sure i could find something to spend it on. we know he's a generous guy, maybe he has plans to give away a lot of that extra money later
I would take the money when given that amount of disparity in pay. It's like double.
Damnit I was just coming here to post this thinking no one would be on this late.

This really was one of the best articles I've ever seen Simmons write. And it's really depressing seeing it laid out just how ****ing bad the teams Carmelo have been on were. For ****s sake, the most effective PG he's ever played with was probably Gerry back here. That's just ****ing sad.

Knick BB is always a work in progress.
I think Simmons got most of it right. Melo is a star, but not a superstar.

I used to rank him in the 15-ish category myself, but I think he's catapulted a few guys who are on the downswing of their careers (Nash, Garnett, Pierce, Duncan, inter alia), and is now a legitimate top-10 player. Unless he brings the Knicks on a deep run or has an MVP-type year, though, he may have peaked in the rankings. Still HOF caliber career.

I think I read somewhere Anthony is the second highest pts per game average in Knick history. The other top 3 guys in the top 4 on the list are HOF'ers. Knicks need to design a team around Anthony. The problem is the guys they have all want to build a team around their own egos.
Bill Simmons in the written form is much better than Bill simmons in visual/verbal form that is for sure
True ... he should be read and not heard. My main gripe with him, other than his voice is not made for TV, is that he cannot write an article in under 4,000 words. This one's around 4, a 2 1/2-hour movie that you feel could've easily ended after 90 minutes.
True ... he should be read and not heard. My main gripe with him, other than his voice is not made for TV, is that he cannot write an article in under 4,000 words. This one's around 4, a 2 1/2-hour movie that you feel could've easily ended after 90 minutes.

In honor of Simmons, I'm sure there's an 80's movie exactly like this you can reference
To me it's crazy to even think that the possibility of winning a championship would be worth more than 30 million dollars.

In other words - are you 30 million dollars sure that you'd win a championship in Chicago?
Eli top 5 QB...greatest thing I've read in weeks.
U dunt reed dat well do yaz?

Sumerz day, maybeez u will watch em da footsbal.
Nobody leaves $52 million on the table, it was just too big a difference NY vs. Chicago. Jackson will build a good team around Melo but it will take a little time not the coming season. For purely a winning basketball aspect yes, but money always plays a role and $50+ million is a loud voice. Also have to think that Melo didn't want his son anywhere near the violence in Chicago. Even though Melo wouldn't be living in those neighborhoods, the violence spills over to other areas of the city.

Other than the games at United Center, which is no party, Melo wouldn't be living or going anywhere close to the troubling areas of Chicago.
Damnit I was just coming here to post this thinking no one would be on this late.

This really was one of the best articles I've ever seen Simmons write. And it's really depressing seeing it laid out just how ****ing bad the teams Carmelo have been on were. For ****s sake, the most effective PG he's ever played with was probably Gerry Billy back here. That's just ****ing sad.

Fixed it
To me it's crazy to even think that the possibility of winning a championship would be worth more than 30 million dollars.

In other words - are you 30 million dollars sure that you'd win a championship in Chicago?
Right. The Bulls would have a great shot with Melo or even now with Gasol but nothing is guaranteed. If Noah or Rose gets injured they are bye-bye. I think the Knicks franchise is a joke but Melo absolutely did the right thing.
Ha, by the hair on their chinny chin chin. But yeah, they could definitely get there. And maybe just as importantly, should be able to get there in 2016 as well.
theres opportunity with the status quo and likely greater opportunity with the unexpected.

and we got Phil, the triangle and most importantly Melo.

as a Knick fan, thats a home run.

as a Melo fan, thats a triple and theres no outs.

unless you are of the mindset that hes nothing better than a 2nd or 3rd banana, should be paid like one and should be willing to take a lesser role on a different team with the hope that they can win 1. for if they dont....Melo would look even worse the fool.

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