Bizarre moment tonight... | Page 2 |

Bizarre moment tonight...

I'm not sure which I find more amazing - how many people will flat out lie, or how many people don't even question them. I can't tell you how often I've heard someone make a ridiculous claim (not always about themselves - sometimes just about a general fact) and no one bothers to check. And I usually don't make any friends when I do check and then point out the falsehood. I wish i could get free drinks from it like CTO!
When I was about 12 I was with my family at an airport and a tall black guy was walking around with an Atlanta Hawks T-shirt on and carrying an Atlanta Hawks duffle bag. He definitely looked the part so i went up to him and asked him for an autograph. I'll never forget that he signed it "Best Wishes, Charles Dalton". This was way before the internet but when I got a chance I looked it up in the NBA encyclopedia or something and there was never anyone by that name that played in the NBA. I might still have the piece of paper somewhere with my childhood mementos.
"Bartender immediately replied with a name I had never heard..."

cto you've never heard of matt gorman????
The name he cited was not Matt Gorman or Ross DiLegro or any other lightly used scholarship player or walk-on. It was a total fabrication.
When I was about 12 I was with my family at an airport and a tall black guy was walking around with an Atlanta Hawks T-shirt on and carrying an Atlanta Hawks duffle bag. He definitely looked the part so i went up to him and asked him for an autograph. I'll never forget that he signed it "Best Wishes, Charles Dalton". This was way before the internet but when I got a chance I looked it up in the NBA encyclopedia or something and there was never anyone by that name that played in the NBA. I might still have the piece of paper somewhere with my childhood mementos.
I bet anything that wasn't his first autograph signing either.
My brother's story is somewhat different. He has worked in sports for years but in high school, he wasn't athletic and had zero interest in sports. He was walking along the perimeter of a famous sporting venue not far from our house. Pretty tall guy walks by him, but my brother makes eye contact from far away, so he got a really good look. He knows the guy is famous, so he does the nod. The guy nods back with a smile, and my brother comes home to tell me. He says something like "I know the face, must be basketball, etc".

I was shocked before I said the name, cause I knew who it was as my bro was basketball clueless back then (not anymore).
"Michael Jordan?????"

He said "Shoot. Yeah, that was definitely him."
Even though he is my older brother, I said "You frikkin idiot, Michael Jordan and you walk by him?"

Meanwhile, same place, I gave John McEnroe the nod as he pulled out of the venue in a slick little Porsche. Looked like a 911.
He gave me a smirk and nod.

Couple of other semi-lame brushes with fame (me, not my brother but he might have been in LA)
Howard Stern, Central Park West and close to the park -- My friend yells out "Keep it real, Howie!" I thought that was quite lame and told my friend so. But he did wave. I get starstruck, don't usually say anything.

This one's for you, bud. LA, coming out of Haagen Dazs shop. Mr. Neil Diamond. ;)
Did I never mention that one? I forget.
I was really young, no details. My extended family made a big fuss after, but no one said anything to him.
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I worked with a guy last year, and we got to talking and he told me how his nephew was heading to Syracuse on a full ride basketball scholarship. He knew I was an SU fan, so I don't know why he would try to bullshit me, so I started naming the incoming class. Of course it was none of them. I then explain that maybe he is a walk-on, which is still very cool. He said no, he is getting a full ride. I let it go, but I took everything this guy said with a grain of salt after that.

Perhaps you worked with Bjorn's uncle?
Speaking of bizarre moments, stopped into the bar for a couple "I've been super productive today" drinks and watch a guy just walk up to a random guy, kick him in the nuts, and walk away. The hurting nuts guys girlfriend tried to fight the kicker, because hurting nuts guy was still laying on the ground.

Great thing about Alaska, only thing that happened to the kicker, had to drink one glass of water before the bartender would serve him again.

did he have an orange wig on?

Was having drinks with friends at a bar where TV's were showing NCAA football. Somehow the conversation turned to Syracuse. At that point, the bartender said his roommate was the Syracuse starting basketball center between 2002 and 2005. Knowing the person who held that distinction, I said to the bartender: "What's his name?"

Bartender immediately replied with a name I had never heard. "Wrong," I said, "his name was Craig Forth, and he is married and living in East Greenbush, NY." Bartender started to argue with me... insisting his roommate was the starting center. At that point, I took out a pen...and wrote "Craig Forth 2002-2oo5" on a piece of paper... and asked him to call his roommate to confirm that Craig was the starting center.

Bartender was so convinced he was right... that he bet me ... drinks for me and all my friends... that his roommate was the starting center.

So bartender calls his roommate... who admitted his lie ... and I and all my friends got free drinks.

Moral of story: never forget the names of our starting five in 2003. It may win you free drinks some day.
Ok, Bizarre bar stories. When I was in college (SBU) my roommate from Paramus NJ was home for xmas when SBU was in the MSG christmas tournament and played Prudue. He was in a bar the day after the game and was watching TV when a delayed broadcast of the game came on. The guy sitting next to him said something about hoping Prudue would win and that the "Big Dog" (Prudue center nickname) wouldkick the "Big Cat's" (Bob Lanier) butt. Of course my roommate took exception. The bar fly bet him Prudue would win and even gave him points! Needless to say that my roommate got plenty of drinks after the game!
Was having drinks with friends at a bar where TV's were showing NCAA football. Somehow the conversation turned to Syracuse. At that point, the bartender said his roommate was the Syracuse starting basketball center between 2002 and 2005. Knowing the person who held that distinction, I said to the bartender: "What's his name?"

Bartender immediately replied with a name I had never heard. "Wrong," I said, "his name was Craig Forth, and he is married and living in East Greenbush, NY." Bartender started to argue with me... insisting his roommate was the starting center. At that point, I took out a pen...and wrote "Craig Forth 2002-2oo5" on a piece of paper... and asked him to call his roommate to confirm that Craig was the starting center.

Bartender was so convinced he was right... that he bet me ... drinks for me and all my friends... that his roommate was the starting center.

So bartender calls his roommate... who admitted his lie ... and I and all my friends got free drinks.

Moral of story: never forget the names of our starting five in 2003. It may win you free drinks some day.

Also, never forget the numbers of the starting five of that team, it may get you more than a few drinks.

1-3-13-15-34 is one of my Pa Cash 5 entries. Hak, GMac, Kueth, Carmelo (and Forth backwards) and Jeremy.
I don't play often, usually when it gets to 500K +. Last week it got 1 Mil and the winning #'s were:


Also, never forget the numbers of the starting five of that team, it may get you more than a few drinks.

1-3-13-15-34 is one of my Pa Cash 5 entries. Hak, GMac, Kueth, Carmelo (and Forth backwards) and Jeremy.
I don't play often, usually when it gets to 500K +. Last week it got 1 Mil and the winning #'s were:


Oh my god!
Missed it by one?


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