Board Full of Alcoholics... | Page 3 |

Board Full of Alcoholics...

I once read a book about the " Evils of Drinking"

I gave up reading as a new years resolution and that was many,many years ago.

it's the only one I ever kept
If you like "coffee" and its effects try or get yourself a Nespresso machine. It does an unbelievable job of making espresso and associated drinks (latte, machiatto, etc). An espresso machine that produced a good product used to go for upwards of $1500 in the US. Nespresso's are in the $300 range. The capsules average 65 cents or so in quantity. It's really a technology breakthrough.

The espresso these little things produce will make you think you are in Rome or Paris.

The difference is you can't swill the stuff out of "World's Greatest Dad" mugs. Two ounces will get your motor going. Four ounces will put your heart at just about the red line on the tach.

A few year's ago this would have been a "hot" tip. Now its not, because they have become popular everywhere. There are two Nespresso showrooms on the Champs d'Ellyse in Paris within few blocks of the Arch de Triumph (Think Park Ave, in NYC) because these machines are so popular in France. There's very little discounting.
I like my Coffey like I like my women Hot, Black and on the kitchen table!
That's right out of the military.

Are you familar with, "I like the kind you can break open like a peach and put on like a gas mask"? We're not talking "coffee" here.

Although I have heard it many times in the Service, I never fully understood "I'll do it even if it short- every cannibal in the Congo".

I understood that it meant that the person saying this was determined to do whatever he said he was going to do regardless of the consequences. But what that had to do with cannibals and the Congo and what "short-Dicking might be, remains a mystery.
Turns out that coffee is good for you. At least that's what my health obsessed wife tells me the recent research shows.

I put this in the same pile with advice that red wine is good for you. That's the pile where I put "Good News" and advice I actually intend to follow.
I've thought about getting the Nespresso but my Moka pot has served me well and is still in my wheel house. I guess I'd rather spend the money on coffee beans instead of pre-ground cups. But coffee is a lot like scotch, once you acquire a taste for it it's difficult to change your brand.
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"I'll do it even if it short- every cannibal in the Congo".

thats right out of Full Metal Jacket.

i dont think ive discussed this in 20 years, cool.

my theory was that he was getting the girl 1st, no matter how ugly...and therefore since she was no longer a virgin, all the savages/cannibals wouldnt want her.

they were left hangin, not hard or......short-dicked.

but since they were canibals, theyd likely kill you. but he was getting a piece 1st.

"I'll do it even if it short- every cannibal in the Congo".

thats right out of Full Metal Jacket.

i dont think ive discussed this in 20 years, cool.

my theory was that he was getting the girl 1st, no matter how ugly...and therefore since she was no longer a virgin, all the savages/cannibals wouldnt want her.

they were left hangin, not hard or...short-dicked.

but since they were canibals, theyd likely kill you. but he was getting a piece 1st.

The phrase is used in "Full Metal Jacket" but I heard it the first time in the Service in the 1960's. Along with a number of other "gems" including:

"There ain't no doubt in my Military mind" - Meaning the person was absolutely sure of something.
"People in Hell want ice water too." - Meaning that your complaints were falling on deaf ears.
"If it was up you ass, you would know where it was" - Meaning that you shouldn't bother to ask anyone else when you were searching for something they thought you should know the location of (particularly a piece of military equipment.

And one of the most curious ones was an invitation to "Jail me" - Usually in the context of "well, if they think I did something wrong than they should throw me in the stockade (or brig). Unfortunately, this phrase was sometimes used by drunken GI's annoyed at AP's or MP's of SP's who they thought were ruining their good times. Frequently the AP's or MP's would take them up on the invitation. Seeing this behavior taught me two valuable lessons:

1. Don't with the Police ... especially when you have a snoot full.
2. The best strategy is to square yourself away, act contrite and don't argue and save yourself a night in the stockade, the loss of a stripe and maybe an ass-kicking thrown in as a lesson.
Once you go black (coffee), you never go back.

When I was in seventh grade science class I was sitting in a circular table with two really nice looking girls. I couldn't stop talking to the them. Mrs Murphy came over to my table and sat in the chair next to me. She always drank ice coffee. She interrupts my conversation by sticking her face six inches away from my face and says, "stop talking". When she did this, her breath had a really bad disgusting coffee smell. Because of that experience I have never been able to drink coffee!!
The phrase is used in "Full Metal Jacket" but I heard it the first time in the Service in the 1960's. Along with a number of other "gems" including:

"There ain't no doubt in my Military mind" - Meaning the person was absolutely sure of something.
"People in Hell want ice water too." - Meaning that your complaints were falling on deaf ears.
"If it was up you ass, you would know where it was" - Meaning that you shouldn't bother to ask anyone else when you were searching for something they thought you should know the location of (particularly a piece of military equipment.

And one of the most curious ones was an invitation to "Jail me" - Usually in the context of "well, if they think I did something wrong than they should throw me in the stockade (or brig). Unfortunately, this phrase was sometimes used by drunken GI's annoyed at AP's or MP's of SP's who they thought were ruining their good times. Frequently the AP's or MP's would take them up on the invitation. Seeing this behavior taught me two valuable lessons:

1. Don't with the Police ... especially when you have a snoot full.
2. The best strategy is to square yourself away, act contrite and don't argue and save yourself a night in the stockade, the loss of a stripe and maybe an ass-kicking thrown in as a lesson.
Being that I was an MP for 23 years I have a million stories. The best one being a drunk guy spit on me and said you can't spell wimp without putting MP on the end of it. So we get him cuffed and stuffed in the patrol car. For some strange reason I forgot to buckle his seat belt. This guy just keeps running his soup cooler at me. Cussing me mother jokes, fag this fag that. I finally had enough of his . All the time I knew that his seat belt was unbuckled. I floored the car got to about 75mph and yelled Deer! Slammed on the Brakes knowing his head would smack the cage inside the patrol car. Well he didn't say another word to me the rest of the way to the Station...LOL good times!
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I respect the sasparilla drinkers on the board too. My dad quit at 66, because when he retired, he got to drinking too much. Five plus years sober for him .
I respect the sasparilla drinkers on the board too. My dad quit at 66, because when he retired, he got to drinking too much. Five plus years sober for him .

Much respect for your dad. Giving up anything you enjoy can be difficult. I like to take very extended breaks every so often, especially if I'm on a health kick. Same with coffee/caffeine.

Has anyone else ever had this board encourage them to drink, or is that unique to me?

As for the cannibal thing(thinking more literally), it would make sense to me if they were talking about oral sex...and the guy making the statement was basically saying to hell with the consequences. Or even if just regular fornication and she worked up an appetite afterward. I wonder if the effects of alcohol and caffeine would mitigate the outcome or worsen it?
Being that I was an MP for 23 years I have a million stories. The best one being a drunk guy spit on me and said you can't spell wimp without putting MP on the end of it. So we get him cuffed and stuffed in the patrol car. For some strange reason I forgot to buckle his seat belt. This guy just keeps running his soup cooler at me. Cussing me mother jokes, fag this fag that. I finally had enough of his . All the time I knew that his seat belt was unbuckled. I floored the car got to about 75mph and yelled Deer! Slammed on the Brakes knowing his head would smack the cage inside the patrol car. Well he didn't say another word to me the rest of the way to the Station...LOL good times!

I know a guy thats a corrections officer in one of those "maxi-max" prisons. 24 hour lock down, only out for showers a cpl times a week, their 1 hour of "yard time" in in a cage off the back of their cells. There is 100% camera coverage and nowhere to beat a big mouth except for in the the elevator. He said as soon as you get in the elevator there is a huge dented in area at just about head level...nobody wants to ride the elevator :D
Being that I was an MP for 23 years I have a million stories. The best one being a drunk guy spit on me and said you can't spell wimp without putting MP on the end of it. So we get him cuffed and stuffed in the patrol car. For some strange reason I forgot to buckle his seat belt. This guy just keeps running his soup cooler at me. Cussing me mother jokes, fag this fag that. I finally had enough of his . All the time I knew that his seat belt was unbuckled. I floored the car got to about 75mph and yelled Deer! Slammed on the Brakes knowing his head would smack the cage inside the patrol car. Well he didn't say another word to me the rest of the way to the Station...LOL good times!

I love "War Stories"

Had a friend if mine who was in charge of the stockade at Clark AFB in the Phillipines.

One of the "guests" was uncooperative, refused to make his bunk properly, etc., etc.

My buddy reads through all the regs on this and finds two points. Prisoners must be fed 2200 calories a day and their beds must be a minimum of 12" off the floor.

So on Monday, he takes the bunk out of the cell and puts a wooden door on some cinder blocks in its place.

On Tues at 0015 hrs, he wakes the guy up and serves him a 2200 calorie meal. The guy doesn't eat it all, afterall he had dinner at 18:00 hrs.

On Wednesday at 2345hrs, he brings the guy another 2200 calorie meal (47 1/2 hrs later).

All of this is legal. 2200 calories a day? Check, Bed 12" off the floor? Check.

A few days of his and the prisoner sees the light and becomes a model guest.

And one more;

I was visiting Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota in the dead of winter. We are talking -5 degrees as the daily HIGH temperature. I went into one Squadron Headquarters building that also was a barracks. At the end of the building on the outside on top of the snow there were two pup tents pitched.

After I completed my business with the Squadron Commander, I asked about the tents. "Well", said the commander, "These are some guys who are having a hard time remembering to keep their rooms clean and in good order. Staying in these tents a few nights gives them an extra incentive".

One thing about the Military. They can't MAKE you do anything. But they can definitely make you wish you had done it.

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