Boeheim just on SC | Page 3 |

Boeheim just on SC

1. I am not worried about Tyler missing classes. This always happens with early entries and they usually are able to make up the work. It's not like he's taking matrix algebra

2. JB is wrong, but he can say what he wants. His sound bite on SC is not going to move the needle on anyone's draft board.
Does Ennis like Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream? And when did he last eat ice cream? I feel I need to know everything about him.
Neopolitan, now everyone is happy.
agreeing . . . and I'll throw in that Inglorious Basterds is one of the most overrated films of all time. Not that it's bad, just not nearly as good as its notices.

I don't know. Christoph Waltz is pretty stellar in it as is Pitt and that guy who plays the kraut Major. Waltz is speaking fluent German, French, Italian, and of course English. I liked Django even better.
"I think physically he probably could've used another year," Jim Boeheim on Tyler Ennis going to the NBA on ESPN.”
because it's a well known fact that you can only physically develop while in college
I think his comment is more about the beating he will take while a rookie as he adds more muscle and weight. It's easier to get banged up and suffer nagging injuries throughout the season.

Not that I think it is a reason he shouldn't go, but it is a concern. Especially in the lottery where you're going to play a lot more minutes than a late first rounder.
Deadspin isn't a "guys" website anymore. It's turned into some ultra-liberal, hipster, politically correct blog that is sports second. I just hate what its become. Even the comments suck now.

If someone can point me to a website that is like what Deadspin used to be, I'd love to go there.

I know, deadspin is just awful for pointing out media/fan issues regarding race in sports and for pushing a pro-gay "agenda." Some "guys" actually like that stuff.
And I see people are still butthurt by Ennis doing what's best for him, and not the multi-million dollar program that doesn't pay him a cent. What an a**hole.

Show gratitude to the school that let you play for them, even though HE choose Syracuse over dozens of other schools that wanted him. And show gratitude by leaving the school in good academic standing, a rule that was invented by the NCAA in order to play up the appearance of the "student-athlete" so they don't have to pay employees like Tyler Ennis.

Boeheim may be right about his NBA prospects but Ennis doesn't owe any of us anything. All I know for sure is that Deadspin (particularly Tom Ley) is the worst.

I can see this perspective, but I also feel the other side has merit. Specifically in the case of a player like Ennis. Nationally, he was not well known coming into Syracuse. Sure he wasn't a complete unkown, but he wasn't LeBron or Parker, or even Julius Randle coming into college. With his size and the style of his game, he hugely benefitted from playing at Syracuse as opposed to many smaller schools (even high major schools wih a lesser profile). If ou consider that the object is to sell yourself and your skill set to the NBA, he got substantial value from going to Syracuse. What price do you put on the television coverage he got, of the attention from national media, etc? It is significant. Hugely significant. Like I said, some players that doesn't matter because they have such noteriety already. LeBron could have decided to go to Siena and he still would have been the #1 pick. Ennis? I don't think he'd be getting lottery attention if he went to BC even. So to ask that all he does is not impart lasting harm to the program when he leaves by staying in good standing is not out of line in my unimportant opinion.
That Deadspin article wasn't nearly as bad as they are making it out to be. I am the first to criticize Boeheim for looking to point the blame before looking at himself, but there was nothing wrong with those comments.
Boeheim is 100 percent right here, I am sorry but who's word should we take a 69 year old hof head coach who has been through this hundreds of times, or an 18 year old kid?
I love Deadspin, but they have a hardon against JB. The only time I've seen a positive story about Syracuse in general on Deadspin was that BS Yahoo marijuana report before the '12 NCAA's began. I have a feeling Tom Ley got rejected from Newhouse.
I think he's just a reject plain and simple.
I am getting so tired of some of these kids who think they know it all, and think just because they had a decent college season they are Lebron or Kobe, some of these kids need to wake up and start listening to the advice given to them by people who have their best interest in mind.
I am getting so tired of some of these kids who think they know it all, and think just because they had a decent college season they are Lebron or Kobe, some of these kids need to wake up and start listening to the advice given to them by people who have their best interest in mind.

I don't view it as being that vehement of a disagreement. JB has the opinion that he should stay, based on some factors he's stated. Ennis and his family think he's ready to go. Boeheim has stated repeatedly that Tyler was a dream to coach, and a helluva player. Not everything has to be rainbows and unicorns shooting out of the coach's ass for them to be on good terms. JB just happens to not fully agree with the decision, but it isn't his decision to make.

Personally speaking, I think the Deadspin article is bunk. They are piling on over a philosophical disagreement THEY have with JB espousing a perspective that some players are better off staying in college--it seems to have very little to do with JB's comments with regard to Ennis or his situation.
I don't view it as being that vehement of a disagreement. JB has the opinion that he should stay, based on some factors he's stated. Ennis and his family think he's ready to go. Boeheim has stated repeatedly that Tyler was a dream to coach, and a helluva player. Not everything has to be rainbows and unicorns shooting out of the coach's ass for them to be on good terms. JB just happens to not fully agree with the decision, but it isn't his decision to make.

Personally speaking, I think the Deadspin article is bunk. They are piling on over a philosophical disagreement THEY have with JB espousing a perspective that some players are better off staying in college--it seems to have very little to do with JB's comments with regard to Ennis or his situation.

Your right it isn't his decision to make, but when a hof coach, someone who has been down this road several times tells you he doesn't think you are ready, why not listen to him?
I know, deadspin is just awful for pointing out media/fan issues regarding race in sports and for pushing a pro-gay "agenda." Some "guys" actually like that stuff.

Forgive me for preferring not mix my racial and gay rights issues in with my sports humor. Clearly I need to talk about gay rights everywhere now. To appease all the "guys" who like that stuff.

This is exactly my point, why the hell is Deadspin talking about "issues" and we're even discussing "agendas"? It used to just cover funny sports stories. It was light and easy to read. Now I feel like every article has a slant. I mean look at the article we're discussing. They're so desperate to have an angle, that they threw Boeheim under the bus for comments that were 2/10 on the controversy scale.
Your right it isn't his decision to make, but when a hof coach, someone who has been down this road several times tells you he doesn't think you are ready, why not listen to him?

JB has a reputation as being very forthright with his players about their NBA draft prospects. He's encouraged some to go, and he's suggested that some stay. Most of the time, he's right.

The advice this year with Ennis is the first time I can remember JB's opinion not aligning up pretty squarely with the data about where the player most likely will be drafted. Not sure what that means.
"I think physically he probably could've used another year," Jim Boeheim on Tyler Ennis going to the NBA on ESPN.”
because it's a well known fact that you can only physically develop while in college

If you're not ready physically, you won't play.
I think Boeheim could have used another year of Ennis more than Ennis could have used another year at SU.

Your perspective...not mine...we'll see how it all pans out in 2 or 3 years. He won't play a lick next year.
The schools should be allowed to make these student athletes sign a waiver stating that if they leave early to pursue a career in professional sport And they don't finish all of their academic requirements, That the school can sue for damages. Actually take that back, If a player does not fulfill his academic requirements in a year that they competed.
You realize that scholarships are renewed annually, right? Besides, the union will never allow it.
You realize that scholarships are renewed annually, right? Besides, the union will never allow it.

Why would the union have any say? To even comment on it would be an admission of what we all know, but what they won't admit, that they consider NCAA players as their true development league...
Why would the union have any say? To even comment on it would be an admission of what we all know, but what they won't admit, that they consider NCAA players as their true development league...
The NCAA players' Union.

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