I always felt that the reason Dr. Gross wanted games played in NY was to help propel us to the ACC conference (help market us) and make sure people downstate knew we were NY's college team. But I have heard recently that Gross really didn't have much to do with getting us to the ACC at all. In fact no matter who was there, we would have gone anyways. So my question then lies with why are we going to NY? Is it for 5 million dollars? Is it for top end recruits? You saw yesterday with the attendance how pissed off the fan base is with 20k in the dome. And it is also because we played Stony Brook. Now that we are in the ACC please tell me what the point is of taking these great teams and moving the games to NY? The only thing we have shown is how crappy our fan base is downstate for football with the attendance against USC.
1) "I have heard recently that Gross really didn't have much to do with getting us to the ACC at all."
"In fact no matter who was there, we would have gone anyways."
Really: please expand what that means and who your incredible inside sources are.
2) "The only thing we have shown is how crappy our fan base is downstate for football with the attendance against USC."
Is this how ultimate insiders like you speak?
Could a tornado watch and forecasts of a rain storm that delayed the game for an hour have had any impact on the attendance?
3) "why are we going to NY?"
Financial payoff with a long term partnership with the Meadowlands, to play high profile nationally televised games against top national programs once every 2 years.
SU as a private, expensive university recruits students nationally and especially the NY metro region.
Enhancing the SU brand and bringing the presence of the University via TV and media coverage into the media center of the nation which coincidently is the location where a very large number of SU students, potential students, alumni, recruits, donors are located.
4) If not convenient, CNY fans can watch the game on TV or travel to a destination city for the equivalent of an early season high profile bowl game.
5) With SU in the ACC (thanks Dr. G and Nancy and DM and JB and many others), SU will be entering a period of conference stability, increased financial revenue, more interesting conference competition with 9 game schedules and far greater leverage to schedule future games hopefully as home, away, Meadowlands or at least home, away, away, Meadowlands.
Hard to compare future prospects with the desperate situation SU was in just a few short years ago, playing a 7 game schedule where the "big name" team was WVU.