I give Coach Knight credit for having the ba11s to speak his mind. Whether people agree with him or not isn't the point and clearly Kentucky is the most talented team in the Nation. Knight, by intentionally omitting mention of Kentucky is making a powerful statement by way of inference. ESPN is full of noodniks who carefully parse everything they say and spew out an endless stream of platitudes and accolades about how great Kentucky is all the while that program is antithetical to what collegiate basketball should be about. As has been mentioned in this thread, these kids have no intention of getting a college education whatsoever and anyone who thinks that Calapari hasn't broken the rules at every institution he has coached at is completely out of touch with reality. The fact that he hasn't been definitively pinned down for violations isn't in and of itself a vindication of impoprieties.
Clearly there is much wrong with collegiate athletics, recruiting, surrepetitious payments to players etc. and Kentucky isn't alone. But at the same time no other program stands out the way Kentucky does as being emblematic of essentially representing a subsidiary of the NBA in posing as a collegiate team while they are in fact a waiting room for the top NBA draftees. How many one and done's have there been at Syracuse? I can think of 2. Kentucky is on course to average 3 per year. With all of this considered, I applaud the fact that Knight, without so much as uttering a single word, pokes the program square in the eye. While Knight obviously has an axe to grind with Kentucky and Cal that doesn't in my opinion detract from the point that he's entitled to call them out for what they are and voice his opinion by not lending them mention with his voice at all.