broke my hip |

broke my hip


All American
Aug 26, 2011
I fell on the ice on Sunday and landed on my hip. I am now in Rochester's Strong Memorial Hospital with a new hip. I could not get last night's game on the tube nor in ESPNACCnet, so I had to track it through play-by-play on I am going home today and hope to watch the replay. Meanwhile, I look forward to reading all of your posts (well maybe not all) so I can relive the game.
I fell on the ice on Sunday and landed on my hip. I am now in Rochester's Strong Memorial Hospital with a new hip. I could not get last night's game on the tube nor in ESPNACCnet, so I had to track it through play-by-play on I am going home today and hope to watch the replay. Meanwhile, I look forward to reading all of your posts (well maybe not all) so I can relive the game.

Get better my man.
Ouch. And now I can't whine anymore about the rib I busted playing hoops on Sunday. That's what I get for falling for a head fake.

Hope you feel better soon.
So sorry to hear that. We all need to be more careful on the ice...too many people are far too cavalier about it. (Not saying that you were, by any means). Hope you heal quickly and are literally up and around soon!
Hope you recover fast.

I've had 2 rib breaks from ice slips. Am thinking of getting some football cleats for Winter.
Sorry to hear that but it could be worse you could have hit your head. Stay positive and best wishes. Prescription for weekend- bed pizza beer
I fell on the ice on Sunday and landed on my hip. I am now in Rochester's Strong Memorial Hospital with a new hip. I could not get last night's game on the tube nor in ESPNACCnet, so I had to track it through play-by-play on I am going home today and hope to watch the replay. Meanwhile, I look forward to reading all of your posts (well maybe not all) so I can relive the game.
Sorry this happened. Get well soon big guy! Sounds like you are in excellent hands.
Sorry to hear about your fall... My wife did the same last year, didn't need hip replacement, it healed itself but she was laid up for a couple months..
Feel better - seriously, that sucks. At least you'll be watching a pretty decent game offensively.

And figure out who you can sue for not removing that ice! That's the American way!
Feel better, Doug. At least you have an excuse to stay inside during this crazy weather,
Sorry to hear that. Hope you have a smooth recovery and are feeling better soon.
I fell on the ice on Sunday and landed on my hip. I am now in Rochester's Strong Memorial Hospital with a new hip. I could not get last night's game on the tube nor in ESPNACCnet, so I had to track it through play-by-play on I am going home today and hope to watch the replay. Meanwhile, I look forward to reading all of your posts (well maybe not all) so I can relive the game.
Get better.
I gotta get better before the Duke game so I can get up into the 300s seats.


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