Can people please stop with the season is over crap. We are devoid of NFL talent but in Dino I trust |

Can people please stop with the season is over crap. We are devoid of NFL talent but in Dino I trust


Living Legend
Aug 28, 2011
I mean we got housed a top 15 team in Louisville. We didn't get drilled by a team that doesn't have a lot more talent we do. Hell USF has more talent than we do and people are acting like last week showed this season is over.

Do people forget 2013. We lost to Georgia Tech 56-0, Florida State 59-3, Clemson 49-14.

I mean c'mon people. Babers actually has a track record. This team is going to housed by teams with top 25 talent but this season is not over.

Until NC State, Wake, BC, UConn type teams drill us Dino deserves WAY more patience. This program needs multiple years of better athletes.
Maybe if we were in the other side of the ACC but if we don't beat USF, I'm going to be pretty close to giving up on this season. I'll still watch but more like "in the background while doing something else" than actually rooting for and getting into it.

Maybe they prove us wrong on Saturday.

Edit: Looking at the schedule, I guess I could see us playing for our bowl lives against Pitt.
Yep as long as we are 4-4 going into the bye week we will have a shot at a Bowl. Asking that we go 3-3 against USF, UConn, ND, Wake, VA Tech, BC is not a tall task.
Maybe if we were in the other side of the ACC but if we don't beat USF, I'm going to be pretty close to giving up on this season. I'll still watch but more like "in the background while doing something else" than actually rooting for and getting into it.

Maybe they prove us wrong on Saturday.

Edit: Looking at the schedule, I guess I could see us playing for our bowl lives against Pitt.

I don't get this thought process at all, but to each his own. We are doing a 180 stylistically on both sides of the ball. There is going to be some early pain (especially defensively). But if you are only going to be half-paying attention on Saturdays, you're going to miss a helluva a lot of offensive shoot-outs. I'm crazy excited for the rest of the season, regardless of the USF outcome.
Maybe if we were in the other side of the ACC but if we don't beat USF, I'm going to be pretty close to giving up on this season. I'll still watch but more like "in the background while doing something else" than actually rooting for and getting into it.

Maybe they prove us wrong on Saturday.

Edit: Looking at the schedule, I guess I could see us playing for our bowl lives against Pitt.

But why? USF is the 5th best team (maybe 4th) on our schedule. Why would that put us out of the running for a Bowl? UConn, Wake, BC, and NC State are crap. Pitt and VA Tech are mediocre. And all are better matchups for our D. Winning 5 of those 6 isn't umpossible if we lose to USF.
Maybe if we were in the other side of the ACC but if we don't beat USF, I'm going to be pretty close to giving up on this season. I'll still watch but more like "in the background while doing something else" than actually rooting for and getting into it.

Maybe they prove us wrong on Saturday.

Edit: Looking at the schedule, I guess I could see us playing for our bowl lives against Pitt.

If you were on my team I'd punch you in the mouth and tell you to go play for Rutgirls with such a loser mentality...geez...
I think people are just used to us imploding, so they are expecting the same this year. I am with the OP. The season isn't over. Still 5-7 winnable games on the schedule depending how things shake out.
We aren't beating Notre Dame but there is zero reason we can't beat the next handful of opponents we have. The Irish, FSU, and Clemson are the only guaranteed L's on the schedule and hell Clemson didn't look that great against Troy.
I expect losing a lot this year. If Dino can right the ship for next year and following years, that's ok with me. I can be patient. However, the thing that is most concerning (not unexpected or controllable) is how casual fan interest has fallen off the edge. At least with Marrone, memories of winning a lot of games were still there and they came to watch his games... but 10 years later those memories have faded and the fan interest just isn't there. I am hoping a 3:30 Saturday game will bring more fans but at this point, it's not certain. If Dino can create a winning program and the dome is renovated, it's the perfect storm (in a good way) that will generate a lot of excitement. In the meantime, it is awkward as hell.
I mean I get bandwagon fans are tuned out as they suck. However, it is almost like their is a decent amount of the hardcore fanbase like 20-25% that wants the team to fail. It sucks because we don't have as large a FB fanbase than we do a BB fanbase and this staff deserves a lot better.
Talent wise we are 12th-14th in ACC. Boston College, Wake Forest, Syracuse by far have the least talent. Dino isn't talking into the job that Marrone walked into. Marrone had a NFL 4th round QB, 1st round pick LT and 1st and 4th round DL in the Jones brothers.
This roster doesn't have any high NFL draft picks on it right now. We had 1 player drafted last year the bleeping punter in the 7th round. Our talent used to have multiple NFL draft picks every year. We don't have that anymore.
But why? USF is the 5th best team (maybe 4th) on our schedule. Why would that put us out of the running for a Bowl? UConn, Wake, BC, and NC State are crap. Pitt and VA Tech are mediocre. And all are better matchups for our D. Winning 5 of those 6 isn't umpossible if we lose to USF.
That's why I put the edit.

Man... I'm a Bills fan and Cuse. I'm programmed to lose faith with the quickness until someone proves otherwise.
I mean I get bandwagon fans are tuned out as they suck. However, it is almost like their is a decent amount of the hardcore fanbase like 20-25% that wants the team to fail. It sucks because we don't have as large a FB fanbase than we do a BB fanbase and this staff deserves a lot better.
Talent wise we are 12th-14th in ACC. Boston College, Wake Forest, Syracuse by far have the least talent. Dino isn't talking into the job that Marrone walked into. Marrone had a NFL 4th round QB, 1st round pick LT and 1st and 4th round DL in the Jones brothers.
This roster doesn't have any high NFL draft picks on it right now. We had 1 player drafted last year the bleeping punter in the 7th round. Our talent used to have multiple NFL draft picks every year. We don't have that anymore.

I think a lot of fans want us to fail because they don't like the style of play Babers is bringing. "It's not real football".

Syracuse is a bandwagon town no matter how you look at it. Win they come, lose they don't. I have friends that wanted Boeheim fired just last year.
I think a lot of fans want us to fail because they don't like the style of play Babers is bringing. "It's not real football".

Syracuse is a bandwagon town no matter how you look at it. Win they come, lose they don't. I have friends that wanted Boeheim fired just last year.
I love his offensive scheme/hate his defensive scheme. If we're going to give up huge plays all year, we might as well do it bringing heat (at least against the numerous Top 10 caliber teams on our schedule)
I mean I get bandwagon fans are tuned out as they suck. However, it is almost like their is a decent amount of the hardcore fanbase like 20-25% that wants the team to fail. It sucks because we don't have as large a FB fanbase than we do a BB fanbase and this staff deserves a lot better.
Talent wise we are 12th-14th in ACC. Boston College, Wake Forest, Syracuse by far have the least talent. Dino isn't talking into the job that Marrone walked into. Marrone had a NFL 4th round QB, 1st round pick LT and 1st and 4th round DL in the Jones brothers.
This roster doesn't have any high NFL draft picks on it right now. We had 1 player drafted last year the bleeping punter in the 7th round. Our talent used to have multiple NFL draft picks every year. We don't have that anymore.
This staff hasn't proved that they deserve better. I have no problem with someone having faith in this staff. But until they actually prove they can win at this level, it is just blind faith.
I love his offensive scheme/hate his defensive scheme. If we're going to give up huge plays all year, we might as well do it bringing heat (at least against the numerous Top 10 caliber teams on our schedule)
I agree 100%. First, I think Tampa 2 is a loser. Second, we will never have the talent to play it.
I mean I get bandwagon fans are tuned out as they suck. However, it is almost like their is a decent amount of the hardcore fanbase like 20-25% that wants the team to fail. It sucks because we don't have as large a FB fanbase than we do a BB fanbase and this staff deserves a lot better.
Talent wise we are 12th-14th in ACC. Boston College, Wake Forest, Syracuse by far have the least talent. Dino isn't talking into the job that Marrone walked into. Marrone had a NFL 4th round QB, 1st round pick LT and 1st and 4th round DL in the Jones brothers.
This roster doesn't have any high NFL draft picks on it right now. We had 1 player drafted last year the bleeping punter in the 7th round. Our talent used to have multiple NFL draft picks every year. We don't have that anymore.

You are overrating the importance of NFL draft picks in CFB. Teams that have good systems win without them. Look at RichRod at WV. Over 7 years he went 60-26. They had 7 total draft picks (1 per year) and only 2 picks in the first 3 rounds of the draft. Baylor in the last 4 drafts has only three guys selected in the first 3 rounds. In the last 4 drafts TCU has 2 guys taken in the 1st three rounds. In the last 6 drafts Texas Tech has 1 guy taken in the first 5 rounds yet they have three 8 win seasons. We need to get good college players. That is more important than developing NFL picks.
I mean I get bandwagon fans are tuned out as they suck. However, it is almost like their is a decent amount of the hardcore fanbase like 20-25% that wants the team to fail. It sucks because we don't have as large a FB fanbase than we do a BB fanbase and this staff deserves a lot better.
Talent wise we are 12th-14th in ACC. Boston College, Wake Forest, Syracuse by far have the least talent. Dino isn't talking into the job that Marrone walked into. Marrone had a NFL 4th round QB, 1st round pick LT and 1st and 4th round DL in the Jones brothers.
This roster doesn't have any high NFL draft picks on it right now. We had 1 player drafted last year the bleeping punter in the 7th round. Our talent used to have multiple NFL draft picks every year. We don't have that anymore.

This is hysteria going the other way. None of us knows if there are any future draft picks in the last two classes, just like nobody could have projected Nassib or Pugh as draft picks in 2009.

This team isn't completely devoid of talent, they could have been 6-6 last year, but it is trying to play a style the exposes the positional weaknesses it has.
I agree 100%. First, I think Tampa 2 is a loser. Second, we will never have the talent to play it.

I agree with that however from what I could tell we only played it once or twice last game. We brought our safeties up to support the run leaving our CBs 1 on 1. Had we filtered the runs to the inside, it might have made some sense. The gameplan Ward used was one of the worst I have seen. There was no logic to it. The good news is that the teams we can bet don't play the style that Louisville uses. So we won't have to worry about seeing that crap again.
Maybe if we were in the other side of the ACC but if we don't beat USF, I'm going to be pretty close to giving up on this season. I'll still watch but more like "in the background while doing something else" than actually rooting for and getting into it.
It may sound paradoxical, but simply making a bowl in today's climate is nothing special, albeit a sign of major improvement.
What were people expecting going into this season. All the predictions I saw were 5-7, 6-6 or 4-8. To achieve those records you need to be mediocre and to struggle at times.

So far, we beat the team we were supposed to and got crushed by one that was supposed to. Let's see how the next few games go before I even entertain an opinion on year 1. I saw poise from our coach and a calmness that tells me to chill out.

In Dino I trust.
What were people expecting going into this season. All the predictions I saw were 5-7, 6-6 or 4-8. To achieve those records you need to be mediocre and to struggle at times.

So far, we beat the team we were supposed to and got crushed by one that was supposed to. Let's see how the next few games go before I even entertain an opinion on year 1. I saw poise from our coach and a calmness that tells me to chill out.

In Dino I trust.

Good post. The defense was good against Colgate; then awful against a loaded Louisville team. That Louisville team with its dynamic QB will win big in a lot of games.

In past seasons, we have looked bad in one game, then turned it around in the next. It is not Dino's first rodeo, or his first bad loss. The team overall is certainly better than what we had last season (even though it didn't prove it against Louisville). Now we have better coaching, some good additions in Etta Tawo & Moe Neal, and a very good soph QB (much better QB situation than last season). The team was led by frosh & sophs last season; and those players now have a year of experience as starters. Might not win against South Florida, but this team under Dino should get better week to week.
xc84 said:
I expect losing a lot this year. If Dino can right the ship for next year and following years, that's ok with me. I can be patient. However, the thing that is most concerning (not unexpected or controllable) is how casual fan interest has fallen off the edge. At least with Marrone, memories of winning a lot of games were still there and they came to watch his games... but 10 years later those memories have faded and the fan interest just isn't there. I am hoping a 3:30 Saturday game will bring more fans but at this point, it's not certain. If Dino can create a winning program and the dome is renovated, it's the perfect storm (in a good way) that will generate a lot of excitement. In the meantime, it is awkward as hell.

I don't think we need to worry about fan interest right now. It's a by product of what's happened on the field for 10 years. It didn't happen overnight and it's not a problem that fixes itself overnight.

I want to see steady improvement on the field this year. That's it.

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