Cantor's statement: | Page 2 |

Cantor's statement:

I assume the Board had to be consulted, I assume the PR people, legal people, etc. all had to take a look at that statement. I assume they wanted to hear the tape first (not just be told what was on it), get any information they could to confirm it's legitimacy, especially since it was once said to be a fake.

I don't find the 13 hours part of this to be at all troubling. You make sure you have everything exactly as you want to say it before the statement goes out. Too much at stake.

then you are assuming that nobody at ODA or SPD or maybe others told SU what was on the tape? Many here told of a tape and some even with exact quotes from the tape. But SU was taken by surprise this morning as to it's contents? Whatever they did today that took 13 hours could have and should have been done days or weeks ago.
No and this may be semantics but the tape has been around for years. The tape didnt lead to Bernie being fired. The information on the tape being made public led to Bernie being fired. Something that seems lost in all if this is why didnt ESPN release the information on the tape years ago. Why didnt Davis release the tape years ago? Huge Mystery

So you say that SU knew nothing of what was on the tape, but others did? Interesting.
Ask yourself this question. Did Fine get fired because of the tape or because the tape became public?

or could he have been fired because they've been tipped as to something that was found in the course of the execution of the search warrant?
then you are assuming that nobody at ODA or SPD or maybe others told SU what was on the tape? Many here told of a tape and some even with exact quotes from the tape. But SU was taken by surprise this morning as to it's contents? Whatever they did today that took 13 hours could have and should have been done days or weeks ago.

Did SU hear the tape today for the first time? I wouldn't care who told me what, I would need to hear it before I acted on it. And maybe SU was taken by surprise as to its contents. I know you'll never believe that, but it's certainly a possibility. Why can't Cantor get the benefit of the doubt on this one?
ah the fact that Bernie was screwing around with Davis. When Laurie states that what he did to you when you were younger was wrong... I believe that may have been the part that did Bernie in. Plus Bernie lied saying he had never had relations with Davis. The fact that im sure he lied directly to Nancy the good Doc and JB did him in.

You are assuming that the tape is genuine and LB is not lying: these are not facts. I think it is likely that BF is quilty of something, but what that is is very unclear to me.
You are assuming that the tape is genuine and LB is not lying: these are not facts. I think it is likely that BF is quilty of something, but what that is is very unclear to me.
Like touching a young boys penis if that is what you mean that BF is guilty of something yea i would say that is what i mean.
Ask yourself this question. Did Fine get fired because of the tape or because the tape became public?

Who really cares at this point? He's gone now. Ties were severed. It is clear the university only knew about this tape in the last few days but did not hear it until the rest of us did. What, do people think the authorities called Nancy last week and said "hey, Mrs. Chancellor, get your tape deck out. We're coming over to play some new evidence for you."? I'm not a cop, but I don't think it works that way. That tape was released to the public today. The university most likely only found out today. They reacted, today! As far as I'm concerned, they did well.

I swear some people on this site want to see JB strung up in effigy. Some of the takes on here have been mind both extremes. Frankly, I'm shocked by some. We all think this is disgusting. We're all pissed at Bernie Fine. But damnit, JB is allowed to be a little bit emotional about this. He may have gone over the top, but who wouldn't in that situation, knowing what you thought you knew? Everyone can be a Monday morning QB and say woulda coulda shoulda. The fact is, JB knew nothing. His reaction was genuine and expected. He made amends today. So everyone who is wrapping themselves in the blanket of political correctness just so you feel better, drop it.

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