Carrier Dome Best Football Venue | Page 2 |

Carrier Dome Best Football Venue

The wind blowing you out the door when exiting is the most exciting moment outside of the playing field I've ever experienced. Everyone leaves with a smile and a laugh, picking up their hats.
I can't believe anyone in their right mind would think the Carrier Dome is the best football venue. This thread has to be filled with sarcasm and not an honest evaluation of football stadiums.

One of the best venues for college football is likely Camp Randall in Madison, WI. Feel the stadium rock when "Jump Around" is played. Not sure anyone can compare the Carrier Dome to that. Having attended a few games at the Big House in Ann Arbor and experienced 114,000 people-plus, in Maize and Blue is also hard to beat. Tell me again about those sight-lines though...

I'm not sure you understand.

Camp Randall has had a lot to cheer about the past ten years.

It's easy to get excited when your team is winning Big Ten Championships and going to Rose Bowls.

Syracuse University Football fans have not had the same kind of success since the McNabb era.

When the Carrier Dome is full - when the Orange is playing well - when the games are on a Saturday night - nothing compares to it.

Even the jumping students in Wisconsin.

The Orange will be playing better and better in the years to come. And the college football world will take note of the Dome environment.
We haven't played in Camp Randall or the Big House recently. For sheer gameday experience or history I'd love to check out either. I didn't make the trek last year but to actually watch a football game figure (assuming you're a Gopher fan vs a bleeding B1G homer) your new stadium is probably much better for actually watching the game vs one of the 100k mega stadiums. Would that be a fair statement?

Went to the Big House one time.

It was very quiet that day.
I don't think he missed the point of the thread at all. OrangePA was bragging about how there wasn't a better place to play college football in his opinion due to the great sightlines, being close to the field, and great intensity from the crowd. While I happen to agree with OPA on the sightlines and closeness to the field, the crowd intensity is way overstated now (in comparison to what it used to be) and the game day experience leaves a lot to be desired in comparison to other venues.

You do realize the Dome's strengths (good sightlines and closeness to the field) are viewed as being "small-time" to a lot of the real football programs, right?

I love the Dome because I have many fond memories there, but I certainly can understand others who have a different opinion, even if they are Orange fans.


I don't think he missed the point.

Even when the Dome is 3/4 full it gets loud.

In the years to come when we pack the place, there will be no louder football environment.

But even now, it's a better place to see a game than the other places mentioned.
I don't think he missed the point.

Even when the Dome is 3/4 full it gets loud.

In the years to come when we pack the place, there will be no louder football environment.

But even now, it's a better place to see a game than the other places mentioned.

During BC's drive after the pick (the field goal to put them up 4), the 28,000 people left in the crowd made that place uncomfortably loud. I can't wait to hear what it sounds like doubled.
I don't think he missed the point.

Even when the Dome is 3/4 full it gets loud.

In the years to come when we pack the place, there will be no louder football environment.

But even now, it's a better place to see a game than the other places mentioned.

Agreed, but outside the sightlines, can we brag about this aspect when it actually gets back to being the Loud House again. It's been a long time since we were that.

Just curious... how many games have you attended in the dome?

I've been at many a game at the Carrier Dome West...aka the HumptyDome, which will thankfully be imploded in about 2 weeks. The Carrier Dome and Metrodome were built about the same time with the same essential layout. The Metrodome is just a plastic piece of Tupperware turned upside down. From everything I've heard and read about the Carrier Dome it is nearly identical to the Metrodome save the fact that after two years the boys in Mpls got smart and actually added Carrier air-conditioners to the facility. Sadly, you all have neglected that amenity for the past 30 years. got me. I haven't attended a game at the Carrier Dome. Just heard the reports... But, I'll agree with this...the Metrodome had good sight least for football. Baseball was pathetic if you were in right field.
We haven't played in Camp Randall or the Big House recently. For sheer gameday experience or history I'd love to check out either. I didn't make the trek last year but to actually watch a football game figure (assuming you're a Gopher fan vs a bleeding B1G homer) your new stadium is probably much better for actually watching the game vs one of the 100k mega stadiums. Would that be a fair statement?

It is a beautiful facility. It will get upgrades this year because the Vikings are moving in for two years while the Hump is imploded and their new Taj Mahal is built in its place. One of the nice things, yet downsides for late November football is that the concourses are all open. This means you can see the game while walking the concourse, but it also means that the Northwest wind can't be avoided. For the college games that's generally not a problem, but those late year Vikings games are going to be nasty. Good thing I don't care about the NFL.

The sight lines at the Bank (TCF Stadium) are very good and you feel like your right over the field. The atmosphere is getting better as the Gophers win, but Camp Randall is (and I hate to say this because it's the Badgers) a must-see stadium for college football fans. It's old school and intensely intimate and extremely noisy for an outdoor stadium. I agree with another poster that the Big House can let the noise out and not seem that loud for the number of people stuffed inside, but Camp Randall will knock you out with noise.

Just wondering if the Syracuse AD has any future plans for a seperate new football and basketball stadiums for the Orange? I would think the sharing of an old inflated dome stadium with antiquated amenities and no air-conditioning would be a recruiting problem. I could see this as being more true once your HOF basketball coach steps down. Any thoughts on new facilities being thrown around?
It is a beautiful facility. It will get upgrades this year because the Vikings are moving in for two years while the Hump is imploded and their new Taj Mahal is built in its place. One of the nice things, yet downsides for late November football is that the concourses are all open. This means you can see the game while walking the concourse, but it also means that the Northwest wind can't be avoided. For the college games that's generally not a problem, but those late year Vikings games are going to be nasty. Good thing I don't care about the NFL.

The sight lines at the Bank (TCF Stadium) are very good and you feel like your right over the field. The atmosphere is getting better as the Gophers win, but Camp Randall is (and I hate to say this because it's the Badgers) a must-see stadium for college football fans. It's old school and intensely intimate and extremely noisy for an outdoor stadium. I agree with another poster that the Big House can let the noise out and not seem that loud for the number of people stuffed inside, but Camp Randall will knock you out with noise.

Just wondering if the Syracuse AD has any future plans for a seperate new football and basketball stadiums for the Orange? I would think the sharing of an old inflated dome stadium with antiquated amenities and no air-conditioning would be a recruiting problem. I could see this as being more true once your HOF basketball coach steps down. Any thoughts on new facilities being thrown around?
Our old, inflated dome stadium will probably set a record for attendence at basketball games this year. We love it. Whether our Hall of Fame coach is the coach or not it is an amazing plus for our recruiting. You might want to check out our recruit commits for hoops. We are now looking at sophs. As for football, the dome is the least of our concerns. In the 90's, when we were beating Ohio State, Michigan, Wisconsin it didn't hurt us. A bad coaching hire and the lack of a practice facility worth it's salt did, We will be just fine. Much better off than Minn. in hoop and as for football, time will tell.
I was at two of those this year (Ryan Field & Bobby Dodd) as well as the Georgia Dome (Falcons) and Williams-Brice (South Carolina) and agree that he Carrier Dome's sight lines are second to none. The atmosphere at the latter two (full house) was better than what I've experienced on the Hill of late. I'm convinced, however, that another year or two of winning seasons will bring a return of the Loud House. I can't wait to experience that.

i hope so moontan, i hope so.
Just wondering if the Syracuse AD has any future plans for a seperate new football and basketball stadiums for the Orange? I would think the sharing of an old inflated dome stadium with antiquated amenities and no air-conditioning would be a recruiting problem. I could see this as being more true once your HOF basketball coach steps down. Any thoughts on new facilities being thrown around?

Tough to tell. There has been talk for years about a new facility being built on south campus but not sure how financially viable it is for a non state school or really the point to be honest. Our "old" inflated dome does the trick, amenities are being upgraded all the time and the air conditioning thing rarely is an issue. Recruits seem to like the fast track field turf and the dome is unique if nothing else. There is something to be said about not having to worry about inclimate weather for players and fans. As for building a hoops only facility, it would have to hold 30k+ and football doesnt need more than 50k so no sense to seperate the 2.

I'm not connected to anyone on the hill but can't see the cost benefit to building new stadiums in the immediate future. It'd be nice to have a new, shiny stadium like yourself but I imagine the state funded some/all? of it. Syracuse wouldn't have the same luxary.
Went to the Big House one time.

It was very quiet that day.

Yup. Me too. I enjoyed the heck out of that game because SU rocked Michigan. But I was less than impressed with the stadium. Yes, it's huge. But it just spreads out like a flat dish. Felt like we were a mile away from the game. And we had good seats. M
Blah, blah, blah, ...
So, having been in the Metrodome makes you an expert about the Carrier Dome?

That's like saying that a visit to the Carousel Mall makes one an expert about the Mall of America.

I've actually been to both domes. The roof material is similar... that's about it.

If 33 years is antiquated, what does that say about 1920s Williams Arena? Yes, I realize that it's been renovated recently. The Carrier Dome has had some improvements over the years as well.

Air conditioning would be nice for two games per year. TCF doesn't have air conditioning either. :) (just seeing if you're awake)

Separate 30,000+ seat facilities at one private school? That will probably not happen. At some point when the Carrier Dome's land is needed for academic purposes and the Dome needs to be replaced, we hope for a new domed stadium on south campus. It would incorporate the latest & greatest as well as incorporate all that's been learned from the current facility. A retractable would be nice, but likely too expensive.

At this point, an open air football stadium in Syracuse is equivalent to program suicide. If you have a domed stadium, you might as well use it for hoops and other sports as well.
I've been at many a game at the Carrier Dome West...aka the HumptyDome, which will thankfully be imploded in about 2 weeks. The Carrier Dome and Metrodome were built about the same time with the same essential layout. The Metrodome is just a plastic piece of Tupperware turned upside down. From everything I've heard and read about the Carrier Dome it is nearly identical to the Metrodome save the fact that after two years the boys in Mpls got smart and actually added Carrier air-conditioners to the facility. Sadly, you all have neglected that amenity for the past 30 years. got me. I haven't attended a game at the Carrier Dome. Just heard the reports... But, I'll agree with this...the Metrodome had good sight least for football. Baseball was pathetic if you were in right field.

Tough to comment on the Carrier Dome when you haven't been there for a Saturday night football game.

I have been to Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State et al.

There is no better football venue than the Carrier Dome in my opinion.
I've been at many a game at the Carrier Dome West...aka the HumptyDome, which will thankfully be imploded in about 2 weeks. The Carrier Dome and Metrodome were built about the same time with the same essential layout. The Metrodome is just a plastic piece of Tupperware turned upside down. From everything I've heard and read about the Carrier Dome it is nearly identical to the Metrodome save the fact that after two years the boys in Mpls got smart and actually added Carrier air-conditioners to the facility. Sadly, you all have neglected that amenity for the past 30 years. got me. I haven't attended a game at the Carrier Dome. Just heard the reports... But, I'll agree with this...the Metrodome had good sight least for football. Baseball was pathetic if you were in right field.
Your arrogance is seeping through.
I've been at many a game at the Carrier Dome West...aka the HumptyDome, which will thankfully be imploded in about 2 weeks. The Carrier Dome and Metrodome were built about the same time with the same essential layout. The Metrodome is just a plastic piece of Tupperware turned upside down. From everything I've heard and read about the Carrier Dome it is nearly identical to the Metrodome save the fact that after two years the boys in Mpls got smart and actually added Carrier air-conditioners to the facility. Sadly, you all have neglected that amenity for the past 30 years. got me. I haven't attended a game at the Carrier Dome. Just heard the reports... But, I'll agree with this...the Metrodome had good sight least for football. Baseball was pathetic if you were in right field.

So basically you feel qualified to comment about the game day experience at a stadium you've never been at? Really?

Serious question - are all the Minnesota fans complete doochbags - or just the ones that have been posting on our board for the last week?
Went to the Big House one time.

It was very quiet that day.
I had 50 yard line seats to that game and you could have heard a pin drop. Loved every minute of it almost as much as the sandwich i got at Zimmers that weekend.
I can't believe anyone in their right mind would think the Carrier Dome is the best football venue. This thread has to be filled with sarcasm and not an honest evaluation of football stadiums.

One of the best venues for college football is likely Camp Randall in Madison, WI. Feel the stadium rock when "Jump Around" is played. Not sure anyone can compare the Carrier Dome to that. Having attended a few games at the Big House in Ann Arbor and experienced 114,000 people-plus, in Maize and Blue is also hard to beat. Tell me again about those sight-lines though...

Do you go to games to watch a bunch of people jump up and down? Or do you go to watch football? I mean, I get that a bunch of people jumping up and down is so cool and all. I mean.,.,...IT'S PEOPLE JUMPING UP AND DOWN! AMAZING!

LOL at you dismissing "sight lines". Some people actually like watching, you know, the freaking game!

And for the record, the Dome is louder than any of those places. Not because the people in it are so special or anything, but it's got a roof on it. So it's louder.
It is a beautiful facility. It will get upgrades this year because the Vikings are moving in for two years while the Hump is imploded and their new Taj Mahal is built in its place. One of the nice things, yet downsides for late November football is that the concourses are all open. This means you can see the game while walking the concourse, but it also means that the Northwest wind can't be avoided. For the college games that's generally not a problem, but those late year Vikings games are going to be nasty. Good thing I don't care about the NFL.

The sight lines at the Bank (TCF Stadium) are very good and you feel like your right over the field. The atmosphere is getting better as the Gophers win, but Camp Randall is (and I hate to say this because it's the Badgers) a must-see stadium for college football fans. It's old school and intensely intimate and extremely noisy for an outdoor stadium. I agree with another poster that the Big House can let the noise out and not seem that loud for the number of people stuffed inside, but Camp Randall will knock you out with noise.

Just wondering if the Syracuse AD has any future plans for a seperate new football and basketball stadiums for the Orange? I would think the sharing of an old inflated dome stadium with antiquated amenities and no air-conditioning would be a recruiting problem. I could see this as being more true once your HOF basketball coach steps down. Any thoughts on new facilities being thrown around?

The Dome is a recruiting tool for basketball. Nobody cares about air conditioning during basketball season. Antiquated amenities? What? You go to Syracuse to play in front of the most people. Period. Nobody else can match that, so it's a huge advantage.

The things you're naming have nothing to do with football recruiting either. Recruits won't come here because there's no air conditioning? Why are you posting like a clueless southerner, aren't you from Minnesota? Air conditioning? In Syracuse? Go look at the ages on most college football stadiums, and you'll see that the Dome is pretty young.
Do you go to games to watch a bunch of people jump up and down? Or do you go to watch football? I mean, I get that a bunch of people jumping up and down is so cool and all. I mean.,.,...IT'S PEOPLE JUMPING UP AND DOWN! AMAZING!

LOL at you dismissing "sight lines". Some people actually like watching, you know, the freaking game!

And for the record, the Dome is louder than any of those places. Not because the people in it are so special or anything, but it's got a roof on it. So it's louder.

You're very convincing. I wonder why there aren't "Carrier Domes" all over the college landscape. Obviously the rest of the nation is missing something here.

Question: Are you saying that no one at a Syracuse game ever stands? Should I assume that the majority of fans use walkers for assistance?

While I get your point about watching a game, there is something to be said about game-day experience. Jump around is a great game-day experience. I'm curious as to what traditions Syracuse has that makes the dome a fantastic game-day experience. it just sight-lines?
You're very convincing. I wonder why there aren't "Carrier Domes" all over the college landscape. Obviously the rest of the nation is missing something here.

Question: Are you saying that no one at a Syracuse game ever stands? Should I assume that the majority of fans use walkers for assistance?

While I get your point about watching a game, there is something to be said about game-day experience. Jump around is a great game-day experience. I'm curious as to what traditions Syracuse has that makes the dome a fantastic game-day experience. it just sight-lines?

Now I see the problem with this thread. You don't read very well.
You're very convincing. I wonder why there aren't "Carrier Domes" all over the college landscape. Obviously the rest of the nation is missing something here. This is too stupid for a real response. WHY ARENT THERE MORE BIG HOUSES!!!?? WHY DOESNT EVERY TEAM RUB A STUPID ROCK LIKE CLEMSON!!??

Question: Are you saying that no one at a Syracuse game ever stands? Should I assume that the majority of fans use walkers for assistance?

Um, no. I'm not saying that. What are you even talking about? I made fun of you for apparently being more interested in watching ugly Wisconsin people jumping up and down, than watching the actual game. YOU SCOFFED AT SIGHTLINES! I drew the conclusion that watching the actual game isn't that important to you. You just want to be a part of something "cool" like jumping up and down.

While I get your point about watching a game, there is something to be said about game-day experience. Jump around is a great game-day experience. I'm curious as to what traditions Syracuse has that makes the dome a fantastic game-day experience. it just sight-lines?

Who said it's a fantastic game day experience? I believe the post focused on it being a great place to WATCH A FOOTBALL GAME. And it's loud. If you want a thread about game day experiences, or which stadium has the best toilets, or which fanbases jump up and down the most, or who has the best sandwiches or whatever, then make your own thread. You can't stay on topic for nothing, can you?

You're very convincing. I wonder why there aren't "Carrier Domes" all over the college landscape. Obviously the rest of the nation is missing something here. This is too stupid for a real response. WHY ARENT THERE MORE BIG HOUSES!!!?? WHY DOESNT EVERY TEAM RUB A STUPID ROCK LIKE CLEMSON!!??

Question: Are you saying that no one at a Syracuse game ever stands? Should I assume that the majority of fans use walkers for assistance?

Um, no. I'm not saying that. What are you even talking about? I made fun of you for apparently being more interested in watching ugly Wisconsin people jumping up and down, than watching the actual game. YOU SCOFFED AT SIGHTLINES! I drew the conclusion that watching the actual game isn't that important to you. You just want to be a part of something "cool" like jumping up and down.

While I get your point about watching a game, there is something to be said about game-day experience. Jump around is a great game-day experience. I'm curious as to what traditions Syracuse has that makes the dome a fantastic game-day experience. it just sight-lines?

Who said it's a fantastic game day experience? I believe the post focused on it being a great place to WATCH A FOOTBALL GAME. And it's loud. If you want a thread about game day experiences, or which stadium has the best toilets, or which fanbases jump up and down the most, or who has the best sandwiches or whatever, then make your own thread. You can't stay on topic for nothing, can you?
He must be related to the Minny stats girl that ignored all stats from the modern era. Reading comprehension is one issue, continually moving goalposts when things don't go their way is another.

They just make Syracuse fans want to win the game even more.
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