Class of 2019 - CG Joe Girard III (NY) SIGNED WITH SYRACUSE | Page 29 |

Class of 2019 CG Joe Girard III (NY) SIGNED WITH SYRACUSE

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Not at all. I said ths difference in talent and defense in high school and college is light years. Im sorry you couldn’t comprehend what i said. Its pretty clear.
One on one defenders are light yearsbetter is the point you’re making. Not saying I agree or disagree but that’s the point that’s being made here.
One on one defenders are light yearsbetter is the point you’re making. Not saying I agree or disagree but that’s the point that’s being made here.
One on one defenders, size and strength of the players. The faster pace of the game. Theres no bodies out there to field a team like there is in some high schools.
Not at all. I said ths difference in talent and defense in high school and college is light years. Im sorry you couldn’t comprehend what i said. Its pretty clear.

I dont think you can comprehend what you have said.

Is a wide open 3 different in high school than college? It is either a yes or no question and pretty simple. You said in high school he would be automatic. But he wouldn't sniff a wide open look in college. Which obviously would open the floor for others. You said no, because he is a one trick pony(which makes no sense as a reply). You are either tightly guarded or not. Can't have it both ways. If he is tightly guarded, not sure if you know, but it opens up the floor for others. If he is not tightly guarded he can hit the 3. Oh wait, its college, he can only hit wide open 3's in high school as you suggest and not college. But then once again, you say he wouldn't ever be open.

I'm lost just trying to summarize your contradictions, but i do understand your dislike for the kid has gotten you to speak in circles.
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If a player with or without the ball, has to be tightly guarded out past the 3 point line, does it open up the floor for others?

If a lights out shooter and someone who is automatic from deep, is left open, could he no longer hit a wide open 3 because the defenders who left him wide open are better at D than a high schooler?

Is it possible to be tightly guarded and left open at the same time?
sure thing bro, he's not going to Oklahoma but maybe if Oklahoma offered last year he would.

My only argument in defense of JB, is that JB like 99.9% of the other P5 coaches didn't offer him earlier, for a couple of obvious reasons.
I agree.
One on one defenders, size and strength of the players. The faster pace of the game. Theres no bodies out there to field a team like there is in some high schools.
Yeah that’s what I was going towards. Just that specific point I meant one in one.
How am I discounting that? Just because they are from the same area? Look for yourself tell me what you see?

I see a player averaging 50 points a game at the same HS Jimmer went to and we have a bunch of schollies available. Go back to Page One when he was a Freshman averaging 32 pts a game. Phat called him to Michigan then but out caveat was no one knows how good he will be. Lots of people have that same thought and we are struggling to find a good shooter. It's sad we weren't at everyone of his games if he turns into a productive P5 player.
I see a player averaging 50 points a game at the same HS Jimmer went to and we have a bunch of schollies available. Go back to Page One when he was a Freshman averaging 32 pts a game. Phat called him to Michigan then but out caveat was no one knows how good he will be. Lots of people have that same thought and we are struggling to find a good shooter. It's sad we weren't at everyone of his games if he turns into a productive P5 player.

I have decided to give up talking about this. The blind can not be made to see. The staff has made a mistake in my opinion, not the first and probably not the last.
I have decided to give up talking about this. The blind can not be made to see. The staff has made a mistake in my opinion, not the first and probably not the last.
You should be out there recruiting. You’re doing a fine job at home evaluating talent just imagine the possibilities if you were out on the road Coach.
You should be out there recruiting. You’re doing a fine job at home evaluating talent just imagine the possibilities if you were out on the road Coach.
Right back at you!
Right back at you!
I’ll trust JB and staff over our thoughts even though we don’t know half of the behind the scenes stuff. There’s so much we don’t know and will never know.
I’ll trust JB and staff over our thoughts even though we don’t know half of the behind the scenes stuff. There’s so much we don’t know and will never know.

I know the team looks like crap right now, hope it changes soon. You may have noted this is all my opinion which just happens to be very different from yours.
I know the team looks like crap right now, hope it changes soon. You may have noted this is all my opinion which just happens to be very different from yours.
I agree they look terrible and it’s difficult to watch, but Girard isn’t coming here.
I dont think you can comprehend what you have said.

Is a wide open 3 different in high school than college? It is either a yes or no question and pretty simple. You said in high school he would be automatic. But he wouldn't sniff a wide open look in college. Which obviously would open the floor for others. You said no, because he is a one trick pony(which makes no sense as a reply). You are either tightly guarded or not. Can't have it both ways. If he is tightly guarded, not sure if you know, but it opens up the floor for others. If he is not tightly guarded he can hit the 3. Oh wait, its college, he can only hit wide open 3's in high school as you suggest and not college. But then once again, you say he wouldn't ever be open.

I'm lost just trying to summarize your contradictions, but i do understand your dislike for the kid has gotten you to speak in circles.

Maybe it's like the poster years ago who thought the MSG court was smaller than the Carrier Dome court. He wouldn't be able to adapt to the different college arenas? :confused:
In a couple of years, Girard won't be a freshman, either. He'll be a physically mature, experienced guard who can provide a lot of scoring pop -- as a starter or off the bench--just like the kid we saw last night from Tech. Girard is the type of guy who could be a cog for THIS team, but instead he'll do it at Michigan or Notre Dame.

I feel like we evaluated this kid early on and determined he was not a fit, wasn't a true P5 caliber talent or just wasn't worthy of a scholarship so we didn't get involved with him. It happens, you can't be right about everyone and you can't offer every kid that could possibly have a D1 career. The kid is the type of player that Beilein more typically recruits. Isn't it possible that because of that he recognized the potential in him earlier than JB did, was involved earlier and for that reason is much better positioned?

Kid has since blown up and may turn out to prove our evaluation wrong. But, if you read Phat Orange it sounds like the ship may have sailed with regard to him. He sounds like he is sold on Michigan. Just because there is talk that Duke could jump in, doesn't mean that we could. Hate to say it but we don't carry the same cache. So it may be more timing than a decision that we aren't willing to bring him on board. When we could have gotten involved we didn't see him as prospect, now that everyone is beginning to see him as a prospect we aren't in a position to sweep in and land him. You simply can't be right on everyone.

I think in the end very few of these kids pick schools because they are a fan of that program. They may start out that way, but in the end it comes down to more practical things like relationship with the coaches, potential for playing time, fit within the system etc. So while we may think we are a natural fit for him because we are the big upstate P5 program, he may not see us that way. Michigan also plays in a P5 conference, they have had a very similar track record as us in recent years and Michigan is a much more highly thought of academic institution.

I don't fully understand the dynamic in terms of the offers that are made by SU, but I've always felt like JB offers kids when he is ahead of the curve and thinks that we can put the recruiting effort in over the long haul and win him over, or later in the process where he wants a kid and he knows there is a mutual interest. I feel like he doesn't offer a kid late in the process hoping he can suddenly jump in on him just to be able to say yeah we identified and offered him. I also don't think he throws out a lot of Hail Mary offers. I realize that the reality is that there are all sorts of different situations, I guess my point is that I think we try to paint these things as one reason or another (he doesn't fit the SU guard mold) and in reality why we don't pursue a particular kid is probably more complicated than that.
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I agree they look terrible and it’s difficult to watch, but Girard isn’t coming here.

And no matter how good the offer is he's definitely not coming here to play on this version of the team that looks like crap. We could use anyone that could tie their shoes and not trip on the shoelaces. But the recruiting (and decisions on who to recruit) to resolve our current problem was done/not done several years ago - long before the problem existed.
Kid has since blown up and may turn out to prove our evaluation wrong. B

How has he blown up? The kid has been a prolific scorer/shooter for years. His Power 5 offers are Washington (Hopkins in early), BC, and now Michy, who most thought would offer given his father played for Beilein at LeMoyne.

Now, if he plays well this spring/summer, he very well could start garnering much bigger offers. But I don't think most programs are going to offer him just because he dropped 50 on Amsterdam.
Agree with this premise. The last couple of years, we've had numerous players get injured [Coleman, Chukwu, Moyer / Washington this year, Frnk last year, etc.] that have really compromised what was already limited depth. Need to move past this state, and get to the point where we have a full roster [even if "full" = 12] so that an injury or two doesn't decimate depth.

JB traditionally has eschewed that practice, because most of the time he's going to play 7 /8 anyway, and the rest aren't going to play. But I think we need to modernize that thinking and recognize that injuries are plaguing us on a near annual basis now, and that we need a full roster to offset the risk of having only 7, 6, or 5 scholarship players to use during games. It is totally unnecessary, and poor roster management in my opinion.

Besides -- other programs don't have a problem doubling up on players of the same position. No reason we can't, too. I think you need to land the best players you can, and let the chips fall where they may in practice. it is counterproductive to only recruit to a preordained lineup / set roles and PT, and not build depth behind your top guys. Road to nowhere, as we've seen these past few seasons, where our injury issues have been compounded by the draconian scholarship limitations from the NCAA.

EDIT -- so much of this would be solved if we pressed a little more, and JB opened up the bench in order to do so. I honestly wouldn't care if we played zone 90% of the time. Hell, 95% of the time. Just make better use of the press, and sub to keep your players fresh while doing so, and the issue takes care of itself [both in terms of players getting PT, and improved depth not languishing on the bench while the main cogs play 38+].
If we can't build any depth in the next couple of years with all our scholarships back and Buddy as a walk-on, then we'll never have depth. I certainly agree that to actually build depth, you have to be willing to play those guys, so we'll see. If we don't have depth in the next few years, it's because we aren't trying to.
Good job by GMac and JB.
This kid looks like a shooter we could use off the bench.
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