I'm 38 and my first real job, I worked for the same company for thirteen years and was as loyal as they come. I truly believed I'd retire from there after forty plus years.
Yeah then reality hit.
Even after thirteen successful and hardworking, loyal years to the families that owned the business ... Starting out as a night manager on a salary that averaged $11.85 / hour and working sixty hour weeks in busy season, all the while my employees were making more than me with their OT. To getting capped financially because of the position I was in (ops / logistics) ... Finally breaking through, only to be told you are capped salary wise at 31 years of age with two young kids. Even still I maintained loyalty and worked hard, thinking long term and big picture.
Let go when they started changing middle management around to position friends of the family and their kids.
I was crushed at the time. I had committed untold hours and energy to the company and the families. I truly believed the bullspit I was sold. I was a sucker.
And in the end it was the best thing for me. Here I am five years later, and I make more than double what I was making there, and have had the opportunity to interview for numerous C Level roles in the past year or so.
It took bouncing around a couple stops before where I am now to find something truly great and where I am happy.
Long story short.
I encourage all employees regardless of age or generation to look for what's best for them, even if it means bouncing around. Loyalty in business is dead. Employees have to do what is best for them, because ultimately everyone is replaceable.