Coaching Staff completed -- New DB Coach Fred Reed | Page 2 |

Coaching Staff completed -- New DB Coach Fred Reed

You do realize I was referring to our old NY/NJ recruiters. Being as people are making a big deal out of the lack of experience the new staff has.

Ahh...My bad. Thought you meant the guys who backed out before signing day. And you're right some here are now conveniently forgetting the big name NYC guys that Anslemo and Marrone swung and missed on.
I hear you, but you're asking me to ignore the two most important guys on the last staff.

You just can't ignore the relationship that Anselmo and Marrone had with NYC.

They were obviously the keys to that area - and it helped us a lot.

Yes, Wheatley and Henderson and Adkins were not NY guys or NE guys, but the present staff does not replace Marrone or Anselmo and that hurts.

I bet you that for all the relationships the new coaches don't have in NYC compared to Marrone/Anselmo, our new coaches have MORE relationships built elsewhere throughout the country compared to Marrone/Anselmo. This will more than make up for lack of NYC presence. I would agree with you that it hurts badly if we were landing Ishaqs and Ogundekos, but we didn't. So the next line of talent after that, our new coaches can find in multiple geographic areas and still have a good chance at those NYC kids.
Ahh...My bad. Thought you meant the guys who backed out before signing day. And you're right some here are now conveniently forgetting the big name NYC guys that Anslemo and Marrone swung and missed on.
No worries. I feel that recruiters recruit, just like salesmen sell. We just need to win and build relationships by being an honest and ethical program that parents and coaches want to send their kids to. Everything else will work itself out.
I think the Cuse will still get some NYC players and agree the talent is much better in OH & PA then the Mtero NY area and that an increased emphasis should be given there.
I really don't like the fact that we have few coaches from the NE.

That was a huge problem for Robinson.

I only hope that these guys have NE contacts though that does not seem to be the case.
IMO, the problem for Robinson was also that many of his initial assistants did not have the coaching background to enable them to be successful, at this level. With HCSS and his new assistants; these are guys with solid backgrounds in coaching.
I will repeat my previous statements. We're not getting the top NY recruits anyway so what is truly the loss, we'll still have a shot at getting the type of NY recruits we've been getting, and I'm more than happy with 3 star Fla, GA, PA, and OH players. If we miss a few more NY players each year but replace them with guys from the previously mentioned areas or from IL, MI, or somewhere else; oh well.
The best recruiter is the Win column. The second best recruiter is where the school is located. The third is where you play.
I am assuming HCSS put the staff together to get more wins. Kids that want to stay in the Northeast will gravitate toward Syracuse, Pitt, BC, Penn State and Rutgers. We stand a chance at being better than 3 of those programs next year.
So that leaves "where we play." If you are a kid in the MidWest who doesn't want to stay near home and ND, Michigan and that school in Ohio don't want you, wouldn't you rather play in Florida or look at the cheerleaders at Clemson?
Ok good, we needed another midwest guy. My only complaint is he didn't come from Western Michigan or Northern Illinois.
I bet you that for all the relationships the new coaches don't have in NYC compared to Marrone/Anselmo, our new coaches have MORE relationships built elsewhere throughout the country compared to Marrone/Anselmo. This will more than make up for lack of NYC presence. I would agree with you that it hurts badly if we were landing Ishaqs and Ogundekos, but we didn't. So the next line of talent after that, our new coaches can find in multiple geographic areas and still have a good chance at those NYC kids.
Ding ding ding. Stated perfectly.

As long as NYS kids still can't see their noses in front of their faces, and need to be sold on their own state's school, then I wouldn't go out of my way or get bent about that talent pool. The "big" NYS kids are still too big for their own britches. Move on.
I agree that the previous staff was dead-on by emphasizing the identity of NY's College Team, and attempting to get every top kid in NY/NYC. Unfortunately, they didn't get the results any of us wanted. Regardless of whether any of the new coaches have the relationships or not, they cannot do much worse than the previous staff at signing those TOP players, so there is nowhere to go but up. I suspect these guys know how to build relationships, and that that has been the key to their successes in other parts of the country. I would expect them to do the same in the NE.

For all of our Northeast "relationships" in the last 4 years, those relationships didn't really come through for us. Maybe it's a good thing to build some new ones now.
And they also were unable to reel in the top NYC recruits.

Well, I don't know about that.

I like Morgan a lot. I like Bromley a lot. I like Reddish a lot. I like Cornelius a lot. I like Welsh a lot.

And we lost Edwards and probably Smith and others when Marrone and Anselmo left.

So, I think we lost something from NYC with the loss of the old staff.
Well, I don't know about that.

I like Morgan a lot. I like Bromley a lot. I like Reddish a lot. I like Cornelius a lot. I like Welsh a lot.

And we lost Edwards and probably Smith and others when Marrone and Anselmo left.

So, I think we lost something from NYC with the loss of the old staff.

Not to mention Wayne Williams...It is true that besides the 5 stars, they had metro NYC kids on lock down. I still think with time we'll get our fair share of those kids, in addition to the IL/MI/OH and Florida talent that this new staff seems better equipped to haul in.
Well, I don't know about that.

I like Morgan a lot. I like Bromley a lot. I like Reddish a lot. I like Cornelius a lot. I like Welsh a lot.

And we lost Edwards and probably Smith and others when Marrone and Anselmo left.

So, I think we lost something from NYC with the loss of the old staff.

And there is no reason to think this staff won't be able to pull in 3 star kids from NYC (Bromley was actually a no star nobody). If we can get 2 - 3 star kids from out of state why would the same NYS kids we've been getting the last few years not continue to come here? So they'll commit to colleges that want to pluck from around the state and are all of a sudden going to turn a cold shoulder to the ONLY college that has paid attention to the entire area recently. Makes no sense.
I wish that he had been born in the dome on the 50 yard line and his Papa was the mayor of NYC; where upon his arrival into the world recruited the doctor to attend Syracuse.


They are not conceding NY state or NYC. They will still recruit NY kids and we'll probably get a few. Patience.
I hope you're right.

But my experience has been that relationships are the key and it takes time to build them.

That's the issue.

I don't think this issue needs that much debate. I would suggest that with the way football coaches work and given the insulated world in which they live, losing some good connections in NY/NYC/LI, etc. would hurt us a bit. Having said that, there are benefits to having relationships elsewhere and good recruiters should be able to build good relationships so long as they are willing to invest the time and they are given the resources/support to do so.

In the end, talent is talent. If you can find a kid with no rating on rivals who goes to school in Vermont and yet he's still a projectable athlete, he would be a really nice addition to the class. If you have connections to a coach on LI and he tips you off to a talented kid, that's a good thing. If you have a connection in FL who helps get you in the door with more well-known kids, it's great.

There is no one way to do this thing. So while it would unquestionably be nice to have a well-connected NE recruiter, there isn't really any reason to suggest we can't get talented athletes from elsewhere.

I just see the lack of an ace NY/NJ recruiter as intriguing but not necessarily "good" or "bad" at this point.
Even the combination of "the Godfather" and Bronx Blueblood Doug Marone could not sign the top NYC recruits. What makes anyone think that another assistant coach will be the key? Who is on this list of Northeast rooted guys, with tremendous recruiting ability, who are available for the Syracuse defensive backs coach job? IMO, you hire solid coaches, who you believe in. The fact that he was able to get on a pro staff, and be promoted to the defensive coordinator when UB was on it's best run ever, speaks that he is better than average. D-coordinator in a MAC school in the past, to DB coach at BCS level sounds about right. I do agree that we need to get better in Jersey recruiting, but I don't know if there is a pool of guys who help us with X's and Os who have a "pipeline" to NYC or NJ. Hire good guys who can run regional clinics, and sell the program to the kids. That is the direction the staff seems to be taking.
What we lost in NYC i believe we will make up in Florida
Overgeneralized prejudice alert:
Over the years I've developed a general suspicion of the character of Florida kids. I don't think they measure up to the New York kids.
e.g. hot-dogging, whooping it up after plays, taking plays off, etc.
What we lost in NYC i believe we will make up in Florida

i definitely don't think we can rely on this. we are never going to get top talent out of Florida. We were getting very productive kids out of NY, and although we missed out on the top guys the past couple years I think we were a year or 2 away from seeing all the hard work pay off. FWIW NYS, mainly ROC/NYC seems to have the most solid D1 prospects in a long time. I'm sorry there isn't anybody that is going to convince me that we are ever going to be successful again if we can't recruit our home state. Sure with a few more winning seasons it should make it easier, but NYS has produced some very productive players for us, and want it to continue.
Overgeneralized prejudice alert:
Over the years I've developed a general suspicion of the character of Florida kids. I don't think they measure up to the New York kids.
e.g. hot-dogging, whooping it up after plays, taking plays off, etc.
There's nothing wrong with whooping it up after plays. You have to have that swagger to play well. Taking plays off is a ridiculous accusation that I have never seen on this team. Would love to get some examples on that.
I hear you, but you're asking me to ignore the two most important guys on the last staff.

You just can't ignore the relationship that Anselmo and Marrone had with NYC.

They were obviously the keys to that area - and it helped us a lot.

Yes, Wheatley and Henderson and Adkins were not NY guys or NE guys, but the present staff does not replace Marrone or Anselmo and that hurts.

But after 4 years of relationship building, they struck out on every single top guy they tried to get. So what are we really losing?
The best recruiter is the Win column. The second best recruiter is where the school is located. The third is where you play.
I am assuming HCSS put the staff together to get more wins. Kids that want to stay in the Northeast will gravitate toward Syracuse, Pitt, BC, Penn State and Rutgers. We stand a chance at being better than 3 of those programs next year.
So that leaves "where we play." If you are a kid in the MidWest who doesn't want to stay near home and ND, Michigan and that school in Ohio don't want you, wouldn't you rather play in Florida or look at the cheerleaders at Clemson?

You leave another factor - WHO you play. Our ACC schedule is going to be more attractive to recruits than the no name schools we played in the Big East/
I keep reading the criticism that DM & Co. were unable to land "the top NYC talent" &, while they obviously failed to ever land the city's top prospect, the case could be made that the most on-field production out of the last 2 classes has come from an NYC recruit.

'11 Reddish (right there with Trudo, Crume, Lynch)
'12 Morgan (not counting MPB)
'13 WW is the star of this class, IMO

Note: Not to rehash, but I truly believe that Gus & Laray would be Orange if not for the coaching change with Gus being considered the "star" of this class
I keep reading the criticism that DM & Co. were unable to land "the top NYC talent" &, while they obviously failed to ever land the city's top prospect, the case could be made that the most on-field production out of the last 2 classes has come from an NYC recruit.

'11 Reddish (right there with Trudo, Crume, Lynch)
'12 Morgan (not counting MPB)
'13 WW is the star of this class, IMO

Note: Not to rehash, but I truly believe that Gus & Laray would be Orange if not for the coaching change with Gus being considered the "star" of this class

So NY is worth getting our panties in a bunch because in '11 you considered Reddish to be our best player and in '12 Morgan was our best player, excluding MPB? Sorry, but this is a really weak argument in many ways.

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