Cohen Article on HCSS- Great Job | Page 2 |

Cohen Article on HCSS- Great Job

I enjoyed the article. Shafer knows how to recruit and develop these young men because he immersed himself in that situation. Many coaches just see their players as objects. Shafer really gets these guys. I'm happy he became head coach.

Too bad most of you are talking about the writer...
Yeah, if I'm not mistaken Nolan's Feb. 1st story was the first time anyone at the PS ever wrote anything revealing about Shafer's past coaching experience. I always found that kind of frustrating and a head scratcher, but with this Nolan article I recall being very happy to finally get the story on what happened with Shafer at Stanford.

Yes and this is the thing that the PS never capitalized on with Rahme and Weidner and lacks now. Dave was the xs and os guy, a true analyst, where Nolans' forte was the "interview" article.. that piece he did on Rob Long was great. Ying and yang.

Cohen has spit enough venom about the team. Don't support his work.
44PRIDE, Today at 7:59 AM Report
#2 Like Reply
tep624, RMH44 and jkmac like this.

You and your cohorts have "spit enough venom" about Cohen. In fact, way too much! Frankly, I am sick of seeing this kind of tripe over and over again. Yes, we all have opinions, which are like anuses, we all got one and they quite often stink. You are like some on this board, you have all the answers, but you don't know any of the questions. These hateful posts are shameful and ignorant in my opinion. Nolan was a writer that deserved the criticism that he got but it was no where near what Cohen has received and Cohen is much more knowledgeable than Nolan, as well as most of his critics on this board.

I have read Michael Cohen articles since he wrote for the daily Orange. I wasn't pleased with some things he wrote then and told him so in the comments section. He has demonstrated enormous growth since then but is still a novice learning his trade. He has more promise than anyone that has written for the Post Standard in quite some time. He reminds me of a young Pete Thamel, and I fully expect that he will follow in his footsteps and write for the New York Times some day. He is absolutely right that he knows as much about football as the scribes that write on the sites that has determined to be "those who shall not be named." His critiques are certainly open to discussion, but discussion is a debate, not "spewing venom." Honestly, this hatefulness is more suited to Faux News and the religious, conservative, political right who populate the Tea Party... and I suspect are many of the perpetrators in the defame Cohen contingent. The truth is that Michael Cohen is a talented young man that I believe will continue to mature and one day will make some of us proud that he once wrote for the Post Standard, which is more than I can say for his critics.

Cohen has spit enough venom about the team. Don't support his work.
44PRIDE, Today at 7:59 AM Report
#2 Like Reply
tep624, RMH44 and jkmac like this.

You and your cohorts have "spit enough venom" about Cohen. In fact, way too much! Frankly, I am sick of seeing this kind of tripe over and over again. Yes, we all have opinions, which are like anuses, we all got one and they quite often stink. You are like some on this board, you have all the answers, but you don't know any of the questions. These hateful posts are shameful and ignorant in my opinion. Nolan was a writer that deserved the criticism that he got but it was no where near what Cohen has received and Cohen is much more knowledgeable than Nolan, as well as most of his critics on this board.

I have read Michael Cohen articles since he wrote for the daily Orange. I wasn't pleased with some things he wrote then and told him so in the comments section. He has demonstrated enormous growth since then but is still a novice learning his trade. He has more promise than anyone that has written for the Post Standard in quite some time. He reminds me of a young Pete Thamel, and I fully expect that he will follow in his footsteps and write for the New York Times some day. He is absolutely right that he knows as much about football as the scribes that write on the sites that has determined to be "those who shall not be named." His critiques are certainly open to discussion, but discussion is a debate, not "spewing venom." Honestly, this hatefulness is more suited to Faux News and the religious, conservative, political right who populate the Tea Party... and I suspect are many of the perpetrators in the defame Cohen contingent. The truth is that Michael Cohen is a talented young man that I believe will continue to mature and one day will make some of us proud that he once wrote for the Post Standard, which is more than I can say for his critics.
Lol...thanks for posting Mrs. Cohen.

Pete Thamel...give me a break.

Cohen has spit enough venom about the team. Don't support his work.
44PRIDE, Today at 7:59 AM Report
#2 Like Reply
tep624, RMH44 and jkmac like this.

You and your cohorts have "spit enough venom" about Cohen. In fact, way too much! Frankly, I am sick of seeing this kind of tripe over and over again. Yes, we all have opinions, which are like anuses, we all got one and they quite often stink. You are like some on this board, you have all the answers, but you don't know any of the questions. These hateful posts are shameful and ignorant in my opinion. Nolan was a writer that deserved the criticism that he got but it was no where near what Cohen has received and Cohen is much more knowledgeable than Nolan, as well as most of his critics on this board.

I have read Michael Cohen articles since he wrote for the daily Orange. I wasn't pleased with some things he wrote then and told him so in the comments section. He has demonstrated enormous growth since then but is still a novice learning his trade. He has more promise than anyone that has written for the Post Standard in quite some time. He reminds me of a young Pete Thamel, and I fully expect that he will follow in his footsteps and write for the New York Times some day. He is absolutely right that he knows as much about football as the scribes that write on the sites that has determined to be "those who shall not be named." His critiques are certainly open to discussion, but discussion is a debate, not "spewing venom." Honestly, this hatefulness is more suited to Faux News and the religious, conservative, political right who populate the Tea Party... and I suspect are many of the perpetrators in the defame Cohen contingent. The truth is that Michael Cohen is a talented young man that I believe will continue to mature and one day will make some of us proud that he once wrote for the Post Standard, which is more than I can say for his critics.

Hey you dish it out, you better be able to take it. He has been praised and applauded for today's piece, as well as the McDonald piece. He gets rightfully criticized when he puts on his Mark Schwartz shoes, and starts talking about made up rumblings. He has an arrogance to him that rub most people the wrong way. I feel our community is very fair when it comes to our sports reporters. If you earn our respect like Rahme, or Waters, then you get treated with respect. If you come on the scene like a 22 year old know it all like Cohen, then you get brought down a few notches. If he keeps up doing great work like this, and some of the other stuff, he can earn back the respect of the football community. It's pretty simple.

Cohen has spit enough venom about the team. Don't support his work.
44PRIDE, Today at 7:59 AM Report
#2 Like Reply
tep624, RMH44 and jkmac like this.

You and your cohorts have "spit enough venom" about Cohen. In fact, way too much! Frankly, I am sick of seeing this kind of tripe over and over again. Yes, we all have opinions, which are like anuses, we all got one and they quite often stink. You are like some on this board, you have all the answers, but you don't know any of the questions. These hateful posts are shameful and ignorant in my opinion. Nolan was a writer that deserved the criticism that he got but it was no where near what Cohen has received and Cohen is much more knowledgeable than Nolan, as well as most of his critics on this board.

I have read Michael Cohen articles since he wrote for the daily Orange. I wasn't pleased with some things he wrote then and told him so in the comments section. He has demonstrated enormous growth since then but is still a novice learning his trade. He has more promise than anyone that has written for the Post Standard in quite some time. He reminds me of a young Pete Thamel, and I fully expect that he will follow in his footsteps and write for the New York Times some day. He is absolutely right that he knows as much about football as the scribes that write on the sites that has determined to be "those who shall not be named." His critiques are certainly open to discussion, but discussion is a debate, not "spewing venom." Honestly, this hatefulness is more suited to Faux News and the religious, conservative, political right who populate the Tea Party... and I suspect are many of the perpetrators in the defame Cohen contingent. The truth is that Michael Cohen is a talented young man that I believe will continue to mature and one day will make some of us proud that he once wrote for the Post Standard, which is more than I can say for his critics.

Quite frankly I'm tired of reading soapbox posts telling people how they should or should not think and how they should or should not post. Leave that up to the admins and get over yourself.

Nolan was criticized because of his perceived lack of interest in the program and content that was lacking. But he never did things knowingly that could undermine the program. That is why Cohen has been criticized far more severely and deservedly so. If you can't see the difference between the two, then that's your prerogative.

Tea Party? Fox News? Now this is a political conspiracy? I guess it's George Bush's fault that Cohen is an ass.
Cohen is 22. Were you all wise beyond your years at 22? Give the kid a break. Yea he's written a few dumb articles, but just maybe he's learning on the fly.

Cohen has spit enough venom about the team. Don't support his work.
44PRIDE, Today at 7:59 AM Report
#2 Like Reply
tep624, RMH44 and jkmac like this.

You and your cohorts have "spit enough venom" about Cohen. In fact, way too much! Frankly, I am sick of seeing this kind of tripe over and over again. Yes, we all have opinions, which are like anuses, we all got one and they quite often stink. You are like some on this board, you have all the answers, but you don't know any of the questions. These hateful posts are shameful and ignorant in my opinion. Nolan was a writer that deserved the criticism that he got but it was no where near what Cohen has received and Cohen is much more knowledgeable than Nolan, as well as most of his critics on this board.

I have read Michael Cohen articles since he wrote for the daily Orange. I wasn't pleased with some things he wrote then and told him so in the comments section. He has demonstrated enormous growth since then but is still a novice learning his trade. He has more promise than anyone that has written for the Post Standard in quite some time. He reminds me of a young Pete Thamel, and I fully expect that he will follow in his footsteps and write for the New York Times some day. He is absolutely right that he knows as much about football as the scribes that write on the sites that has determined to be "those who shall not be named." His critiques are certainly open to discussion, but discussion is a debate, not "spewing venom." Honestly, this hatefulness is more suited to Faux News and the religious, conservative, political right who populate the Tea Party... and I suspect are many of the perpetrators in the defame Cohen contingent. The truth is that Michael Cohen is a talented young man that I believe will continue to mature and one day will make some of us proud that he once wrote for the Post Standard, which is more than I can say for his critics.
"Tea Party? Fox News? Now this is a political conspiracy? I guess it's George Bush's fault that Cohen is an ass."

No conspiracy here: Bush and Cohen are both asses, but in fairness, Bush has been a bigger one for a lot longer than Cohen. There may be hope for him still; not so for the other guy.:D
"Tea Party? Fox News? Now this is a political conspiracy? I guess it's George Bush's fault that Cohen is an ass."

No conspiracy here: Bush and Cohen are both asses, but in fairness, Bush has been a bigger one for a lot longer than Cohen. There may be hope for him still; not so for the other guy.:D
Psst, there's a whole 'nother forum dedicated to these political garbage rants.
Agreed. We shouldn't have to be doing back flips because he actually wrote something worth reading.

He pulled BS when he was with the DO, he pulled BS in some of his articles with the PS and he pulled BS on twitter. Now he writes one acceptable article (likely with people looking over his shoulder) and that's supposed to make us forget all the BS he's already pulled? Give me a break.

Is rather go spend the night in a dumpster than read any more of his work.

Get over yourself.
Psst, there's a whole 'nother forum dedicated to these political garbage rants.
In many cases, young and dumb is a temporary condition. Hopefully, once he enters the real world he'll let go of all the conspiracy theories and hateful rhetoric.

Cohen has spit enough venom about the team. Don't support his work.
44PRIDE, Today at 7:59 AM Report
#2 Like Reply
tep624, RMH44 and jkmac like this.

You and your cohorts have "spit enough venom" about Cohen. In fact, way too much! Frankly, I am sick of seeing this kind of tripe over and over again. Yes, we all have opinions, which are like anuses, we all got one and they quite often stink. You are like some on this board, you have all the answers, but you don't know any of the questions. These hateful posts are shameful and ignorant in my opinion. Nolan was a writer that deserved the criticism that he got but it was no where near what Cohen has received and Cohen is much more knowledgeable than Nolan, as well as most of his critics on this board.

I have read Michael Cohen articles since he wrote for the daily Orange. I wasn't pleased with some things he wrote then and told him so in the comments section. He has demonstrated enormous growth since then but is still a novice learning his trade. He has more promise than anyone that has written for the Post Standard in quite some time. He reminds me of a young Pete Thamel, and I fully expect that he will follow in his footsteps and write for the New York Times some day. He is absolutely right that he knows as much about football as the scribes that write on the sites that has determined to be "those who shall not be named." His critiques are certainly open to discussion, but discussion is a debate, not "spewing venom." Honestly, this hatefulness is more suited to Faux News and the religious, conservative, political right who populate the Tea Party... and I suspect are many of the perpetrators in the defame Cohen contingent. The truth is that Michael Cohen is a talented young man that I believe will continue to mature and one day will make some of us proud that he once wrote for the Post Standard, which is more than I can say for his critics.

Great post. Thanks.
I'm sure the kid has gotten backlash for his bad judgement. That's how you learn. Have you made any mistakes in your life and been given another chance? He wrote a very good piece here so how about we lay off a little bit and give him a chance to redeem.

I agree with you. But I never pictured you to be the "let's give the writer another chance" type. Maybe you're just easier on writers than you are on, say, radio hosts.
Get over yourself.

The fact that you're giving Kudos to someone who drags the tea party of all things into this discussion tells me all I need to know about you.

Thank you for not agreeing with me.
The fact that you're giving Kudos to someone who drags the tea party of all things into this discussion tells me all I need to know about you.
Exactly...they deserve each other. Hell, maybe they share a toothbrush.
Cohen is 22. Were you all wise beyond your years at 22? Give the kid a break. Yea he's written a few dumb articles, but just maybe he's learning on the fly.

Sometimes only getting fired wakes a young arrogant kid up. We can give him a break - but eventually that's exactly what he doesn't need.
This latest article is very good - obviously his strength. If he keeps it up, might work out.
The fact that you're giving Kudos to someone who drags the tea party of all things into this discussion tells me all I need to know about you.

Thank you for not agreeing with me.
I hate the Tea Party. If I indicated otherwise, it was an error.
I hate the Tea Party. If I indicated otherwise, it was an error.
Sadly, I'm reasonably sure you couldn't distinguish a tea party member from a socialist.
Sadly, I'm reasonably sure you couldn't distinguish a tea party member from a socialist.
I guess the fact that I graduated cum laude from SU counts for something. How about you d'bag.
I guess the fact that I graduated cum laude from SU counts for something. How about you d'bag.
Hmmm, since you find the need to extoll your academic achievements I'd call BS.

Btw, I've hired many people with similar educational credentials from academic institutions with much loftier reputations than SU that were nothing more than stuffed-shirts/blouses...educated idiots.

Cohen has spit enough venom about the team. Don't support his work.
44PRIDE, Today at 7:59 AM Report
#2 Like Reply
tep624, RMH44 and jkmac like this.

You and your cohorts have "spit enough venom" about Cohen. In fact, way too much! Frankly, I am sick of seeing this kind of tripe over and over again. Yes, we all have opinions, which are like anuses, we all got one and they quite often stink. You are like some on this board, you have all the answers, but you don't know any of the questions. These hateful posts are shameful and ignorant in my opinion. Nolan was a writer that deserved the criticism that he got but it was no where near what Cohen has received and Cohen is much more knowledgeable than Nolan, as well as most of his critics on this board.

I have read Michael Cohen articles since he wrote for the daily Orange. I wasn't pleased with some things he wrote then and told him so in the comments section. He has demonstrated enormous growth since then but is still a novice learning his trade. He has more promise than anyone that has written for the Post Standard in quite some time. He reminds me of a young Pete Thamel, and I fully expect that he will follow in his footsteps and write for the New York Times some day. He is absolutely right that he knows as much about football as the scribes that write on the sites that has determined to be "those who shall not be named." His critiques are certainly open to discussion, but discussion is a debate, not "spewing venom." Honestly, this hatefulness is more suited to Faux News and the religious, conservative, political right who populate the Tea Party... and I suspect are many of the perpetrators in the defame Cohen contingent. The truth is that Michael Cohen is a talented young man that I believe will continue to mature and one day will make some of us proud that he once wrote for the Post Standard, which is more than I can say for his critics.

This made me laugh. Thanks for making my morning.

Mike, your mom writes better than you do...
@RMH44 & @CuseAction : lighten up or Bees will put you both in timeout.

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