They’re awful. They have no idea what’s going on. Just completely guessing.Heckkkk these announcers drunk too
They’re awful. They have no idea what’s going on. Just completely guessing.Heckkkk these announcers drunk too
Looking at these stats, we should be up 20-10. View attachment 239486
GB 20-8, too.O played great and faceoffs right behind but everything else was a fn mess. SU has to wake up or their gonna blow this
Refs and Announcers dropping boilermakers and secret Cornell handshakes before the game. Book it.Heckkkk these announcers drunk too
Ref #77 is hot garbage. Always calls complete BS calls on 'CuseRefs have coin on Cornell
Refs have made a difference in this game. Shouldn't be close.
COR goalie switch