Crazy Orangeyes passed away |

Crazy Orangeyes passed away

He drew me into the Syracuse fan community before this rendition of a fan board existed.’s version was a cesspool and I came across some things that Dan posted while I was searching for SU news from Virginia. He was one welcoming human. I didn’t know him that well but he invited me to a tailgate and I got to know him a bit after that.

One thing I’ve worked to teach my kids is to be the kind of person that people are happier to see enter the room than leave it. Dan was that kind of person.
I'm sure much to the board's chagrin, he was the one who gave me confidence and encouraged me to post more. I never really thought I had anything special to contribute, but he sent me a private message that he enjoyed my posts and encouraged me to post more.

Never met him in person, but based on my experience and what others say, he was kind to everyone.
I'm sure much to the board's chagrin, he was the one who gave me confidence and encouraged me to post more. I never really thought I had anything special to contribute, but he sent me a private message that he enjoyed my posts and encouraged me to post more.

Never met him in person, but based on my experience and what others say, he was kind to everyone.
In all fairness, no one is perfect
The day he pm'd me to ask to show him how to "tag" songs like we did in the OT board was one of the best moments on syracusefan for me. That he was curious about the song tagging made me feel very flattered and pumped about that little world we had.
Dan was a really interesting person,

He was a tremendous trash talker. He loved to tease people and was very good at it. But only to people who could take the teasing (and deserved it). Yes, I got teased and yes, I had it coming to me.

But he was also extremely kind, and had a way of finding and bringing people to the board and the tailgate that were maybe a little shy and just needed a little nudge to get on board. Somehow he knew ho to identify the good ones and seemed to always be right about this.

The man was more full of life, and loved life, more than anyone I have ever known. He touched a lot of people with his spirit and enthusiasm. We were all very lucky to have met him and become friends with him.

RIP Dan, you are gone but you will never be forgotten by those who met you.
I still remember going to Dan’s house to pick up tickets for a game. He invited me in and we talked SU for like half an hour or so (felt a lot longer than that). We talked about old games we had on tape and swapping them, among many other things. One of the most genuine and generous people I’ve ever met. I still think about him every time I get off 695 in Fairmount. He lived right there.

RIP Dan.
I remember i was playing in the old Herald Am golf tourney at Liverpool and there was a guy who was quasi following our group. I walked off of a green and he said to me “orangeyes”. I didnt get it and just said ah thanks and kept walking. He said “no orangeyes from the board.” We then had a nice chat.

Great guy
Great guy. Back when I lived in NYC & was making it up to games, I'd see him quite often. One time we even met at his office, as he was helping me investigate something. I don't even remember what it was. Dan was great because he didn't care if you were a board leader, a noob, a protagonist, or an antagonist, he just liked you for being a Syracuse fan.

Great guy.
We should all be so lucky to be remembered so fondly as he is a decade after his passing, and for decades to come.
Edit: Upon re-reading my post, it isn't luck, it is evidence of a life well lived. I hope that I can treat people so well that they appreciate me as well long after I am gone. Dan was clearly a special man and provided a great example of how to treat others.
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We are all grieving the passing of Dan Johnson,'' SU athletic director Daryl Gross said in an email. "Dan was the most passionate SU athletics fan and cared deeply about the program. His input and passion will never be forgotten. He reached out to us all personally at many games always with a thumbs up attitude and a smile. He was a true friend to all of us in athletics and was our number one fan. I will miss our conversations, email exchanges and embraces at the games. If there is a fan hall of fame, Dan Johnson should be the first inductee."
Never forget the time he invited me over to his house to pick up free tickets to an event which he advertised on this board. When I got there he invited me in for lunch and we talked for at least and hour about SU sports. We had never met before but our shared love of SU sports made us instant friends. Nice guy does not begin to describe him. Godspeed Dan.
I never got to meet Dan in person. We had planned to. I still have a message saved from him where he is telling me about something great he discovered that seemed to be working for his Crohn's and my son should try taking it. Unfortunately, it obviously only gave him some very short term relief.
I first met Dan….the only time, actually…at a board get-together at the Sheraton on campus many years ago. I had met a few people from the boards in the 1990’s before games, etc, but it was the first time meeting many people I had “known” for years. Folks were cautiously circling each other and looking at name tags before breaking out in smiles and laughter, shaking hands, hugging, etc. I passed by a guy who was sitting down, he saw my name tag, called out, and I sat and chatted with him. It was Dan and I liked him immediately.

Years later, I had basically left the board for all practical purposes. Like now, I only stopped by to read the daily links. Like now, I glanced at thread titles and maybe read something if it looked informative or important. I rarely posted anymore. Like now, it felt permanent. For me, Dan’s daily thread WAS the board.

I only logged on to check messages every so often and one day there was a message from Dan. He told me he was ready to join me in exile from the board and the reasons why. I don’t think most people ever knew how close Dan came to being driven away. I urged him not to go, I assume others did as well, and fortunately, he stayed.

Later during his illness, we traded a number of messages about his treatment, his fears, and so forth. My great regret is that we didn’t live closer so that we could have spent time together.

I first joined the SU boards in 1991-ish. Over those 33 years, Dan emerged as a true legend. There aren’t many that I would use that term for, but Dan achieved that status on the first ballot.

I miss you, Orangeyes.
I first met Dan….the only time, actually…at a board get-together at the Sheraton on campus many years ago. I had met a few people from the boards in the 1990’s before games, etc, but it was the first time meeting many people I had “known” for years. Folks were cautiously circling each other and looking at name tags before breaking out in smiles and laughter, shaking hands, hugging, etc. I passed by a guy who was sitting down, he saw my name tag, called out, and I sat and chatted with him. It was Dan and I liked him immediately.

Years later, I had basically left the board for all practical purposes. Like now, I only stopped by to read the daily links. Like now, I glanced at thread titles and maybe read something if it looked informative or important. I rarely posted anymore. Like now, it felt permanent. For me, Dan’s daily thread WAS the board.

I only logged on to check messages every so often and one day there was a message from Dan. He told me he was ready to join me in exile from the board and the reasons why. I don’t think most people ever knew how close Dan came to being driven away. I urged him not to go, I assume others did as well, and fortunately, he stayed.

Later during his illness, we traded a number of messages about his treatment, his fears, and so forth. My great regret is that we didn’t live closer so that we could have spent time together.

I first joined the SU boards in 1991-ish. Over those 33 years, Dan emerged as a true legend. There aren’t many that I would use that term for, but Dan achieved that status on the first ballot.

I miss you, Orangeyes.
Well said Dick. I always appreciated the perspective you brought to the board years ago back when you were posting regularly.
I first met Dan….the only time, actually…at a board get-together at the Sheraton on campus many years ago. I had met a few people from the boards in the 1990’s before games, etc, but it was the first time meeting many people I had “known” for years. Folks were cautiously circling each other and looking at name tags before breaking out in smiles and laughter, shaking hands, hugging, etc. I passed by a guy who was sitting down, he saw my name tag, called out, and I sat and chatted with him. It was Dan and I liked him immediately.

Years later, I had basically left the board for all practical purposes. Like now, I only stopped by to read the daily links. Like now, I glanced at thread titles and maybe read something if it looked informative or important. I rarely posted anymore. Like now, it felt permanent. For me, Dan’s daily thread WAS the board.

I only logged on to check messages every so often and one day there was a message from Dan. He told me he was ready to join me in exile from the board and the reasons why. I don’t think most people ever knew how close Dan came to being driven away. I urged him not to go, I assume others did as well, and fortunately, he stayed.

Later during his illness, we traded a number of messages about his treatment, his fears, and so forth. My great regret is that we didn’t live closer so that we could have spent time together.

I first joined the SU boards in 1991-ish. Over those 33 years, Dan emerged as a true legend. There aren’t many that I would use that term for, but Dan achieved that status on the first ballot.

I miss you, Orangeyes.
There was a board in 1991?

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