Daniel Snyder: Redskins will 'never' change team name | Page 6 | Syracusefan.com

Daniel Snyder: Redskins will 'never' change team name

Having been to a number of Skins games and being familiar with the greater DC area, I can assure you that a sizeable percentage of the fan base wouldn't be at all offended to the "Redneck" appellation. Maryland is a lot more rural in areas than you think.

But there are large segments of the fan base that might not be as positive (i.e., the African Americans and the lawyers, lobbyists who attend games and write the expense off on their taxes and government officials who are being entertained ).

I would suggest a different approach. One that would make the former Skins the most hated and most watched team. They ought to go with "Parasites" in order to connect with the National view of Washington, the Federal Government and the bureaucrats and politicians than staff it as parasites on the productive portion of the country. This is the same approach that the Wrestling people have when they introduce a terrorist character to a crowd.

Or they could go with something like "The Tax Collectors" or the IRS Agents or "The Regulators" or "The Politicians" or "The Wealth Redistributors".

Wealth Redistributors has a nice ring to it. They could replace that profile of the Indian of their helmets with a profile of "You know who".

Meh - I prefer the route the Nationals went. You know proud of their country and their government. But hey - that's just me.
Meh - I prefer the route the Nationals went. You know proud of their country and their government. But hey - that's just me.

Completely agree - the Capitals and Nationals are great nicknames. There are so many great nicknames that DC could go with, e.g. something that honors our military history.
Meh - I prefer the route the Nationals went. You know proud of their country and their government. But hey - that's just me.

Proud of you country? Good for you. But are you really proud of the country as it actually exists or as you think it might be if only all Americans thought like you do?

Michelle Obama said that even she was proud one time.

You need to check the Pew research on how the overwhelming majority of the people feel about the US government.

But's it's only 73% that don't trust it. So that's just them. I'm in that group.

Proud of you country? Good for you. But are you really proud of the country as it actually exists or as you think it might be if only all Americans thought like you do?

Michelle Obama said that even she was proud one time.

You need to check the Pew research on how the overwhelming majority of the people feel about the US government.

But's it's only 73% that don't trust it. So that's just them. I'm in that group.


I'm proud of a country made up of disparate parts, some I disagree with 100%, that comes together to govern itself, peacefully.

I could care less what most people feel. She's may not be the prettiest girl on the block, but she's mine - er, ours.

It's all how the questions are asked, btw. Most people love a fireman when they are saving their families, or a college administrator helping their kids succeed (like my wife). Washington has a lot of problems - but we the people are responsible.

Anyways - I'm ok with being on an island on this one.
I'm proud of a country made up of disparate parts, some I disagree with 100%, that comes together to govern itself, peacefully.

I could care less what most people feel. She's may not be the prettiest girl on the block, but she's mine - er, ours.

It's all how the questions are asked, btw. Most people love a fireman when they are saving their families, or a college administrator helping their kids succeed (like my wife). Washington has a lot of problems - but we the people are responsible.

Anyways - I'm ok with being on an island on this one.

Ahhh, challenging the source when you don't like the results. A predictable ploy.

The Pew Organization is an unimpeachable source. The parent organization underwrites a lot of Public Broadcasting so if they are leaning in any direction, its to the Left (IMO) http://www.pewresearch.org/

The American tradition is distrust of centralized authority and government. The Founding Fathers had it. That's why the government is structured the way it is with all the checks and balances.

No doubt bursting with all this love of country, you broke down the doors of the recruiting station. Or is your love of country more ethereal or theoretical?

I guess that island you are on isn't or wasn't Parris Island.
Ahhh, challenging the source when you don't like the results. A predictable ploy.

The Pew Organization is an unimpeachable source. The parent organization underwrites a lot of Public Broadcasting so if they are leaning in any direction, its to the Left (IMO) http://www.pewresearch.org/

The American tradition is distrust of centralized authority and government. The Founding Fathers had it. That's why the government is structured the way it is with all the checks and balances.

No doubt bursting with all this love of country, you broke down the doors of the recruiting station. Or is your love of country more ethereal or theoretical?

I guess that island you are on isn't or wasn't Parris Island.

I'm grateful for the checks and balances, even when the don't support my political views (which tend to be all over the place.)

I'm thinking we are saying the same thing. We are the government. Therefore we should hold ourselves accountable. You can both be distrustful of centralized government and proud of the ideals found in within it.

I didn't choose to serve in the military if that's what you're referring to. I have friends, family members, and former youth group kids who have done tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm proud of them. I find your insulation incredibly offensive to those that did serve in that way.

I didn't know love of country was limited to the military, but I think you probably offended a lot of people like me.

It's all good, brother. I can hold my head up high.
If you want a representative name for inside the beltway, they should rename themselves the Washington Nannies, as in Nanny State. They all want us to be dependent on them. This can be their mascot.
Maybe they can give her skin a red tint? ;)
Ahhh, challenging the source when you don't like the results. A predictable ploy.

The Pew Organization is an unimpeachable source. The parent organization underwrites a lot of Public Broadcasting so if they are leaning in any direction, its to the Left (IMO) http://www.pewresearch.org/

The American tradition is distrust of centralized authority and government. The Founding Fathers had it. That's why the government is structured the way it is with all the checks and balances.

No doubt bursting with all this love of country, you broke down the doors of the recruiting station. Or is your love of country more ethereal or theoretical?

I guess that island you are on isn't or wasn't Parris Island.

You are a weird dude.
Ahhh, challenging the source when you don't like the results. A predictable ploy.

The Pew Organization is an unimpeachable source. The parent organization underwrites a lot of Public Broadcasting so if they are leaning in any direction, its to the Left (IMO) http://www.pewresearch.org/

The American tradition is distrust of centralized authority and government. The Founding Fathers had it. That's why the government is structured the way it is with all the checks and balances.

No doubt bursting with all this love of country, you broke down the doors of the recruiting station. Or is your love of country more ethereal or theoretical?

I guess that island you are on isn't or wasn't Parris Island.

The "American tradition" is white men of property calling the shots. And it's only gotten worse since colonial times, not better.

End of soapbox.


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