Daniel Snyder: Redskins will 'never' change team name | Page 5 | Syracusefan.com

Daniel Snyder: Redskins will 'never' change team name

Discuss what you want wherever you want, but let's not pretend that everything is important, which you clearly implied with your responses. Perhaps you need a grip.
I didn't pretend anything. I mostly stated my opinion that the term "redskin" is a derogatory term. As for importance, let's say your kid came home from school and said, "Hey dad, we got a new kid in class. He's a redskin! You know, an injun! ". Now, would you tell your kid he should not use those words as they derogatory and could cause hurt feelings or would you just ignore it because " that won't make a damn bit of difference in the big picture". I know what I would do.
So you've dodged the question 2 - 3 times now. Does it anger you that conservatives created the whole "attack on Christmas" in order to stick up for helpless Christians whose traditions and culture are being attacked by the mainstream media?

I'm assuming since there are similarities between that topic and this issue, you think conservatives are just as silly as the liberals who are defending Native Americans who may not want defending. That would be the logical conclusion anyway. I couldn't imagine you would find it revolting for liberals to act in one way and yet find the same behavior by conservatives as virtuous.

I'd rather answer the "attack on Christmas" stuff somewhere else but here goes - a holiday that is meant to celebrate a specific event for a certain group of people with a contemplative period leading up to it has been run over by happy holidays for anyone that doesn't want to acknolwedge such event or offend those that don't believe but buy a tree and spend 5K at the mall each December.
I didn't pretend anything. I mostly stated my opinion that the term "redskin" is a derogatory term. As for importance, let's say your kid came home from school and said, "Hey dad, we got a new kid in class. He's a redskin! You know, an injun! ". Now, would you tell your kid he should not use those words as they derogatory and could cause hurt feelings or would you just ignore it because " that won't make a damn bit of difference in the big picture". I know what I would do.
How thick are you, really? Nobody is calling a native American a redskin or an injun. It's the name of a professional Sports team, and there is a big difference. Fighting Irish=Redskins. Anybody offended? As an Irish American, it doesn't even begin to move my needle. And no, I wouldn't go around calling Irish people Leprechauns, either. I do think they make a great mascot, though. Apologies to all Leprechaun Americans on your behalf. The power is not in the words but rather in the way they are used. I really believe your intent is pure, but people with your mindset cause more problems than they solve, imo. I will say that if the majority of Native Americans were offended, I would revisit it. A few 2-14 seasons could do that...
Per a Washington Post article from 2005, the term Redskin at one time had a ceremonial use but changed over time:

Once in popular culture, the expression began to lose its ceremonial context -- even as it acquired the connotations that Native Americans have come to loathe.​
An 1871 novel spoke of "redskinned devils." The Rocky Mountain News in 1890 described a war on the whites by "every greasy redskin." The Denver Daily News the same year reported a rebellion by "the most treacherous red skins."​
Daniel Snyder, who owns the Washington NFL franchise, has said the team name will never be changed because "what it means is tradition, what it means is competitiveness, what it means is honor." He said, "It is not meant to be derogatory."​
Papers submitted in the case against the football team documented humiliating movie references by Hollywood icons Eddie Cantor, Bob Hope, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and others. In "Northwest Passage," Spencer Tracy, as a colonial explorer who hates Indians, importunes a subordinate to "Get a redskin for me, won't you?"​
The final message, Shoemaker suggested, is that "even if the Indians were the first to use it, the origin has no relationship to later use. What happened at the beginning doesn't justify it today."​
How thick are you, really? Nobody is calling a native American a redskin or an injun. It's the name of a professional Sports team, and there is a big difference. Fighting Irish=Redskins. Anybody offended? As an Irish American, it doesn't even begin to move my needle. And no, I wouldn't go around calling Irish people Leprechauns, either. I do think they make a great mascot, though. Apologies to all Leprechaun Americans on your behalf. The power is not in the words but rather in the way they are used. I really believe your intent is pure, but people with your mindset cause more problems than they solve, imo. I will say that if the majority of Native Americans were offended, I would revisit it. A few 2-14 seasons could do that...

But white folks of western european decsent have not been granted victim status by the PC left. In fact they are the root of all evil in this racist, bigotted woman hating country that is the US of A. You simply do not have the right to complain about the Fighting Irish. And if people want to depict the Irish as red bulbous nosed drunks then that is ok to.

As someone of Irish and Italian lineage I could if I choose to feign offense at any number of ways in which stereotypes have been used to define both. But I was raised to be an individual and an American first and foremost so as with you none of this stuff bothers me in the least.

This country offers so much to all that come here it is too bad that some work so hard at defining groups of people as "victims" and looking for things to be offended about.
How thick are you, really? Nobody is calling a native American a redskin or an injun. It's the name of a professional Sports team, and there is a big difference. Fighting Irish=Redskins. Anybody offended? As an Irish American, it doesn't even begin to move my needle. And no, I wouldn't go around calling Irish people Leprechauns, either. I do think they make a great mascot, though. Apologies to all Leprechaun Americans on your behalf. The power is not in the words but rather in the way they are used. I really believe your intent is pure, but people with your mindset cause more problems than they solve, imo. I will say that if the majority of Native Americans were offended, I would revisit it. A few 2-14 seasons could do that...
How thick are you, really? You didn't answer my question and then you created a strawman argument about the term "Leprechaun Americans". Nice try. I believe you are being sincere in your defense of the term "redskin" though.
I remember the days when his interns were not allowed to park in the employee lots, had to pay to park well over a mile from the stadium and walk to their cars in PG county well after the tailgaters left.

His bone with the city paper was to bankrupt someone who could not financially compete...he didn't pick that fight with the Post or with anyone on 106.7.

Anyone who lives along the Potomac knows the rules about the trees.

And oh yeah...had a 90K seat stadium then build those obstructed view seats...what a champ.

But, happy to see Vinny Cerrato joined our board. ;)
As I said. I didn't defend him. Not my place.

Lol'ed at the Vinny Cerrato reference.
How thick are you, really? Nobody is calling a native American a redskin or an injun. It's the name of a professional Sports team, and there is a big difference. Fighting Irish=Redskins. Anybody offended? As an Irish American, it doesn't even begin to move my needle. And no, I wouldn't go around calling Irish people Leprechauns, either. I do think they make a great mascot, though. Apologies to all Leprechaun Americans on your behalf. The power is not in the words but rather in the way they are used. I really believe your intent is pure, but people with your mindset cause more problems than they solve, imo. I will say that if the majority of Native Americans were offended, I would revisit it. A few 2-14 seasons could do that...

Their logo includes a red american indian, so yes, they are calling them redskins.
Their logo includes a red american indian, so yes, they are calling them redskins.
Man, you are thick. Just because they have a red "indian" logo and the name of their team is "Redskins" it does not mean they are related! The logo and the name are totally unrelated. Actually, the term was first introduced because white people would often get sunburn at football games. They were called "redskins" for that reason. Then, to honor the native Americans, they added the majestic logo.

Fighting Irish=Redskins. Anybody offended? As an Irish American, it doesn't even begin to move my needle. And no, I wouldn't go around calling Irish people Leprechauns, either.

That's fine, you're entitled to your opinion either way. But if you and/or a plurality of Irish Americans did feel that Notre Dame belittled the ancestry of Irish people, I would respect you and take your complaints seriously.
I'd rather answer the "attack on Christmas" stuff somewhere else but here goes - a holiday that is meant to celebrate a specific event for a certain group of people with a contemplative period leading up to it has been run over by happy holidays for anyone that doesn't want to acknolwedge such event or offend those that don't believe but buy a tree and spend 5K at the mall each December.

My question wasn't directed at you.
That's awesome because liberal and Democrat upset me, so lets remove them from the lexicon
Just the words or also the people to whom those labels are attached? :)
That's fine, you're entitled to your opinion either way. But if you and/or a plurality of Irish Americans did feel that Notre Dame belittled the ancestry of Irish people, I would respect you and take your complaints seriously.
I agree. There is, however, no indication there is such a plurality. It appears that most could give a ...
I agree. There is, however, no indication there is such a plurality. It appears that most could give a ...
Because Irish Americans like myself do not consider it derogatory nor should we. Even its historical roots are likely based on a very positive event or view of the Irish. It is not in the same vein as the term "redskin" which at the very least has been a derogatory term for the last century. The problem is not that a nickname references a group...it's that the nickname itself is a derogatory term used for that group. Not the case with "Fighting Irish" but is the case with "redskin".

The most generally accepted explanation by the University is that the press coined the nickname in the 1920s as a characterization of Notre Dame athletic teams, their never-say-die fighting spirit and the Irish qualities of grit, determination and tenacity. Notre Dame alumnus Francis Wallace popularized the Fighting Irish nickname in his New York Daily News columns in the 1920s with respect to the university. In 1927 Fr. Matthew Walsh, CSC adopted the nickname as the official moniker of the University's sports teams.
Just to make sure I'm up to speed on this topic:

- White people invade their home and take their lands, kill their children, in an act that can be described as genocide.
- A white owner and many of it's teams fans, in disregard for full bloody history - argue that they should be able to keep the name because of "team history."
- Many people think that we're too sensitive to peoples feelings and it's all a liberal plot to make liberals feel good about themselves. Note: This makes no sense.

Carry on.
Maybe they can change to the Washington Red Storm. Another victory for political correctness.
How come nobody seems bent out of shape over the Cleveland Indians?
Just to make sure I'm up to speed on this topic:

- White people invade their home and take their lands, kill their children, in an act that can be described as genocide.
- A white owner and many of it's teams fans, in disregard for full bloody history - argue that they should be able to keep the name because of "team history."
- Many people think that we're too sensitive to peoples feelings and it's all a liberal plot to make liberals feel good about themselves. Note: This makes no sense.

Carry on.
Who exactly are you purportedly speaking for? As I said in a previous post, it does not appear to be much of an issue for the majority of Indians.
Maybe they can change to the Washington Red Storm. Another victory for political correctness.
How come nobody seems bent out of shape over the Cleveland Indians?

Props for the old school St Johns mention as I had forgotten. Most people likely forget that Cleveland has a baseball team.

I'm actually curious what prompted the Washington Bullets to change their name to the Wizards and how it could be related to the Redskins arguement. I'm also a bit curious what would happen if Snyder changed the name to the Washington Rednecks for arguements sake.
Who exactly are you purportedly speaking for? As I said in a previous post, it does not appear to be much of an issue for the majority of Indians.

I am speaking for myself. I'm a guy who believes we shouldn't honor dark spots on our history this way.
Props for the old school St Johns mention as I had forgotten. Most people likely forget that Cleveland has a baseball team.

I'm actually curious what prompted the Washington Bullets to change their name to the Wizards and how it could be related to the Redskins arguement. I'm also a bit curious what would happen if Snyder changed the name to the Washington Rednecks for arguements sake.

Abe Polin changed it because of the gun violence in DC.
Is that another term of honor like redskin?

LOL. Suppose it would depend on context. I'm not a redneck but there are plenty of folks that seem to take pride in that term as well as others that use it in a derogatory way.

If a team named themselves the Rednecks I would think merchandising sales would skyrocket based on popularity of Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable guy, etc.
LOL. Suppose it would depend on context. I'm not a redneck but there are plenty of folks that seem to take pride in that term as well as others that use it in a derogatory way.

If a team named themselves the Rednecks I would think merchandising sales would skyrocket based on popularity of Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable guy, etc.
Yeah...I'm not sure that was a smart choice to advance their point of view. Pretty sure they would embrace it...
I'm not personally offended by the term redneck. I don't know why, but I would be offended if an American team decided to call themselves the "Rednecks". If it was a team in a different county I wouldn't care. But I just wouldn't want any team in my country to be associated with the term redneck.

I'm sure you can apply this same arguement to all/most Native Americans offended by Redskin. Whether they are only 9% or not.
LOL. Suppose it would depend on context. I'm not a redneck but there are plenty of folks that seem to take pride in that term as well as others that use it in a derogatory way.

If a team named themselves the Rednecks I would think merchandising sales would skyrocket based on popularity of Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable guy, etc.

Having been to a number of Skins games and being familiar with the greater DC area, I can assure you that a sizeable percentage of the fan base wouldn't be at all offended to the "Redneck" appellation. Maryland is a lot more rural in areas than you think.

But there are large segments of the fan base that might not be as positive (i.e., the African Americans and the lawyers, lobbyists who attend games and write the expense off on their taxes and government officials who are being entertained ).

I would suggest a different approach. One that would make the former Skins the most hated and most watched team. They ought to go with "Parasites" in order to connect with the National view of Washington, the Federal Government and the bureaucrats and politicians than staff it as parasites on the productive portion of the country. This is the same approach that the Wrestling people have when they introduce a terrorist character to a crowd.

Or they could go with something like "The Tax Collectors" or the IRS Agents or "The Regulators" or "The Politicians" or "The Wealth Redistributors".

Wealth Redistributors has a nice ring to it. They could replace that profile of the Indian of their helmets with a profile of "You know who".

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