Debate at PSU to name the field after Joe Paterno |

Debate at PSU to name the field after Joe Paterno


All American
Aug 27, 2011
Those people out there want to honor this guy no matter what it seems like. They can't let it go and let that story die and turn the page. I don't know how you can name the field after him.

Those people out there want to honor this guy no matter what it seems like. They can't let it go and let that story die and turn the page. I don't know how you can name the field after him.

Very odd. He still has the library named after him.
Those people out there want to honor this guy no matter what it seems like. They can't let it go and let that story die and turn the page. I don't know how you can name the field after him.

Might as well name the locker room after Sandusky.
Are we really surprised?

Sadly he is an idol in happy valley and walks on water.

Here's an idea name it whatever you want after their boosters make a 250 million dollar donation to a fund to help child victims of abuse.
The most interesting part of this story is that a secret meeting which likely violated PA law is being discussed in this NY Post article. Which means, most likely, that someone - or several someones - who were aware of these two meetings (and may have participated in them) leaked the story to the paper.

They didn’t leak the story in an effort to build support for this idea; they leaked in an effort to nip a bad idea in the bud. My guess is it will succeed and this idea will go absolutely nowhere.
“Hey! We just want to remind everyone that our program was embroiled in an epic child molestation scandal that stripped all sense of decency from a small man who could have done something but didn’t. It’s been years so most of you forgot! But we’re scummy and in a cult.”
Those people out there want to honor this guy no matter what it seems like. They can't let it go and let that story die and turn the page. I don't know how you can name the field after him.

I agree - provided we’re careful about who “those people” are.

The story says trustees met with high ranking officials. There’s almost no chance all 38 trustees were included in these meetings. I’ll speculate on what I think most likely happened:

1) A small group of trustees who included or are close friends with trustee Jay Paterno met with some high ranking officials. First meeting trustees were told “no”, after the second meeting the high ranking official(s) realized this is a dedicated but insane group and leaked the story to kill the idea.

2). A small group of trustees (same as above) met with high ranking officials, other trustees found out about the meetings, lost their crap and leaked the story in an effort to kill the idea.

In other words - “those people” are a very small group who are focused on representing their personal interests and aren’t representative of the university as a whole (although that is supposed to be their mission). I am extremely doubtful this would have been a popular idea if it was raised in public meetings, which is why these meetings were done out of public view.
Very odd. He still has the library named after him.
true. but that was named before everything happened. I can see not tearing the name down off of that. But to honor him AFTER THE FACT like this seems just weird and gross
Themis Matsoukis penn state chem engineering prof caught doing it with dogs. From young boys to dogs. Nice school not. Pervs everywhere.

Wouldn’t that be making a memorial to Pedophile U?​

I thought they were trying to distance themselves from that moniker…
Are we really surprised?

Sadly he is an idol in happy valley and walks on water.

Here's an idea name it whatever you want after their boosters make a 250 million dollar donation to a fund to help child victims of abuse.

If they do it, EVERYONE outside the program is going to slang refer to it as "Pedo Field"...

I hope they do it.

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