Desko | Page 13 |


So, you’re happy with a Pat Carlin over a Magnan?
That is not exactly the example in mind and if it were my replacement choice would have been Kim. My example would be a frontline sr such as Trimboli over the youngster who could be better in 2022. Play to win today when window open
That is not exactly the example in mind and if it were my replacement choice would have been Kim. My example would be a frontline sr such as Trimboli over the youngster who could be better in 2022. Play to win today when window open

Trimboli is not a 7.5 borderline second liner. The worst thing that happens to someone at his level is he drops to the second line (which could happen if Buttermore keeps popping in hatties).

I’m talking about the senior who is essentially replaceable by a younger guy who is almost as good and will definitely improve if he keeps getting run. Kind of like what happened with Buttermore. He made Carlin irrelevant, even if Carlin may have been better in February
IMO it's dumb to play for the future. You play for the now and that means playing the kid who's better right now. The fine line is kids who are 'gamers' and who may not produce as well in practice, especially when it comes to greenhorns vs experienced vets. But Dino Babers has it right; consistently good over occasionally great. I firmly believe in this. That said, you still have to find young kids with huge potential playing time. Wisnauskas sitting the bench his freshman year will go down as one of Desko's biggest roster blunders ever.
Naz, Fully aboard with your take now that I understand the context . Have high regard for Trimboli, think he is an excellent player who is now somehow underrated Surplus at mid leads me to think one or two may drop to attack
Have you compared it to the endowments of Yale/Harvard/Princeton/Cornell?

Why compare them? The point is that Syracuse is not broke and could find more money for lax players or any other student they wanted 10x times over. What's next, Syracuse's admission standards are tougher than the Ivies?
yeah and syracuse's endowment is over a billion.

How much of that billion is specifically tagged to fund LAX scholarships?

Because If someone sets up $5 million endowment toward funding a faculty position in the art department, you can't touch that money for other purposes.
Why compare them? The point is that Syracuse is not broke and could find more money for lax players or any other student they wanted 10x times over. What's next, Syracuse's admission standards are tougher than the Ivies?
Just comparing apples to apples (endowment to endowment) and SU is at a disadvantage vs the Ivies, and UVa, UNC, Duke and several others of their peers. Just that simple.
How much of that billion is specifically tagged to fund LAX scholarships?

Because If someone sets up $5 million endowment toward funding a faculty position in the art department, you can't touch that money for other purposes.

You should ask longtimefan that same question regarding the Ivies.
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Trimboli is not a 7.5 borderline second liner. The worst thing that happens to someone at his level is he drops to the second line (which could happen if Buttermore keeps popping in hatties).

I’m talking about the senior who is essentially replaceable by a younger guy who is almost as good and will definitely improve if he keeps getting run. Kind of like what happened with Buttermore. He made Carlin irrelevant, even if Carlin may have been better in February
Okay, write the speech for the coach to give to the team when he plays x, a freshman with potential, over y, a senior who has played for three years with some success. Tell me how you would approach other players who have worked their butts off for two or three years and watched while Joe potential plays and throws his first six passes into the bleachers, but oh did you see the goal he scored four games ago. Coaches should have some reluctance to use as a rationalization, 'he's gonna take us to the FF in three years'. Yeah, who says. It's the old no. 22 problem. Proven bad news more often than not in the last few years. Everybody wants to anoint the new star. Try a small group exercise. Present a problem to ten team members. When they struggle, watch them turn to a messiah to pull them out of trouble. Of course he never comes. No, we're stuck with a normal very reasonable hierarchy because it has proven serviceable for millennia. Unless, of course, a kid named Sowers shows up next year.
Okay, write the speech for the coach to give to the team when he plays x, a freshman with potential, over y, a senior who has played for three years with some success. Tell me how you would approach other players who have worked their butts off for two or three years and watched while Joe potential plays and throws his first six passes into the bleachers, but oh did you see the goal he scored four games ago. Coaches should have some reluctance to use as a rationalization, 'he's gonna take us to the FF in three years'. Yeah, who says. It's the old no. 22 problem. Proven bad news more often than not in the last few years. Everybody wants to anoint the new star. Try a small group exercise. Present a problem to ten team members. When they struggle, watch them turn to a messiah to pull them out of trouble. Of course he never comes. No, we're stuck with a normal very reasonable hierarchy because it has proven serviceable for millennia. Unless, of course, a kid named Sowers shows up next year.

Competition for playing time is not a bad thing, whether its Joe Potential versus Dedicated Senior or Dedicated Senior versus Dedicated Senior. The best player should play, regardless of whether they are an upperclassmen or not. Matt Lane is a perfect example of Joe Potential and Dedicated Senior. He saw limited time as a shooter on man-up and we kept waiting for him to show us something else as he got older - what we saw was him being ineffective but still garnering playing time that should have gone to someone else. In my opinion, Jordan Evans should have never saw the field that first season - he wasn't ready and not simply because he wore #22, but because he was slow and the game was moving faster than he was.

Our motto is head, heart and hustle - we need our team to buy back into that motto. Playing with your head - not turning the ball over, making the extra pass; playing with heart - playing with and for those other guys on the sideline that are going into battle with you; hustling - working harder, wanting it more than the guy opposite you on the field and the guy above or below you on the depth chart.
As you know, there is journalism and there is journalism with credible content that adds and expands to a substantive discussion.

Some recent reports were fluff that wasted bandwidth because it added nothing.

Takes from anonymous sources are viewed by me as loose creations by writer whether fair or not.
It heeds little from me unless a name is attributed to comments that makes an article.

You also dont ask people who have a bone to pick or a personal agenda either.

Be healthy to see this never ending topic arise after a win streak but it wont because it wouldn't draw or argue as well. Also be refreshing to have assessments of current team and its near term prospects amid the larger discussion rather than for it to simply get absorbed. Sometimes there are two stories at hand that dont necessarily run parallel.

Anish, Carc, Quint, Ric and others have all commented on the present state of Cuse lax but also have altered their tune to how the team does.. One week we have issues, next month this team is FF bound, next let's go back to program having issues.

I dont mind diplomacy being exercised while critiquing. Most readers can see through and understand inferences and the true gist of what is being said.

Credible views deal for me in facts that can be verified and the context of current landscape rather than hearsay and past environments.

You kind of went for the shiny thing and skipped the meat.

There are a multiple reasons this program isn't what it used to be; you can tell that just by reading this board. Some are somewhat controllable, others require the staff to make adjustments. People with a decent knowledge of the realities know, for example,
* There's an issue with locking up big recruits who give us a verbal and then sign elsewhere
* HS talent isn't limited to a handful of geographic areas, two of which (315/585/607 and Westchester/Rockland) where we had a history and a home filed advantage.
* There are many more schools that kids can go to than 10-20 years ago. A number of kids are going to choose to go someplace they have a chance to play immediately than go to SU and a few other schools and sit for a year, or two years ...
* Your school is as expensive as many of your competitors, but it's not as well-located and the endownment is smaller.
* Kids who would struggle to afford your school used to be SOL in terms of options; kids this decade could play for national titles at Albany and Penn State and leave tens of thousands of dollars in their parents pockets, or avoid years of debt.
* There's essentially NO diversity in your coaching staff; everyone is a product of the Syracuse area. You don't have decent ties to other programs/states that other programs have (someone will try "Rogers coached in Ohio," but that's it. Maryland's OC is connected to more places than SU's entire staff.

How much of this came out in the P-S story? Not. Very. Much.

It's useful to hear what people with connections/ownership stakes think. It would be enlightening to hear from a coach at a high school that used to have an SU pipeline -- why don't you send kids to SU anymore? You don't get any of that insight if you just talk to guys who are not only sons of the SU program, but who were incredibly successful there -- Dom Fin was AA x3 here, but he's not watching the lax program a whole lot while he's runing the trading floor at a Wall Street equities firm 25 years after graduation. Of *course* he's gonna say everything's fine.

Good reporters effectively use unnamed sources all the time, but few stories -- including this one, if done right -- stand strictly on unnamed sources. They go into a stew that includes named sources and data and public records, and you're measuring that stuff against what others might have told you.. Simply dismissing them out of hand is cutting off your nose to spite your face -- you end up with one-dimensional dreck like the original piece here, or ... nothing (pay close attention to coverage about your favorite NFL team; stuff about personnel decisions and the draft and things not being hunky-dory doesn't happen without unnamed sources). We're not giving people carte blanche to fire away -- the reporter understands if he's been doing the job for a while whether a person is capable of commenting on something or not, what a person's "agenda" might be -- many people don't have them, somebody like a retired coach might well be flattered to be asked. What agenda would Starsia have?

It would be invaluable to know how other programs recruit *against* SU, how SU is viewed elsewhere. Is it the title drought? Is it the weather? Is it that the coaching staff is older than your parents? The only way you get that is from someone you can't name. You don't get that from your own guys.
As you know, there is journalism and there is journalism with credible content that adds and expands to a substantive discussion.

Some recent reports were fluff that wasted bandwidth because it added nothing.

Takes from anonymous sources are viewed by me as loose creations by writer whether fair or not.
It heeds little from me unless a name is attributed to comments that makes an article.

You also dont ask people who have a bone to pick or a personal agenda either.

Be healthy to see this never ending topic arise after a win streak but it wont because it wouldn't draw or argue as well. Also be refreshing to have assessments of current team and its near term prospects amid the larger discussion rather than for it to simply get absorbed. Sometimes there are two stories at hand that dont necessarily run parallel.

Anish, Carc, Quint, Ric and others have all commented on the present state of Cuse lax but also have altered their tune to how the team does.. One week we have issues, next month this team is FF bound, next let's go back to program having issues.

I dont mind diplomacy being exercised while critiquing. Most readers can see through and understand inferences and the true gist of what is being said.

Credible views deal for me in facts that can be verified and the context of current landscape rather than hearsay and past environments.

You kind of went for the shiny thing and skipped the meat.

There are a multiple reasons this program isn't what it used to be; you can tell that just by reading this board. Some are somewhat controllable, others require the staff to make adjustments. People with a decent knowledge of the realities know, for example,
* There's an issue with locking up big recruits who give us a verbal and then sign elsewhere
* HS talent isn't limited to a handful of geographic areas, two of which (315/585/607 and Westchester/Rockland) where we had a history and a home filed advantage. The '83 team was basically Onondaga County plus Tim Nelson.
* There are many more schools that kids can go to than 10-20 years ago. A number of kids are going to choose to go someplace they have a chance to play immediately than go to SU and a few other schools and sit for a year, or two years ...
* Your school is as expensive as many of your competitors, but it's not as well-located and the endownment is smaller.
* Kids who would struggle to afford your school used to be SOL in terms of options; kids this decade could play for national titles at Albany and Penn State and (and maybe UMass in the near future) leave tens of thousands of dollars in their parents pockets, or avoid years of debt.
* There's essentially NO diversity in your coaching staff; everyone is a product of the Syracuse area. You don't have decent ties to other programs/states that other programs have (someone will try "Rogers coached in Ohio," but that's it. Maryland's OC is connected to more places than SU's entire staff.

How much of this came out in the P-S story? Not. Very. Much. We got a one-dimensional story that said exactly what anyone here could have predicted.

It's useful to hear what people with connections/ownership stakes think. It would be enlightening to hear from a coach at a high school that used to have an SU pipeline -- why don't you send kids to SU anymore? You don't get any of that insight if you just talk to guys who are not only sons of the SU program, but who were incredibly successful there -- Dom Fin was AA x3 here, but he's not watching the lax program a whole lot while he's running the trading floor at a Wall Street equities firm and raising kids and whatever else he's doing 25 years after graduation. Of *course* he's gonna say everything's fine.

Hearing from some transfers, or kids who were expected to come here would also be valuable. It's too soon to get Wisnauskas or the kid from Texas who just left, but what about the younger Maltz kid, or Ferrigan?Maybe with the latter, it's as simple as the guys ahead of him were better, but why did a kid whose dad and brother loved the place want to play in College Park. And you're not just gonna get, nor are you looking for, negatives. These kids saw something good enough about SU to have it on the short list.

What does Chuck Wilber think? He might know the program as well as anyone who wasn't directly involved -- good and bad.

Finally, good reporters effectively use unnamed sources all the time, but few stories -- including this one, if done right -- stand strictly on unnamed sources. They go into a stew that includes named sources and data and public records, and you're measuring that stuff against what others might have told you.. Simply dismissing them out of hand is cutting off your nose to spite your face -- you end up with one-dimensional dreck like the original piece here, or ... nothing (pay close attention to coverage about your favorite NFL team; stuff about personnel decisions and the draft and things not being hunky-dory doesn't happen without unnamed sources). We're not giving people carte blanche to fire away -- the reporter understands if he's been doing the job for a while whether a person is capable of commenting on something or not, what a person's "agenda" might be -- many people don't have them, somebody like a retired coach might well be flattered to be asked. John Galloway's perspective could be valuable -- he's seen the best and the not so best, but it won't be honest if his name is associated with it.

It would be invaluable to know how other programs recruit *against* SU, how SU is viewed elsewhere. Is it the title drought? Is it the weather? Is it that the coaching staff is older than your parents? The only way you get that is from someone you can't name. You don't get that from your own guys.
You kind of went for the shiny thing and skipped the meat.

There are a multiple reasons this program isn't what it used to be; you can tell that just by reading this board. Some are somewhat controllable, others require the staff to make adjustments. People with a decent knowledge of the realities know, for example,
* There's an issue with locking up big recruits who give us a verbal and then sign elsewhere
* HS talent isn't limited to a handful of geographic areas, two of which (315/585/607 and Westchester/Rockland) where we had a history and a home filed advantage.
* There are many more schools that kids can go to than 10-20 years ago. A number of kids are going to choose to go someplace they have a chance to play immediately than go to SU and a few other schools and sit for a year, or two years ...
* Your school is as expensive as many of your competitors, but it's not as well-located and the endownment is smaller.
* Kids who would struggle to afford your school used to be SOL in terms of options; kids this decade could play for national titles at Albany and Penn State and leave tens of thousands of dollars in their parents pockets, or avoid years of debt.
* There's essentially NO diversity in your coaching staff; everyone is a product of the Syracuse area. You don't have decent ties to other programs/states that other programs have (someone will try "Rogers coached in Ohio," but that's it. Maryland's OC is connected to more places than SU's entire staff.

How much of this came out in the P-S story? Not. Very. Much.

It's useful to hear what people with connections/ownership stakes think. It would be enlightening to hear from a coach at a high school that used to have an SU pipeline -- why don't you send kids to SU anymore? You don't get any of that insight if you just talk to guys who are not only sons of the SU program, but who were incredibly successful there -- Dom Fin was AA x3 here, but he's not watching the lax program a whole lot while he's runing the trading floor at a Wall Street equities firm 25 years after graduation. Of *course* he's gonna say everything's fine.

Good reporters effectively use unnamed sources all the time, but few stories -- including this one, if done right -- stand strictly on unnamed sources. They go into a stew that includes named sources and data and public records, and you're measuring that stuff against what others might have told you.. Simply dismissing them out of hand is cutting off your nose to spite your face -- you end up with one-dimensional dreck like the original piece here, or ... nothing (pay close attention to coverage about your favorite NFL team; stuff about personnel decisions and the draft and things not being hunky-dory doesn't happen without unnamed sources). We're not giving people carte blanche to fire away -- the reporter understands if he's been doing the job for a while whether a person is capable of commenting on something or not, what a person's "agenda" might be -- many people don't have them, somebody like a retired coach might well be flattered to be asked. What agenda would Starsia have?

It would be invaluable to know how other programs recruit *against* SU, how SU is viewed elsewhere. Is it the title drought? Is it the weather? Is it that the coaching staff is older than your parents? The only way you get that is from someone you can't name. You don't get that from your own guys.

You kind of went for the shiny thing and skipped the meat.

There are a multiple reasons this program isn't what it used to be; you can tell that just by reading this board. Some are somewhat controllable, others require the staff to make adjustments. People with a decent knowledge of the realities know, for example,
* There's an issue with locking up big recruits who give us a verbal and then sign elsewhere
* HS talent isn't limited to a handful of geographic areas, two of which (315/585/607 and Westchester/Rockland) where we had a history and a home filed advantage. The '83 team was basically Onondaga County plus Tim Nelson.
* There are many more schools that kids can go to than 10-20 years ago. A number of kids are going to choose to go someplace they have a chance to play immediately than go to SU and a few other schools and sit for a year, or two years ...
* Your school is as expensive as many of your competitors, but it's not as well-located and the endownment is smaller.
* Kids who would struggle to afford your school used to be SOL in terms of options; kids this decade could play for national titles at Albany and Penn State and (and maybe UMass in the near future) leave tens of thousands of dollars in their parents pockets, or avoid years of debt.
* There's essentially NO diversity in your coaching staff; everyone is a product of the Syracuse area. You don't have decent ties to other programs/states that other programs have (someone will try "Rogers coached in Ohio," but that's it. Maryland's OC is connected to more places than SU's entire staff.

How much of this came out in the P-S story? Not. Very. Much. We got a one-dimensional story that said exactly what anyone here could have predicted.

It's useful to hear what people with connections/ownership stakes think. It would be enlightening to hear from a coach at a high school that used to have an SU pipeline -- why don't you send kids to SU anymore? You don't get any of that insight if you just talk to guys who are not only sons of the SU program, but who were incredibly successful there -- Dom Fin was AA x3 here, but he's not watching the lax program a whole lot while he's running the trading floor at a Wall Street equities firm and raising kids and whatever else he's doing 25 years after graduation. Of *course* he's gonna say everything's fine.

Hearing from some transfers, or kids who were expected to come here would also be valuable. It's too soon to get Wisnauskas or the kid from Texas who just left, but what about the younger Maltz kid, or Ferrigan?Maybe with the latter, it's as simple as the guys ahead of him were better, but why did a kid whose dad and brother loved the place want to play in College Park. And you're not just gonna get, nor are you looking for, negatives. These kids saw something good enough about SU to have it on the short list.

What does Chuck Wilber think? He might know the program as well as anyone who wasn't directly involved -- good and bad.

Finally, good reporters effectively use unnamed sources all the time, but few stories -- including this one, if done right -- stand strictly on unnamed sources. They go into a stew that includes named sources and data and public records, and you're measuring that stuff against what others might have told you.. Simply dismissing them out of hand is cutting off your nose to spite your face -- you end up with one-dimensional dreck like the original piece here, or ... nothing (pay close attention to coverage about your favorite NFL team; stuff about personnel decisions and the draft and things not being hunky-dory doesn't happen without unnamed sources). We're not giving people carte blanche to fire away -- the reporter understands if he's been doing the job for a while whether a person is capable of commenting on something or not, what a person's "agenda" might be -- many people don't have them, somebody like a retired coach might well be flattered to be asked. John Galloway's perspective could be valuable -- he's seen the best and the not so best, but it won't be honest if his name is associated with it.

It would be invaluable to know how other programs recruit *against* SU, how SU is viewed elsewhere. Is it the title drought? Is it the weather? Is it that the coaching staff is older than your parents? The only way you get that is from someone you can't name. You don't get that from your own guys.
Good points. I would love to get a perspective from a former commit or any player who considered SU on why they changed their mind or chose elsewhere. Or even high profile recruits whom SU wasn’t even on their radar as to why we weren’t considered. Their insights might answer a lot of questions we’ve had on this thread and board in general as to why our recruiting has fallen off. Beardsley did mention one player said SU is old and stale. Does he mean the Syracuse Lacrosse brand? Living off past glories? The coaching staff? Style of play?

I kind of did a :rolleyes: with the Dom Fin quote regarding Desko & staff: “That (making a change) would be the worst thing they did out there. That would be a catastrophe." A “catastrophe”... really? A catastrophe for me would be 5 more years of the status quo with the same folk leading them.
Geez, would not want to go to an escape room with some and try to solve any puzzle. No great mystery here, most perceived issues has been covered here ad nauseam. Dont need a modern day Woodward (if one exists today) to meet deep throat in an underground garage for answers nor another cnn journalist of the year spinning half truths from anonymous sources recycling a old storyline with new actors. Recall that starting back in 2007 when program had collapsed under Desko never to recover before he and program went on to win a couple of more championships. Maybe that sequel repeats aided by our guardians at the gate.
This question recently posed was if this team was one alpha away from FF and a possible natty . All several who answered (thank you for doing so) did so affirmatively which leads me to believe that the underlying assessment of the current team is quite good despite the complaints about recruiting, which is either an exaggerated fault or Desko is one great coach in making chicken out of chicken feathers. The sightings of Donahue and Rogers at hs fields close and far and tourneys must be a mistake. Guess they'll just have to wear Orange wear or carry clipboards so their presence is better known to naysayers.
Checking on the hometowns of those missing offensive alphas on AA lists , none from CNY warm bed which needs its own revitalization --grateful for Trimboli and Mellen sticking around .Those AA come mostly from Maryland, PA, LI, NJ . Many stayed close to home--- grateful to Curry, Lipka , Buttermore, Phaup coming up here not to mention Solomon, Dordevic and several Texans looking us up since Cuse doesn't venture beyond a radius, those field scouts and many ex players know so little --- so surmising best for direct recruiting to be more aggressive in LI, Canada and with Native areas --because every player there is a Thompson about to happen and how can we ever forget those misses.
Returning to NY and lamenting Fields and Ierlan. They were ranked but both received no offer from any d1 program. During that time Cuse recruited higher ranked players who had offers elsewhere but never did much here. Evans was #1 prospect in country . I too wish that I had bought certain stocks and passed on some others but damn my advisor for not knowing.

Academics, degrees, tuitions, financial aid, endowments, job post college opportunities have all been covered. Return phone calls? Perhaps a now unemployed Mueller can subpoena phone records. My guess is Desko and staff are old school gentleman who dont believe in the dishonesty of overselling or pampering and somehow still believe that a commitment is a commitment . Different times where kids not only like to be massaged and stroked but also where every c family shops for maximum advantage to willing poachers. Gonna have to adapt . Decomitts? Yell rebel yell but let's face facts, not losing them to anyone. If Lax gets you into an Ivy you go. Chris Gray be perfect fit, he"d star and love it here while getting a fairly good education. Just one problem, he's leaving BU to better his academics, hopefully he wants to be a broadcaster someday.

Close, so close.

Gray is a needed alpha that could put us over the top but his arrival seems unlikely. Winaskaus was step down from one so damn him for going home. Does Desko at least get bonus points for recruiting him before others instead of abuse for not rushing ? Similarly damn Yale admissions for somehow getting Gaudet in. These are the breaks in a competitive arena. Where is Cuse advantag when comparing of the total package to the Ivies, near Ivies as well as other ACC teams we compete with ?
Geez, would not want to go to an escape room with some and try to solve any puzzle. No great mystery here, most perceived issues has been covered here ad nauseam. Dont need a modern day Woodward (if one exists today) to meet deep throat in an underground garage for answers nor another cnn journalist of the year spinning half truths from anonymous sources recycling a old storyline with new actors. Recall that starting back in 2007 when program had collapsed under Desko never to recover before he and program went on to win a couple of more championships. Maybe that sequel repeats aided by our guardians at the gate.
This question recently posed was if this team was one alpha away from FF and a possible natty . All several who answered (thank you for doing so) did so affirmatively which leads me to believe that the underlying assessment of the current team is quite good despite the complaints about recruiting, which is either an exaggerated fault or Desko is one great coach in making chicken out of chicken feathers. The sightings of Donahue and Rogers at hs fields close and far and tourneys must be a mistake. Guess they'll just have to wear Orange wear or carry clipboards so their presence is better known to naysayers.
Checking on the hometowns of those missing offensive alphas on AA lists , none from CNY warm bed which needs its own revitalization --grateful for Trimboli and Mellen sticking around .Those AA come mostly from Maryland, PA, LI, NJ . Many stayed close to home--- grateful to Curry, Lipka , Buttermore, Phaup coming up here not to mention Solomon, Dordevic and several Texans looking us up since Cuse doesn't venture beyond a radius, those field scouts and many ex players know so little --- so surmising best for direct recruiting to be more aggressive in LI, Canada and with Native areas --because every player there is a Thompson about to happen and how can we ever forget those misses.
Returning to NY and lamenting Fields and Ierlan. They were ranked but both received no offer from any d1 program. During that time Cuse recruited higher ranked players who had offers elsewhere but never did much here. Evans was #1 prospect in country . I too wish that I had bought certain stocks and passed on some others but damn my advisor for not knowing.

Academics, degrees, tuitions, financial aid, endowments, job post college opportunities have all been covered. Return phone calls? Perhaps a now unemployed Mueller can subpoena phone records. My guess is Desko and staff are old school gentleman who dont believe in the dishonesty of overselling or pampering and somehow still believe that a commitment is a commitment . Different times where kids not only like to be massaged and stroked but also where every c family shops for maximum advantage to willing poachers. Gonna have to adapt . Decomitts? Yell rebel yell but let's face facts, not losing them to anyone. If Lax gets you into an Ivy you go. Chris Gray be perfect fit, he"d star and love it here while getting a fairly good education. Just one problem, he's leaving BU to better his academics, hopefully he wants to be a broadcaster someday.

Close, so close.

Gray is a needed alpha that could put us over the top but his arrival seems unlikely. Winaskaus was step down from one so damn him for going home. Does Desko at least get bonus points for recruiting him before others instead of abuse for not rushing ? Similarly damn Yale admissions for somehow getting Gaudet in. These are the breaks in a competitive arena. Where is Cuse advantag when comparing of the total package to the Ivies, near Ivies as well as other ACC teams we compete with ?

I don't think most people are blaming Desko for Wisnauskas deciding to go Maryland with his gf. I do think people question him not playing as a true frosh especially with a pretty weak attack unit. Would that have made a difference in him transferring? Who knows but it may have made the decision a whole lot harder.

As for Gaudet I have to 100% disagree. He noted in an interview that SU simply stopped communicating with him even after he reached out a few times itself. When he finally got ahold of Desko and told him he was thinking of flipping to Yale, Dekso told him "If I got an offer from Yale I would go there to." Even if its true who the hell says that as the HC of a team the player is committed to? I know your a big fan of the staff but there's no way to spin that positively.

Bottom line is that we (the program) has to get better in all facets. Team clearly has talent were not Siena or Dartmouth but we have slipped from where we were and bad patterns are starting to develop. Recruiting needs an uptick clearly and after years of using transfers to supplement we have been very quiet on the transfer front the last 2 off-seasons. Whether its Gray or not we should absolutely try and pursue a transfer attackmen if he has the skill and is interested in Syracuse. The main issue affecting Desko currently isn't this years failure in the tournament its the accumulation of or really the lack of success since the Title in 09. 1 Final four appearance in 11 year isn't going to cut it for Syracuse, full stop. We can all sit here and argue about transfers, Ivy league teams (that whole argument to me is ludicrous), the rise of teams like PSU and Yale, Tuition and Endowments etc. The bottom line is SU has had multiple good to great teams that have underachieved the last decade and some that probably over achieved ie 2013 and probably this years team to some extent. 2020 recruiting class looks like it has some very interesting players coming in despite losing so many high end guy to transfers this fall. We need the staff to get out there and hustle up a few more commits and look to solve the attack issue heading into next year.

IF we can do that and figure out this new issue of blowing late leads that has suddenly popped up the past two years we will have every chance to make a desperately needed run the next two years. If we don't there is going to be a new coach on the hill in two years.
I don't think most people are blaming Desko for Wisnauskas deciding to go Maryland with his gf. I do think people question him not playing as a true frosh especially with a pretty weak attack unit. Would that have made a difference in him transferring? Who knows but it may have made the decision a whole lot harder.

As for Gaudet I have to 100% disagree. He noted in an interview that SU simply stopped communicating with him even after he reached out a few times itself. When he finally got ahold of Desko and told him he was thinking of flipping to Yale, Dekso told him "If I got an offer from Yale I would go there to." Even if its true who the hell says that as the HC of a team the player is committed to? I know your a big fan of the staff but there's no way to spin that positively.

Bottom line is that we (the program) has to get better in all facets. Team clearly has talent were not Siena or Dartmouth but we have slipped from where we were and bad patterns are starting to develop. Recruiting needs an uptick clearly and after years of using transfers to supplement we have been very quiet on the transfer front the last 2 off-seasons. Whether its Gray or not we should absolutely try and pursue a transfer attackmen if he has the skill and is interested in Syracuse. The main issue affecting Desko currently isn't this years failure in the tournament its the accumulation of or really the lack of success since the Title in 09. 1 Final four appearance in 11 year isn't going to cut it for Syracuse, full stop. We can all sit here and argue about transfers, Ivy league teams (that whole argument to me is ludicrous), the rise of teams like PSU and Yale, Tuition and Endowments etc. The bottom line is SU has had multiple good to great teams that have underachieved the last decade and some that probably over achieved ie 2013 and probably this years team to some extent. 2020 recruiting class looks like it has some very interesting players coming in despite losing so many high end guy to transfers this fall. We need the staff to get out there and hustle up a few more commits and look to solve the attack issue heading into next year.

IF we can do that and figure out this new issue of blowing late leads that has suddenly popped up the past two years we will have every chance to make a desperately needed run the next two years. If we don't there is going to be a new coach on the hill in two years.

spot on
-Perhaps but homesick is homesick and there is a story behind.
-Hearsay and I would have said same to kid as I have to others including Ierlan
-Different generation, ways, likes and priorities. Yes, needs to be adapted to however unnatural it comes
-Fan of stability, competence, fine-tuning , results and body of work counts, some seats rightfully warm
- Recall those hot coaches that we yearned who are no longer mentioned.
- Forget not 9-3 after all the negative preseason projections, unc was inconsequential here until it was not.
-Argument could be made we overachieved while Cornell, Lehigh, JHU, Denver and others underachieved
-Landscape has changed yet talk is about past ad nauseam, alot of historical struggling as much or more
-All agree we need an alpha, easier said than done when backyard pickings are slim.
-Others have inherent advantages that have been discussed but rather dismissed if truth be told,
-We had several good comebacks that are contrary to narrative.
-3 late blown leads may be as simple as refs (uva) ,defending inverts (uva,unc) motivation (unc) tiring fogos (unc loyola) , opposing alpha (Loyola) . Some within control.
-Finding fault is rather easy but can be misplaced. Change can be good, change can be disastrous
-Progress seen, more progress expected . My take is let it play out
Geez, would not want to go to an escape room with some and try to solve any puzzle. No great mystery here, most perceived issues has been covered here ad nauseam. Dont need a modern day Woodward (if one exists today) to meet deep throat in an underground garage for answers nor another cnn journalist of the year spinning half truths from anonymous sources recycling a old storyline with new actors. Recall that starting back in 2007 when program had collapsed under Desko never to recover before he and program went on to win a couple of more championships. Maybe that sequel repeats aided by our guardians at the gate.
This question recently posed was if this team was one alpha away from FF and a possible natty . All several who answered (thank you for doing so) did so affirmatively which leads me to believe that the underlying assessment of the current team is quite good despite the complaints about recruiting, which is either an exaggerated fault or Desko is one great coach in making chicken out of chicken feathers. The sightings of Donahue and Rogers at hs fields close and far and tourneys must be a mistake. Guess they'll just have to wear Orange wear or carry clipboards so their presence is better known to naysayers.
Checking on the hometowns of those missing offensive alphas on AA lists , none from CNY warm bed which needs its own revitalization --grateful for Trimboli and Mellen sticking around .Those AA come mostly from Maryland, PA, LI, NJ . Many stayed close to home--- grateful to Curry, Lipka , Buttermore, Phaup coming up here not to mention Solomon, Dordevic and several Texans looking us up since Cuse doesn't venture beyond a radius, those field scouts and many ex players know so little --- so surmising best for direct recruiting to be more aggressive in LI, Canada and with Native areas --because every player there is a Thompson about to happen and how can we ever forget those misses.
Returning to NY and lamenting Fields and Ierlan. They were ranked but both received no offer from any d1 program. During that time Cuse recruited higher ranked players who had offers elsewhere but never did much here. Evans was #1 prospect in country . I too wish that I had bought certain stocks and passed on some others but damn my advisor for not knowing.

Academics, degrees, tuitions, financial aid, endowments, job post college opportunities have all been covered. Return phone calls? Perhaps a now unemployed Mueller can subpoena phone records. My guess is Desko and staff are old school gentleman who dont believe in the dishonesty of overselling or pampering and somehow still believe that a commitment is a commitment . Different times where kids not only like to be massaged and stroked but also where every c family shops for maximum advantage to willing poachers. Gonna have to adapt . Decomitts? Yell rebel yell but let's face facts, not losing them to anyone. If Lax gets you into an Ivy you go. Chris Gray be perfect fit, he"d star and love it here while getting a fairly good education. Just one problem, he's leaving BU to better his academics, hopefully he wants to be a broadcaster someday.

Close, so close.

Gray is a needed alpha that could put us over the top but his arrival seems unlikely. Winaskaus was step down from one so damn him for going home. Does Desko at least get bonus points for recruiting him before others instead of abuse for not rushing ? Similarly damn Yale admissions for somehow getting Gaudet in. These are the breaks in a competitive arena. Where is Cuse advantag when comparing of the total package to the Ivies, near Ivies as well as other ACC teams we compete with ?

I'm in no way related to the Ierlans...

It's astounding that folks on this board continue to misrepresent TD Ierlan's quality in high school.

To say a two time All American AGR player of the year didn't have Div I offers is absurd.

FFS, please stop with this nonsense.
Teams having interest and making offers are different, ie Towson had some interest but offered another. Be glad to learn of all the offers he declined to attend Albany . Nice bright hard working kid , a future HOF.
Can't go wrong at Yale
Competition for playing time is not a bad thing, whether its Joe Potential versus Dedicated Senior or Dedicated Senior versus Dedicated Senior. The best player should play, regardless of whether they are an upperclassmen or not. Matt Lane is a perfect example of Joe Potential and Dedicated Senior. He saw limited time as a shooter on man-up and we kept waiting for him to show us something else as he got older - what we saw was him being ineffective but still garnering playing time that should have gone to someone else. In my opinion, Jordan Evans should have never saw the field that first season - he wasn't ready and not simply because he wore #22, but because he was slow and the game was moving faster than he was.

Our motto is head, heart and hustle - we need our team to buy back into that motto. Playing with your head - not turning the ball over, making the extra pass; playing with heart - playing with and for those other guys on the sideline that are going into battle with you; hustling - working harder, wanting it more than the guy opposite you on the field and the guy above or below you on the depth chart.
How about Griffin Cook. Lost most of the time in many games. Joe potential if I ever saw one. Evans is another example. Red shirt both in my opinion. Agree that whoever plays better in practices ought to play in games. I have my doubts about a lot of playing time for hs players with overblown reputations. I also doubt that Cook and Evans were the best alternatives in the game situations they entered. Both are good players with potential, but ready for prime time, I'm not sure.
To be completely honest, I like some of the things we’ve done with recruiting. I like that we are able to find the hidden gems across the country, and things like that. But what is most disappointing to me is some of these top rated kids (top 10) aren’t even considering us just because I don’t believe we are as aggressive and energetic on the recruiting trail as some of these competitor institutions. Half the time we don’t even reach out. That combined with the fact that we miss some very quality local guys just because we aren’t as enthusiastic or interested as others. Reeves, Ierlan bros, Thompson’s, Fletcher, and many others I believe could all fall under the category of guys that we just weren’t too interested in/recruited “lazily” if you will
To be completely honest, I like some of the things we’ve done with recruiting. I like that we are able to find the hidden gems across the country, and things like that. But what is most disappointing to me is some of these top rated kids (top 10) aren’t even considering us just because I don’t believe we are as aggressive and energetic on the recruiting trail as some of these competitor institutions. Half the time we don’t even reach out. That combined with the fact that we miss some very quality local guys just because we aren’t as enthusiastic or interested as others. Reeves, Ierlan bros, Thompson’s, Fletcher, and many others I believe could all fall under the category of guys that we just weren’t too interested in/recruited “lazily” if you will
I was wondering the other day if Desko ever reached out to Brennan O'Neill either before or after his commitment/decommitment to PSU. Also, I can't remember the last time they had a player from St A's or Chaminade.
How about Griffin Cook. Lost most of the time in many games. Joe potential if I ever saw one. Evans is another example. Red shirt both in my opinion. Agree that whoever plays better in practices ought to play in games. I have my doubts about a lot of playing time for hs players with overblown reputations. I also doubt that Cook and Evans were the best alternatives in the game situations they entered. Both are good players with potential, but ready for prime time, I'm not sure.

I actually thought Cook came in clutch a few times this season. He had 2 goals and an assist late in the fourth quarter against Rutgers to put the game away, with one of those dodging against a long pole. Also had a nice goal dodging against a pole late in the Army game. I feel like I could count on one hand the amount of times Evans dodged and scored strait up against a long pole on a legitimate team. Cook is much quicker even with the size disadvantage. He also has shown some solid vision and is good at keeping his head up while dodging.

The real weakness for him appears to be finishing his shots. He got stuffed too many times this year around the crease and also telegraphed his location on a few outside shots, making it easy for goalies to get the save. The potential seems there more than it was with Evans. A problem with shooting seems easier to overcome than a problem with speed/quickness, which really held Evans back throughout his time here, even as he improved and developed in other areas.
Teams having interest and making offers are different, ie Towson had some interest but offered another. Be glad to learn of all the offers he declined to attend Albany . Nice bright hard working kid , a future HOF.
Can't go wrong at Yale

I don't know what other schools offered Ierlan; I never hear of offers other kids turn down in recruiting because I'm not involved in it.

Kid committed to Albany the summer before his junior year. Maybe he didn't want to get left without a seat at the table since many of his contemporaries committed as 8th & 9th graders.

Maybe he was pitched by other programs after his junior AA season but there wasn't enough cash to make it cheaper than Albany...who knows?

Your post said he didn't have any D1 offers. I doubt that. Even after reading a US lacrosse article from 2017 that says he was turned down by schools that showed interest when he wanted to commit after his sophomore year.

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